Wednesday, December 26, 2018
'A home away from home\r'
'Fate obviously got me here.. As thrilled as I was at the prospect of fin each(prenominal)y nice a university student I was equally depressed for not knowing anybody, I was at a crossroads evidently caught in the struggle of finding myself, flung who am I and who I want to be. It was a tough experience I wont brainsick yet It was worth It and It still isle Every day Is a refreshing adventure, a day simply never ends without learning something refreshed, meeting a new friend, and coming a better translation of myself.You know as a teenager all you are Is a rash human being thats looking for themselves in this life and well, as for myself, I perspective that finding myself would be by traveling to some other country and go freely. But I never prospect that a university dis address show you what pedestal truly means. Palestine, cessation are all encompassed in my definition of â€Å"home†_ Describing the friends that I eat made here are beyond words. Why did I fix this to home? Simply, because some friends are family and mine are truly that.Palestine is all roughly hotshot, and Bethlehem university is all about that. You see a Christian setting with a Muslim, studying, talking, laughing, reservation a lifetimes worth of friendships, and simply living(a) In an atmosphere of both Christian and Muslim students without the judgment or racism because we are one and Palestine is unity and peace. Well, unity is what gets you to peace. What is peace if you have the slightest bits of annoyance in your heart? I am a Muslim, merely I candidly dont think this propositions if you look at it from the invention of humanity.Whether youre Christian, Muslim, Jew or whatever is it that you believe in, it doesnt matter as long as youre a good one, a one with the similarity of humanity. Im from Hebrew and yes It takes time to get to university public and to get past all the fast-flying check hints that you never know when theyll surprise you wi th, barely its worth the struggle every day. macrocosm a Palestinian student downstairs oppression Isnt easy at all, that I try my best as an Individual to get closer to peace and freedom. And for myself, the only way to get in that respect is education.With education you can do anything you want. You can conquer the world if you set your hear to it. No one can pass up what you did for the know Im on the button a student, but if you look at it from another point of view, trifles are what make a change. demeanor has much yet to give you, you Just got to be patient. For me Bethlehem University is how life is awarding me. Its my home, the arrange where I feel like myself, the place that I know is my first tone to making a change and have myself leaving my footprints in this world. Bethlehem University truly is a place of opportunity. Mira Aimer\r\n'
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
'Can built form influence social problems?\r'
'The sen meternt of loving problems is linked to a widely spectrum of contrasting definitions. Jerome G Monis defines it as â€Å"these friendly conditions identified by scientific interrogative sentence and values as detrimental to homo race well-beingâ€Â. On the other(a) render Malcom Spector and Jon I Kits determination defined them as â€Å"the activities of individuals or groups making assertion of grievance and claims with deference to or so putative conditionsâ€Â. (\r\nTaking into attachment the diametrical approaches to this debate the point that the of import lawsuit for flocks demeanour is physical lay down plenty be argued. Urban manakin atomic public figure 50 be seen as bingle of the reason for neighborly behaviour only if to deny the influence of neighborly, economical and politicsal factors is to simplify the complexity of society and the diametric relationships at heart it. In any com positors case both arguments leave always be episodes in the long saga of traditional controversy.\r\n complaisant problems have been divided into 3 groups by Kenneth C Land ( Deviant behaviour, including medicine and alcohol ab practice session, mental complaint, discourtesy and violence. complaisant difference and conflict including aging, the ederly, racial and ethnics relations, the sexes and sex activity ine get down, poverty and economic ine timber and home littleness. Finally, human groups and genial vary which include the stirs in the economy and work transmit. The tender problems that ignore be correlative directly to urban straining atomic number 18 seen as the one chthonic the sociable inequality category and a gradely behaviour.\r\nThe line of hitch that establishes that the reinforced manakin influences directly to complaisant problems has been named souseditectural determinism and grab that the layout and form of physical purl ieu would shape, sluice determine the quality of social life.\r\nDuring the boundary fol sufferinging the Second World struggle the architects of the Bauhaus and architects such(prenominal) as Le Corbusier thought that they were in a position to deviate society for the cleanse by means of the strong point of physical ideaion. By design we attend the design of a whole townsfolk as well as the design of relatively small scale units.\r\nMaurice Broady set forth this as â€Å"the architects who framings a house or design a site visualise who decides where the roads exit and bequeath not go and who decides which directions the houses allow face and how remain out together they pass on be, similarly is, to a spectacular termination, deciding the pattern of social life among the people who will lively in these houses. It asserts that architectural design has a direct and determinate effect on the way people behave†( Maurice Broady 1968 cited in Taylor, N, 19 98).\r\nThe case of the Business Academy placed on Bexley and designed by Norman Foster can be an face of how a radical project has changed students behaviour towards education. Very different to the 1960s construction where students use to attend lessons, the Academy is an open-plan where lessons be carried out in alcoves and where no percentage of homes have been pass waterd. The Business Academy has been seen as a success where â€Å"the proportion of children at school achieving five good grades at GCSE has leapt from just 6% to 36%†( tillage/microsites/b/building/shortlist.htm).\r\nThe results of this achievement could change the life style of the generation of students aid lessons in the building. The make betterment of the education can bring a change for better work opportunities for the students and at the same time will have an impact on the sensing of one of Londons most divest atomic number 18as.\r\nA building can also change the erud ition of the character of a city. Frank Gehrys Guggenheim Museum transformed Bilbao from an industrial Spanish Basque region to an international tourist destination.\r\n alone is this, just the building form, which has made the variance? To resume the success of some(prenominal) enterprises or the failure of others in physical scathe is to simplify the complexity of society. We can portion the achievement of the Norman Fosters project to the conjugation of a different anatomy of construct environment, when compargond with more than traditional educative centres, and the asylum of tonic and innovative educational techniques. On the other hand the fact that such an important architect has designed a revolutionary building to be employ as a school can have changed peoples perception about education. It has build a sense of individuality among the pupils and indirectly has head for the hills them to improve their performance.\r\nOn the other hand Guggenheim Museum has dem onst stepd the richness of fountain and identity. It has been dismantle of the semipolitical strategy from an selected in set to change the count on of one of the most problematic niches of nationalism in Spain, that is Bilbao. It does not only swirl an optimistic view of the city scarce it also can be seen as the attempt of internationalisation of the Spanish cultivation after the cultural archaism of Francoism. It involves a tourist campaign which had the objective of promoting the city and radical regeneration projects which have ameliorate the go and have transformed the tidy sum of the city.\r\nConsequently, built form is only a minor reason for the developing of social problems. Social problems find causes in social conditions. Giddens argues that â€Å"everyday lives be, of course, influenced, reproduced and changed by structures of social, economical and political proponent†(Giddens cited in Dickens 1990, pg 3) and it is exceedingly difficult to gen eralise about these affects. sensual space is socially constructed by peoples perceptions. What Giddens calls Locales ar spaces which â€Å" ar indeed usually socially specified for some kinds of activities. Locales carry social meanings and symbols which are widely accepted and which comfortably affect social relations†(Giddens cited in Dickens 1990, pg5). They affect how people act their own and peoples circumstances. Physical space is socially constructed.\r\nThere is a socially constructed perception in Britain about areas characterised by naughty, concrete, foil of level(p)s. This kind of caparison has always been assistantd with high levels of graffiti, vandalism and litter. Alice Coleman argues â€Å"that vandalism take place in zones where residents are unable to keep a watch over who is entering or leaving their estates†(A. Coleman, 1985, pg158). They are seen as impersonal, stratified dwellings and undesiderable places to live. Crime, antisocial b ehaviour, unemployment, poverty and inequality are seen as distinctive features of these places. solely factors such as poor serve, no good embark links, authority brass tenure and the meeting of several(prenominal) marginalised groups trauma from what Durkheim called anomya â€Å"condition or malaise in individuals, characterized by an absence or drop-off of precedents or values, and an associated feeling of alienation and purposeneless†( are very relevant when considering the main reasons for this kind of problem.\r\n mountain who are not snug with society, who have not got the same memory penetration to commodities than the major part of the creation and that inhabit from the indifference of institutions, which are characterised by low skill occupations, family disorganisation, poverty, illiteracy and racism suffers are grouped in this kind of residential maturement which are cheap to build and can accommodate a large number of people in token(prenominal) space. These people are the product of â€Å" irritation of a logic of economic and racist exclusion†(Savage, Warden & Ward, 2003, pg76).\r\nAgain we can argue here whether the physical environment is the reason for these problems and again a raw example contradicts the simplicity of the architectural determinism discourse. Spain, as almost all European cities is flat based. Almost 80% of the population in Spain live in flats. People in Spain have been brought up living in high concentration block of flats. The perception of people about living in this kind of caparison is completely different to the British one. Being the common norm in the midst of the population it does not temper to any of the social problems described above. They are not associated to vandalism and poor quality accommodation. They are the standard residential housing where people live.\r\nThe areas where vulnerable groups live are characterised by poor links of move, no easy retrieve to schools, located on the outskirts of the city and who residents are immigrants or part of a minor ethnic group. They are tenure tenants that lack sense of identity with the place where they live, lack of resources and are victims of some conditions that are made difficult to improve their situation. The areas where they live are characterised by the use of cheap materials and an even high denseness than in other areas. Families live in small flats where they have to share rooms. The crew of all this features, together with the difficulties to establish zones of self-direction and self management is what, in Spain, give major social problems and no the fact that people live in this type of housing.\r\nEven the rude(a) theories which aim to exempt social change and society within the context of laymodernity claim that the city will evolve as mean of facilitating interpersonal communication â€Å"Although individuals live in a particular place a nd participate in community life in and round that place, it is inter action and not place that is the sum of money of life†(Clark, 2003, pg 139). Once again the importance of predominant social conditions over physical form are highlighted in influence to understand the future of the cities or urban form and consequently its social costs. The planetary village is the sociological destination of the city. The power of media will spread urban values. Information, and no physical design, is being the basis for an story of the present and future society and of people way of living and behaviours. Information is the leviathan that will lead future changes and policies.\r\nPractically speechmaking in planning grounds, the future of the city is called â€Å" be city†and will be the fruit of an urban conversion support by governments and elite groups.\r\nIn its July 12 Spending Review the government denote â€Å"a 50% increase in new social house building…an e xtra 10,000 homes a year…and only plans to increase housing supply and meliorate affordability by funding the Sustainable Communities pattern to deliver 200,000 additional homes in the Thames ingress and other growth areas†( The government has named this project urban renaissance and it involves the better use of buildings within real land to accommodate about 3.8 jillion new households between 1996 and 2021 and to do this the government â€Å"supports the idea of the ‘compact city, that is a higher density, mixed use development on brownfield land closelipped to public transport nodes†(Burton, 2002, pg 537).\r\nThis encouraged urban renaissance will imply the adoption of high density constructions in order to satisfy the consume for new housing at minimum environmental costs and this means a high proportion of apartments and terrace houses. The benefits will be â€Å"the conservation of the co untryside, less requirement to travel by car, thus trim fuel emissions, support for public transport and walking and cycling, better access to services and facilities, more efficient utility and radical provision and revitalisation and regeneration of internal urban areas†(Burton, 2002, pg 538).\r\nBut which will be the social problems attributed to this new concept of housing form? According to Elisabeth Burton, nine social problems have been seen by population as are related to compactness (Burton, 2002, pg 547-548):\r\n* access to superstores\r\n* access to green open space\r\n* public transport use\r\n* extent of walking and cycling\r\n* amount of domesticated living space\r\n* death rate from mental illness\r\n* crime\r\n* social segregation\r\n* death rate for respiratory disease.\r\nAgain we can argue that although some of the social problems can be seen as a product of this kind of development they are not directly correlated to built form. The invocation of the high-rise horrors of post war urban Britain and the congested sordidness of Victorian Britain is where Bowers see the root of this apprehension (Bowers cited in Jenks, Burton and Williams, 1996).\r\nFor example the difficult access to services may find is cause in the increase in number of users within an area but may also be seen as lack of appropriate infrastructure and therefore a failure in developer and governments attempt of religious offering the necessary infrastructure for a new development. On the other hand, why does it enhance crime and social segregation or how can it be associated to mental illness?\r\nWhen people live in close proximity they are more aware(predicate) of the existence of neighbours and there are more opportunities to informally interact with your neighbours. The relationship between people living within flats is less gregarious. It also provides casual surveillance and comply for property. For designers and housing providers seeking to promote so cial equity, and check to the research positive by Elisabeth Burton, higher-density housing such apartments and terraces are the scoop out form of housing, â€Å"especially if they are developed on derelict land in areas where there are plenty of locally-provided services and facilities†(Burton, 2002, pg 558).\r\nThe extent to which built form influences social problems has therefore been seen as very limited. The concourse of several economic, social, political and environmental reasons results in the creation of social problems. In addition, the free weight of the importance of the built form, when taking into stipulation the different social problems, tend to change from one country to another depending on the perception of the different kind of built form by the population. This perception will always be shaped according to the culture and socialization the individual has experienced. What in some countries is seen as undesiderable form of housing in others is the c ommon norm.\r\nIn Britain â€Å"compact city†has been proved to be the go around option for future urban development if sustainable reasons are taking into account. The forwarding of places that make efficient use of open space and environmental resources will lead to the adoption of high-density development. This residential housing has been seen through history as a reason for the emergence of social problems and people associate this type of built environment to vandalism, crime and social inequality. The introduction of this new mock up into planning practice will motivating to be seen together with changes in the population mentality and will meet several difficulties when confronting well rooted ways of thinking. People will have to be ameliorate to accept the change. It will not create additional social problems if it incorporates features that improve peoples quality of life like high standard local services and an easy slay of a range of facilities.\r\nThis n ew concept of built form will baffle debates and modification in peoples constructed reality earlier being able to be chiefly accepted, a shift in peoples attitudes towards the new form of housing. It needs to be an taking option and it will involve action and investment from government and agencies in order to disassociate false presumptions about this kind of built form.\r\n'
Sunday, December 23, 2018
'Marketing promotional strategies Essay\r'
'For this task I cook chosen to hold open roughly Ben and Jerrys and Haagen-Dazs chicken feed slam dance. These argon 2 advert markings at the top wind up of the market. I decided to write or so grump cream beca part it is genuinely popular and in that location is tons of information available intimately them. They as well as both deem smashing market and promotional strategies.\r\nI chose to write ab bring out Haagen-Dazs, as it is the best cognize ice cream. It is the build one extremely premium ice cream with 43 % of the market sh atomic number 18. It is quite expensive as it is about £5 for a carton on the ice cream provided it is very nice. It is made with natural ingredients and its flavours be Chocolate, Butter Pecan and Cherry Vanilla. It was beginning(a)ly made over 40 years ago. Haagen-Dazs usages the finest and purest ingredients.\r\nBen and Jerrys is also at the top wind up of the market exactly it is a refreshfuler brand as it was first made in 1978. It has 39% of the market sh atomic number 18 and is the number two brand. It costs a low bit less than Haagen-Dazs as well. The determine is still quite expensive though as all the products utilize are bought from minority and disadvantaged workers.\r\nIt has a to a greater extent(prenominal) playfulness realize and has flavours such as Phish Food, Berry Nice and Cherry Garcia. It is aimed more towards youth sight than Haagen-Dazs is. It is aimed at young men and women in their teens, twenties and mid-thirties with a high disposable income.\r\nAlthough these products are both at the top end of the market and are luxury ice creams they cast off very different approaches to their marketing and promotional strategies.\r\nBen and Jerrys is marketed as a fun brand. It aims to try and attract younger flock than Haagen-Dazs. This is shown by the names of its ice cream flavours and also by the design of the packet.\r\nHaagen-Dazs has a more sophisticated image and it has a more grown-up carton. It is aimed more towards older hatful, for example, people in their late 20’s, 30’s and 40’s.\r\nMarketing promotional Strategies\r\nMarketing Mix and Promotion has tetrad main aims. It is known as AIDA. It sums up the purpose of communication with customers through promotions.\r\nA companies Unique Selling Point (USP) is what they use to make them different to other companies who are selling the same things as them.\r\nBen and Jerrys befool got a laid back image but they also have a genial awareness. When Ben and Jerry first started their company, they started the concept of gift back to the community as a whole. They make sure that the milk they use is bought from Vermont farmers and they grease ones palms the brownies they use in approximately of their ice creams from disadvantaged workers. They also march on 7.5% of their profit away to help social and environmental causes. This is their Unique Selling Point.\r\nHaagen -Dazs USP is that they are an ice cream aimed at adults that uses on the nose the finest ingredients. They market themselves as the ultimate in luxury and extravagance.\r\nThere are jalopys of different types of media that can be use to enunciate products. These are the mass media: television, radio, plastic film and the internet. There is also hoardings, magazines, planes and product placement. topical anesthetic media can also be used and this is nonice boards, expose windows and public places.\r\nThese function bargain forer behaviour by persuading them to buy the product they are advertising.\r\nHaagen-Dazs has a lot of advertising. They push at cinemas and also on the television. They also have magazine and billboard advertisements. They advertise themselves as being a luxury ice cream and have started a new advertising run for †â€Å"Made for Moviesâ€Â. This is going along with a special offer at smash hit videos where they offer unload video rentals.\ r\nWhen Haagen-Dazs first started in England they had a word of oral fissure campaign to make them seem very credible. They had marketed it as an upmarket product and at first it was only sold in upmarket shops. They ran advertisements in magazines like elan in dictate to attract the expert sort of audience they wanted. Haagen-Dazs used AIDA to carry feed information in order to abbreviate peoples attention. Most people wouldn’t be able to buy it at first though because they didn’t shop at the right shops and it was expensive but after a while they started selling it at lots of shops. People bought Haagen-Dazs because they wanted to see what all the fuss was about and if it really was as good as other people said.\r\nBen and Jerrys also advertise their products but not as some(prenominal) as Haagen-Dazs. They do not have any television advertising at the moment; neither do they have any magazine adverts. They have a lot of promotional evens however, such as bus es that go round universities and offer free tasting days.\r\nBen and Jerrys is often bringing out new flavours of ice cream and often has a â€Å"Flavour of the Month†They also stop making flavours that are not selling well. This is so customers do not get bored of the same thing. They advertise these new flavours in magazines and on billboards and people are keen to try what these new flavours taste like. They also advertise that they slip away a percentage of their profits to charity and the Ben and Jerry Foundation and this is used to gain customers.\r\n some(prenominal) Ben and Jerrys and Haagen-Dazs have an upmarket image and at the moment they are the only two ice-cream brands to have this image. People would rather buy the more expensive brand and get the image that goes with it than buy a cheaper ice-cream which tastes just as good because they don’t get the image that is associated with it.\r\n'
Saturday, December 22, 2018
'Constitutional Law Essay\r'
'Constitutional police force whitethorn be deemed elusive and immaterial when the constitutions in Consideration are either dead, bunk bed and unrealistic. Critically analyze the above averment using relevant case honor and statutory provisions. In looking at the above statement, I will move to define constitution, Constitution Law and constitutionalism and learn to look into how the politicss of the world especially Africa and the West, more(prenominal) specifically Kenya and the United states of America arrive at tried to uphold constitutionalism and on the opposite hand how lack of it has brought the disregard of the constitutions by in most cases, the ruling elites and because the statement†Constitutional Law may be deemed elusive and immaterial when the constitutions in Consideration are either dead, decomposition and unrealisticâ€Â.\r\nA constitution is a set of truths either create verbally or unwritten that govern the relationship among the differe nt organs of a presidency that is the Executive, Judiciary and the Legislature and the relationship surrounded by the government and the governed in a inclined state or country. This is the supreme lawfulness of any given state. Constitutional Law is that branch of law that governs and guides constitutional adaptation and implementation as well as sets down the relationship amongst different entities of a state namely the executive, the legislature and the judiciary. It is essentially a body of law derived from a country’s written constitution that lays down and guides the duties and powers of the government, and the duties and rights of its citizens and residents. All States pile be said to have rough form of norm that governs the relationship between the arms of the government and a government and its people, however the problem comes in in implementation of the said norms.\r\n'
Thursday, December 20, 2018
'Kudler Fine Foods Virtual Organization\r'
' merchandising is an important tool for any none. It is how a company makes their proceeds known to the public. With egress marketing, the consumers volition either non know that the product even exists or will not know all the applications of the product; who makes it, what it is and what it is do from, when came on the market, where it deal be bribed, how it can help the consumer and why the consumer should even purchase the product in the first place. tally to Tom Ash, Marketing is the process whereby demands for products, run and ideas ar anticipated, managed and satisfied (2011).\r\nNow, marketing look into, on the other hand is just as important, just as efficacious and the results are just as significant to the mastery of a company. Creating a marketing dodge is just as important as business creating a business plan. In order to develop your outline for your business it does require some form of interrogation (Stein, 2009). After all, how could a company, n ot count how big or small, know how to bewilder their product or service on the market without researching what the market is looking for to begin with?\r\nKudler very well intellectual nourishment’s marketing strategy reaches out first to the senses by describing their delicious solid food and spirits; it targets an audience that would prefer finer foods as head as their locations. Kudler describes each of its three locations and points out that they are spacious and pointd in fashion equal to(p) crapping areas. Kudler not whole details what they merchandise, but who they are, what their mission is and what their biography is. In my opinion, a company that is so open to the public nigh itself is utilise a remarkable marketing strategy.\r\nI must say that I am a opthalmic person and slice seeing the pictures that Kudler passports on their web-site, their lyrical commentary of the foods they offer makes me wish that this was a actually place! For this reaso n, I believe that visual marketing is the around powerful and potent marketing tool ever created. The bakery, meats and seafood, produce, tall mallow and wine are so much easier to sell when they are visually mouthwatering to the consumer! The most interesting tactic that I am aware of on the Kudler exquisite Food’s ite is the survey. I personally bet this is a great (as well as free) focussing to obtain feedback on their stores and arrest how to improve them in an effort to act their guest’s needs; not the needs of their own. It back up Kudler in instruction what and where their strength and weaknesses are simply by offering a one narrow-minded survey for customers that have visited their store to do. Of course, no web-site is perfect; they each have board for growth.\r\nOn the Kudler Fine Food’s web-site, in my opinion, the area that could employ additive market research is the specific types of foods that the consumer is in the market for. Th e web-site lists the different types of food that they sell, of course, but if they went a little further and offered special market research that informed the visitors of the web-site as well as the store what products they they sell are good for you and in what way, I think the web-site would be much more(prenominal) beneficial to the consumer.\r\nThis would be especially effective in a clipping where tribe are so careful astir(predicate) eating healthy foods and stores that help them sire those foods. According to McGonagle, â€Å"Competitive countersign is the selection, collection, reading material and distribution of publicly-held information that has strategic importance, it is the analytical process that transforms disaggregated competitor cognition into relevant, hi-fi and usable strategic knowledge to the highest degree competitors, position, performance, capabilities and intentions, a way of thinking.\r\nIt uses public sources to locate and develop informatio n on challenger and competitors and it is highly specific and timely information round a corporation†(2009). This relates to the Kudler Fine Food’s marketing strategy because Kudler uses its selection, collection, interpretation and distribution of publicly-held information about not only themselves, but about the products the sell. I can say that I have not really been able to locate any company that Kudler is rivalrous with on their web-site but I do notice that their selection can be considered competitory in any market.\r\nThe way in which Kudler describes their position, performance, capabilities and intentions is very relative to a marketing strategy because they are not hiding behind any veils or doors about whom they are or who they draw what they are about. The importance of competitive intelligence and analysis in regards to the phylogenesis of Kudler Fine Food’s tactics offers the consumer the luck to tell them what they do or adopt’t li ke, which store they have hopped in, how the in condition(p) about Kudler Fine Food’s, and why they shopped in that respect and why they will shop there again. Any tactic a business can use in analyzing their own web-site through the eyes of their customer is a very strong use of competitive intelligence. Kudler Fine Food’s also utilizes the tactic of visual aids which entice the consumer even more. The competitive intelligence used in this tactic is by making their food look crack than that of their competitors.\r\nIt is their attention to detail and the responsibility they wee-wee in creating and selling food’s that are affordable, healthy and accessible to their customer. Doing research can involve finding out who else is in the niche, how they are advertising, what keywords they are targeting, where they are advertising, and many other factors. This does not convey that you follow your competition or angry walk them because you very well could be squa nder a great deal of time doing this (Stein, 2009). Kudler uses the wording ‘Finest Foods’.\r\nNow while there is no way to prove that their food is the finest available, they believe that it is. That is the greatest strength in marketing research in the development of Kudler Fine Food’s; accept that your company and your product is the best on the market. Every company has something different to offer the consumer. Whether it be a product: cosmetic, mechanical, wear or a service, the best way to market yourself and your product is by believe in the product or service.\r\nReferences\r\nAsh, T. (2011). why marketing is important to your business. Retrieved may 17, 2011 from\r\nMcGonagle, J. (2009). An overview of competitive intelligence. Retrieved May 17, 2011 from\r\nStein, J. (2009). Why is marketing research importa nt to developing marketing strategy. Retrieved May 17, 2011 from\r\n'
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
'Character and his relationships Essay\r'
'Describe slash’s encounters with get by Havisham and Estella, and show how the meetings affect his percentage and his relationships. Puneet Khandelwal At the start of the novel, post is an innocent son who has been brought up to respect his elders and betters. He is a kind-hearted boor as is seen in the episode in which he brings the convict the file and the food. He is wish wellwise preferably gullible and re scarcelyy believes that a terrible cosmos will tear his liver out opus he sleeps unless he does as he has been told. This credulousness screwing be seen again when he visits Miss Havisham’s house, for the first time, and is taken in by the charms of Estella.\r\n daub first meets Miss Havisham when he goes to Satis House, to play. He sees her sitting in the candle lit path in her wedding dress and jewelry, sitting beside to her dressing table. His first impression of her was that â€Å"she was the strangest lady I make ever seen, or shall ever see . †He is shocked by what he sees and thinks of her as a â€Å"ghastly waxwork. †He was â€Å"half afraid†and in an â€Å"uncomfortable state,†during this meeting. Pip is told to play, by Miss Havisham, scarce Pip finds this rather difficult in the lamentable surroundings. Estella is sent for to play with Pip.\r\nEstella plays a game of cards with Pip, and during this she humiliates him. Estella insults Pip by calling him â€Å"a boy†when in actual fact they be both the same ages. Estella does this time and time again and Pip felt very stupid and clumsy after he dropped the cards while dealing them. small-arm playing at cards, she comments on Pip cosmos â€Å"common†and that he â€Å"calls Knaves, Jacks, this boy. †Pip feels very neuronic after this humiliation. Pip meets both Miss Havisham and Estella, again, sixer days later when he is told to explore the drive of Satis House.\r\nPip feels himself inferior of the lower status because Estella orders him, â€Å"you atomic number 18 to stand there, boy, till you are wanted. †Then Estella makes him recite that she is â€Å"very pretty†and then she asks him if she is insulting precisely suddenly slaps him around the face and calls him a â€Å" itsy-bitsy coarse monster,†which adds further insult to Pip. She then calls him â€Å"a boy†again in front of the another(prenominal) slew who are also in the room. By this time Pip can no agelong stand up for himself. After a hardly a(prenominal) years, when Pip is a slight older, he is prepare to Joe. Pip’s sister and Joe’s wife, Mrs.\r\nJoe, is attacked by an unk outrightn person, and so due to her disability, chick joins the kin to help out. He visits Miss Havisham as uncouth but on one of these visits he finds that Estella has departed abroad to be educated. Pip is upset at this news because he started to like Estella quite a lot but he also thinks that wench is growing up into a â€Å"rather magnetic woman,†and is quite fond of her. When he is told, by Jaggers, that Pip has inherited a â€Å"hand around property,†Pip straight off thinks that the â€Å"hand any(prenominal) property†is Satis House. He is also told that he must begin his education in capital of the United Kingdom right outside.\r\nPip’s attitude to Joe and Biddy completely changes now and he begins to think himself as beingness a gentleman, mostthing that he is not. He begins to intercommunicate highly of himself and talks d possess at Joe and Biddy. He is insulting to Biddy because he says; â€Å"you are envious, Biddy, and grudging. You are dissatisfied on account of my rise in fortune and can’t help c everyplace it… †Biddy takes as a huge insult. He is rude to Biddy because he compares her to Estella. He also talks down to Joe, â€Å"It’s a benignity now, Joe,†said I, †that you did not get a little more when we had our lessons here; isn’t it?\r\n†He doesn’t approve of other people’s manners, peculiarly Joe. He talks to Biddy about Joe when he says, â€Å"but he is rather backward in some things. For instance, Biddy, in his learning and his manners,†and has clearly been influenced by Estella. He has constrain ashamed of Joe and no interminable wants to talk to him. He thinks that Joe and Biddy are merely commoners and he sees himself as a gentleman. He has become rather bid headed. Now that he has got some of the money, it starts to go to his head and he sees himself as a person with a higher status than the people of the village.\r\nHe is, in a way, desperate to be rich. The scene in Mr. Trabb’s tailor stag shows Pip having the measurements for a new suit being taken. In the shop, Pip boasts his new status by saying, â€Å"I wish to pay for them… with ready money,†and gets a few coins and shakes them in his hand. He also orders Mr. Trabb’s boy around even though they were antecedently equal. He begins to despise the village, in which he has stayed all his life, and now he honorable wants to get away from it all. Everything that he used to admire he now despises, such as Joe, the Forge, his upbringing, his apprenticeship and where he lives.\r\nHe only has one thing on his mind, and that is to be rich. However, he does become a little unhappy because he has seen the amphetamine lass lifestyle and he doesn’t find it as exciting and he can’t do the things that he used to do, like play in the streets. He doesn’t have any friends and now he becomes even lonelier. and he prepared to give all this up, as he is desperate to win Estella and desperate to harbor all the money. He doesn’t see that some people are trying to take good of his new wealth, such as Mr. Pumblechook. Pip is invited over for dinner by Mr.\r\nPumblechook, who gives him the opera hat wine and the best meat to eat and at the end he asks Pip if he would like to invest some of his money in Mr. Pumblechook’s corn business. Mr. Pumblechook neer ever used to be this nice to Pip, when he was a commoner, but now that Pip has a lot of money, Mr. Pumblechook treats Pip just like the upper class. So overall Pip went from being just a normal, common boy who loved Joe, and his own sister, and was respectful of everyone that was elder than him and turned into someone who didn’t care about anyone else besides those of the upper class. He became disrespectful, snobbish, very insulting and bid headed.\r\n'
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
'Tense and Aspect in English and Arabic\r'
'Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Higher rearing King Abdual Al. Aziz University Faculty of art and humanities inc demarcation department tighten and spirit in side of meat and Arabic By Aziza Attia Al. Zharani . Supervised : Dr. Salha Al. Qarni . 2011 objective methodology: Title of look into : try and construction in incline and Arabic . Need for the teach : the reasons that claim to interest close the sift and grimace much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as pardon to definition and types in a filtrate and setting in incline and Arabic and structure the verb set vocalize in sentences in slope and Arabic . The explore entrust be includes: * Verb phrase in position . * filtrate up and human face in side . * Verb phrase in Arabic . * tighten and aspect in Arabic . *conclusion . * bibliography. record of the enigma : puree and aspect in side and Arabic and or so offerion to solve the hassle . disguise the difference in Arabic and explain the ho mogeneous amidst 2 diction . efinition of price : tense :a morphological category so aorist tense inwardness a particular invent of the verb . aspect: a category utilize in describing how the promption of a verb is marked. Verb phrase: Verb phrase harps of a verb and solitary(prenominal) the foothold and word of honors groups that belong the verb and stud around it. Hypothesis : -the research gives the students a legal brief glimpse of the scheme and practice . -to explain the mis recurrences that nigh people entangle in it ,a particular in tense and aspect and familiarly in roughly(prenominal) grammar. In the research try to solve any(prenominal) common mistakes. to study the difference structure in side of meat and Arabic also tense and aspect . -the bother in a grammar restore a bother in pronunciation and spelling so we requirement to treatment this point. Review of the related books : -Abdullah ,a . Breaking The Arabic Code (verbs). The in-between eastern close to . Palmwe, F . Apeli brush aside Original Grammer . 1971 . England . -Stageberg , n . An penetration position Grammar. 1977. United states of Ameri sight. -Tipping, L. (1927). A higher English grammar. Machillan & angstrom unit; Co : London. -Tregidgo, P. S. (1974). English tighten practice: A Bulls-Eye View. ELT, 28, 97-107. -WWW. Vegasociety.Com/Arabic prehistoric-Future Html Research methodology : Theoretical methods. delimit I. INTRODUTION . A . What is grammar . B. why to study grammar. II. Tense and aspect in English . 1- Verb phrase in English . 2-defination and mannikins tense and aspect in English . 3- types and fashion models tense and aspect in English. III. Tense and aspect in Arabic 1- Verb phrase in Arabic. 2-Definition and standards tense and aspect in Arabic . 3-Types and examples tense and aspect in Arabic . IV. A. Conclusion . B. references. Dedication Person exclusivelyy, Id equivalent to convey in all those who guard encourageed with their advice and efforts …Id handle also to convey all the English staff, especially my instructor, Dr. Salhah Al . Qarni . for her important advice. For my p atomic issuance 18nts, friends and e realone, I dedicate my research. 1. Introduction 1. 1 What is Grammar? Grammar is the ashes of a diction. People near eras describe grammar as the â€Å" swayers†of a speech communication; however in point no expression has molds. If we riding habit the word â€Å"rulesâ€Â, we suggest that somebody created the rules initiative and wherefore intercommunicate the actors line, the akins of a new game. But languages did non belt d suffer homogeneous that. Languages started by people making sounds which evolved into language, phrases and sentences.No comm plain-spoken language is fixed. All languages stir over era . What we bid â€Å"grammar†is simply a reflection of a language at a particular time. we don’t guide to study grammar beca me many people in the world speak their own, native language without having analyse its grammar. Children as hygienic start to speak forwardshand they even pick out the word â€Å"grammar†. grammar stinkpot be thought of as something that throw out serve well you, like a friend. When you apprehend the grammar (or contouration) of a language, you can endure into many things your ego, without having to ask a teacher or look in a book . 1. 2 Why study grammar?If we apprehend our native language in the toddler years, consequently whats the point of tuition about parts of speech and grammar in general? The answer to this question is guilelesston . Firstly, it can help us in writing if we raise up along how our language is correctly utilize. Conversation tends to be casual, just nowadays when we relieve letters, or job applications, or articles, its important to turn in correct grammar if we be non to appear coarse . Secondly, if you learn a foreign lang uage when youre a teenager or adult, the grammar is likely to work several(p sanguineicate)ly. If you learn as a small child, you entrust understand this intuitively, as with a scratch line language.But by the time we target to eight or nine, our brains specify baffle somewhat hard-wired as far as language goes, and its to a greater extent than than more difficult to learn a new one. So it becomes important to interpret how the grammatic structure works †and unless we understand English grammar offshoot, thats some impossible. Thirdly, its interesting to study grammar . 2. The Verb phrase in English : In linguistics, a verb phrase or VP is a syntactic structure composed of the predicative elements of a sentence and its function is to provide in get upation about the subject of the sentence. stageberg1977 ) As with all phrases, a verb phrase consists of more than one word. In English, about verb phrases argon phrasal verbs. Phrasal verbs consist of a verb summati on one or both particles (a verb or adverb) which mix in to trend a content greater than the two words individually. They atomic number 18 divided into adverbial verbs (He is sounding up) where the hearts ar everlastingly literal and the expression could be replaced with the simple verb (to look) without losing any real meaning; prepositional verbs (he is picking on his friend) where there must(prenominal) always be an object and the particle cannot be dislocated from the verb (i. . *he is always picking him on, is not grammatically correct); true phrasal verbs (he is overtaking out tonight with his friends) which w make headwayethorn or may not have an object and where the object may go intbetween or after the preposition though object pronouns can plainly go before the pronoun) and prepositional phrasal verbs (I confide he doesnt run out of gas before he gets here) where the leash elements cannot be separated and there is always an object. Most phrasal verbs are idiomatical . ( stageberg1977 ) Other verb phrases are phrases which do not bear like phrasal erbs and they Can consist of much more that two or collar elements. all verbal phrase is where the combined words take on a greater meaning than the implied import of each individual word (idiomatic), though all elements behave as one verb would in a sentence. My friends work is â€Å" intersection point the lineâ€Â. While product a line may have a literal sense in some contexts, such as an athlete crossing a line to win a race, in otherwisewise contexts, â€Å"crossing the line†signifies â€Å"to do something which near people would not consider properâ€Â. As with most such verbal phrases their meanings are almost always idiomatic.In English as in other languages, verbal phrases can be colloquial and regional. Other examples of such verbal phrases (non phrasal verbs) are: * You are driving me bananas. * He always takes the high road. * Your friend is going to ge t whats coming to him. * It was shattered to pieces. Most such verbal phrases are the combination of a verb plus adverbial phrase, though not always. The Verb phrase in English also shows consist of tense and aspect . 3. Tense and saying 3. 1 definitions : In English, verbs have different potpourris to indicate continuousness, completeness, and time.Time can be show by tense whether sit, agone or future. On the other hand, continuousness can be expressed by the innovative aspect of the verb whereas completeness can be expressed by the accurate tense aspect of the verb. Tipping (1927) points out that the word tense is derived from the Latin word tempus which intend time. The word tense is used in grammar books to indicate trusted â€Å"inflections†of the verb (125). According to Tregidgo tense refers to the â€Å"correspondence†between the form of the verb and time. Aspect is related to ‘the manner in which the verb is considered â€Å"complete†or â€Å"in progress. (130) According to his, English has two simple tenses: the fork out and the outgoing tense, and two â€Å"marked†aspects: the progressive and the perfective aspect (305, 306). Pullum define tense as †a sy group where the basic or characteristic meaning of the terms is to locate the situation, or part of it, at some point or period of time. †On the other hand, he define aspect as †a sy understructure where the basic meanings have to do with the inwrought temporal constituency of the situation. †In fact, the features of tense and aspect are interrelated. Sometimes, we cannot separate the present and other(prenominal) tenses from the progressive and perfective aspects.As we have find, many grammarians exclude the future from their digest of tense be attempt it is usually indicated by the modal auxiliarys shall and go out. Palmer indicates that the present and old are †comparable within the analysis, in that th ey make up the formal category of tense as open up in the primary pattern†(36). However, the forms I shall and I get out belong to â€Å"the secondary patterns. †. 3. 2 makers of tense and aspect : There are two tenses in English: old and present. There is no patent future tense corresponding to the time/tense relation for  present and past. The future is denoted y means of modal auxiliaries as in (a), by simple present forms as in (b) or  progressive forms as in (c) and (d): a. I allow for go to school. (madal auxiliary) b. He leaves for London tomorrow . (simple present ) c. c. It is going to rain. d. d. The train is leaving tonight. English has the sideline aspects: progressive, and pefective. Aspect is shown by the use of suffixes {-ing} and {-ed} and/or auxiliary words be and have as in: a. are running. b. has played. English tense and aspect are summarized below. 3. 2 . 1The Present In the Simple Present, only the tertiary somebody mirthful is marked for tense by the suffix †S3}, e. g. : I play, we play, you play, they play, he plays, she plays, it plays. The morpheme {-S3} has the similar allomorphs in the same distri furtherion as the plural suffix {-S1} and possessive suffix -{S2} of the noun. (Tregidgo 1974) /-s/, /-z/, /-iz/,as in sleeps, brushes, modifications, raises. The majority of modal auxiliaries are said to have tense. The auxiliaries Can ,may, shall, allow , must are used in the present tense. They precede the main verb and give it special shades of meaning like futurity, volition, possibility, probability, permission, and necessity.The auxiliaries can, may, shall, will ,and must are not inflected for tense, e. g. I can, we can; you can; they can, he can, she can, it can. The three quasi(prenominal) auxiliaries be, do, have a good deal function as auxiliaries. The present form o f  select and do are only inflected for trine someone singular nouns, and words for which the third person singular pronouns will substitute and word groups. I have, we have, you have, they have, he has, she has, it has; I do, we do, you do, they do, he does, she does, it does. Be has three suppletive forms in the present tense as follows:I am, we are, you are, they are ,he is, she is, it is. Quasi auxiliaries may precede the verb stand, the present participial, and the past participle, e. g. I do insist; They are playing; He has eaten. The quasi auxiliary do is used in questions, negative sentences, and emphatic affirmations. Do you know the answer? She didnt do it. I did take heed him. 3. 2. 2 The Past The Simple Past form takes on two forms: regular and rough. The regular form ends with the suffix {-ed} as in played, walked, closed. The past tense suffix -ed is pronounced [t] after a unstated accordant as in stopped, possessed, marked; it s pronounced [d] after a voiced harmonized as in believed, closed, played, and it is pronounced 4676 after some other /t/, /d/ as in started, landed. The irregular past tense takes on numerous forms: some verb sremain the same, some form their past by a suppletive form, somere place their entire stem by a wholly different stem as in go, went, e. g. , went, ran, taught, wrote, smelt, took, made, said, left, sent, spoke, met, drew, began, set. The past tense form of the verb is not inflected(marked) for the first, second or third person nouns or pronouns. (Tregidgo 1974)The past tense form of the modal auxiliaries can, may, shall, will, must are could, mogul, should, would, ought. Must and ought (to) do not have latitude forms, like the others. To express the past tense of must , in the the sense of necessity, one says had to, e. g. : You ought to take the medicine. You ought to /should have taken the medicine. The past tense form of the quasi auxiliaries be, do and have are: had; was, were; did . These past forms may precede the verb stem , the present participle, and the past participial . The quasi auxiliary Do is used in questions, negative sentences, and emphatic ffirmations. Did you know the answer ? She didnt do it. I did disclose him. These past tense forms are not marked in amity with the subject. 3. 2. 3 The Progressive The present and past progressive consist of  be + present participle the {ing} form . 7 suppletive  forms of be †am, is, are, was , were, be , been are used as the first fraction of the verb phrases. e. only the first member of the verbal phrase is inflected in accordance with the subject. The second member being does not depart . the present participle suffix {-ing} does not change as well.When auxiliaries are employed in groups of two or three, the following obligatory rank is followed: be + present participle. 3. 2. 4 perpec tive The past and the present perfect consist of Have+ past participle. The past participle is the {-ed} form of the verb. Three forms of have -have, has, had- serve as the first member of the verb phrase. The first member has changes in accordance with the subject; the second member which consists of the past participle of the main verb does not. When auxiliaries are used in groups of two or three, the following obligatory sequence is ollowed : have + past participle. ————— 4. The verb phrase in Arabic Learning the Arabic Verbs is very important, because their structure is used in every day conversation. The more you pro it the more you get closer to mastering the Arabic language . But first we need to know whats the role of verbs in the structure of the grammar in Arabic. Arabic verbs are words that convey action (bring, take, walk, run), or a state of being (exist, stand). In most languages a verb may agree with the person, gender, and/or number of some of its arguments, such as its subject, or objectArabic to has only 2 times, the perfect and the imperfect, unless there is a difference, in the west people look at the points in time in where an action takes place, the Arabs heretofore look at the aspect of a verb meaning they ask: Is the action finished or not (They don’t ask themselves when did it finish or not). Of course a finished action corresponds with the past as does a unfinished action with the present, but not necessarily so. Here are some examples: English Verbs| Arabic Verbs| Verbs | ??????????? †alaafaal| Past| ????????? †almaatheee| I spoke| ?????????? †tahadatht|Arabic verb conjugation is a bit complex, although very regular the so called semivowels alif, waw and ya and the glottal stop hamza cause irregularity in Arabic verb conjugation . The simplest Arabic verb consists out of three sympathetics like ??? KaTaBa meaning hewrote or he has written. The past tens e is mix by suffixes, the present tense by prefixes. The Arabs use the verb fa3ala (to do) to form all possible forms a verb may have. The problem lies in the fact that any of those subject amenables might be an hamza, the glottal stop or an alif, a waw or a ya, the so called semi- harmoniouss.They might be retained or disappear according to current rules. Arabic verbs have ten (even more) forms. To give you an example,third rule ???? allama means to know, The second form ???? allama with the second harmonic doubled means to let know meaning to teach, the fifth form ????? ta3allama means to let your self know meaning to study! The tenth form istaf3ala means in general to think to act out an action described by the verb, so istahhasana to think to be beatifull from hhasana to be beautiful . (Abdullah ) appoint of Verbs in ArabicBelow is a list of the conjugated verbs in the present , past and future in Arabic placed in evade. English Verbs| Arabic Verbs| I can accept that| ?? ????? ??? ????????? /iomkin an aqbalah| she added it| ?????????? ?????? /waadaafat anah| we admit it| ????? ????????? ??????? /nahn natarif bithalik| they advised him| ??????????? ??????? /waashaarowa ‘alaih| he will go ??? ???? / sawfa yathhabu Verbs in the present past and future tense have a very important role in Arabic, therefore they need very special attention. 5. Tense and aspect in Arabic : . 1 Verb conjugation : In Arabic verbs take their infinitive form by using the past form of that verb and conjugate it to the third person singular â€Å"heâ€Â, to make it simple here is an example: to move out = rasama = ??? (he drew), to write = kataba (he wrote) = ???. daraba ??? (to hit)… Most verbs in Arabic have a three letters root or stem, there are also verbs containing more than three letters in their root (stem) but we will start with verbs consisting of a three consonant stem, also called triangular verbs, since the trilateral verbs (containing three conson ant ) are the most common.In Arabic we use a â€Å"masdar†â€Å"source†to show how a verb is conjugated and what forms it takes, usually for a three letters verb we use: fa’ala = ??? = to do (literally in Arabic it means â€Å"he didâ€Â), This verb is used as an example or model to help us know how to conjugate other verbs having the same characteristics. We take for instance the verb: to draw = rasama = ??? as you can see it in Arabic it has only three consonant (R ? , S ? , M ? ), this verb sounds exactly like our model verbs (fa’ala ??? when it comes to its vowels, and that’s all we care about, do by the law of similarity or difference in the consonants, what matters is the similarity in the vowels and the number of letters, because you will replace the consonant in our examples and set apart your own there, to make it more simple we will take a hit-or-miss word phonetically similar to our verb â€Å"fa’ala†â€Å"lalal a†sounds like â€Å"rasama†if you equalise its vowels and the number of consonants, other examples are: dahaba ??? (to go), haraba ??? (to run away), kataba ??? (to write), nasaha ??? (to advise), daraba ??? to hit), in fact most Arabic verbs are form this way. They all seem to have the same tune. at a time to form the present tense with this kind of verbs, we first take our stem from the verb, in other words, kick up all vowels from the verb, for example the verb to draw = rasama, once weextract all vowels we will end up having â€Å"rsm†, now this stem is ready to be modeled. Look at the put over below: 5. 2 Arabic Present tense: To form the present tense in Arabic you need to extract the stem from the verb in the infinitive first, for example: To draw = rasama ??? Stem is rsm, now let’s look at the confuse below to see how this verb is conjugated in this tense: ———————————†Pr esent Tense in Arabic| Singular| Dual| plural| I draw = arsumu you draw (singular mannish) = tarsumuyou draw (singular feminine) = tarsumeenahe draws = yarsumushe draws = tarsumu| you draw (dual male or female) = tarsumanithey draw (dual male or female) = yarsumani| we draw = narsumuyou draw (plural masculine) = tarsumunayour draw (plural feminine) = tarsumnathey draw (plural masculine) = yarsumunathey draw (plural feminine) = yarsumna| Each form of the verb rasama above contains:Blue casing (that’s what you need to keep, the blue font shouldn’t be modified or removed from verb, it be the same) Red font (that’s what you need to offset and add your own consonant of the verb you chose to conjugate: kataba ? ktb, haraba ? hrb…) one thousandness font (you can keep that one too, but not all the time, sometimes it becomes â€Å"a†or â€Å"i†instead of â€Å"u†depending on the verb) We broadsheetd that the â€Å"rs†of the ste m â€Å"rsm†are always together, that’s the face with all trilateral verbs (verbs with three consonants, which are the most frequently used verbs in Arabic) he first and second consonant go together, so you can use this table with other verbs as well by replacing the letters in red (the stem we used before) and put your own verb stem instead. The vowel in green may change to â€Å"a†or â€Å"i†depending on the verb, like for example for the verb nasaha (to advise) instead of using the â€Å"u†in green we have to change it to â€Å"a†I advise = ansahu, you advise = tansahu…(and not ansuhu .. tansuhu) and so on… (Note that the stem here is â€Å"n. s. h†as we mentioned earlier), for the verb daraba (to hit) we use â€Å"i†instead, I hit = adribu, he hits = yadribu. and not adrubu)… In fount you think that this is too complicated, I will put you that it’s not something unusual, and if you’ re a native or learned Spanish, French, German or even English before, you will notice that the vowel in the middle of some verbs sometimes don’t really follow the rule . English: simply take the verb â€Å"to go†I go, you go, he gos? Of course not, the right form is he goes as you know. All these examples are not considered irregularities but semi irregularities, which means that they’re modified only for phonetic and synthetic reasons).If you don’t know how to extract the stem from a verb (even though it’s very easy) we will go through it now: by omitting all vowels from these verbs we will have: dhb = dahaba ??? (to go), hrb = haraba ??? (to run away), ktb = kataba ??? (to write), nsh = nasaha ??? (to advise), drb = daraba ??? (to hit). Easy! The second person singular masculine â€Å"you†is conjugated the same way the third person singular feminine â€Å"she†does. Tarsumu = you draw (singular masculine) and also means she draws . 5. 3 The past Tense in Arabic: To form the past tense in Arabic you need to extract the stem from the verb in the infinitive first, for example:To write = kataba ? stem is ktb, now let’s look at the table below to see how this verb is Conjugated in this tense: (vegasociety. com/arabicpast-futurehtml) Past Tense in Arabic| Singular| Dual| plural| I wrote = katabtuyou wrote (singular masculine) = katabtayou wrote (singular feminine) = katabtihe wrote = katabashe wrote = katabat| you wrote (dual male or female) = katabtumaathey wrote (dual male or female) = katabaa| we wrote = katabnayou wrote (plural masculine) = katabtumyour wrote (plural feminine) = katabtunnathey wrote (plural masculine) = katabouthey wrote (plural feminine) = katabna| This is very easy and simple!You can put almost all trilateral Arabic verbs in this table. First take the verb you requisite to conjugate, extract all its 3 consonants, put them in place of the 3 red consonant on the table above. As you may have noticed, look at how the three consonants are spread in the word katabtu, consonant+ vowel+ consonant+ vowel+ consonant… I will make the same note I made before in the present tense, you will have to change the vowel n the green font into â€Å"iâ€Â, the only difference this time is that you won’t have to do it that frequently as the case with the present tense, because the â€Å"a†is more used. Do you remember the two verbs (to advise = nasaha, and to hit = daraba) that we conjugated differently in the present tense, in the past tense they can be conjugated the same way as rasama & kataba , like I said before many verbs will follow the general rules of the table above when it comes to the past tense unlike the present tense.To conjugate your own trilateral verb into the past tense go to the table and have your verb stem ready (don’t tell me you forgot how to make a stem from a trilateral verb)It should contain three consonant and no vowel s, if you want to conjugate it in the paste tense then replace the first consonant on the table above in red â€Å"k†with the first consonant of the stem you have of your own verb, then replace â€Å"t†with the second consonant you have, in conclusion replace â€Å"b†with the last consonant you have, and that’s it!Example: I wrote = katabtu , if you want to use â€Å"I went†(1 step is to find the verb to go in the Arabic infinitive: the verb is dahaba = to go, 2: the stem is dhb, 3: omit the (k, t, b) stem in the table above and put yours, you will easily get ? dahabtu!! ) Note: in case you’re confused whether to replace the â€Å"a†in the green font with â€Å"i†or not, I would just tell you that if you’re a founder just leave the â€Å"aâ€Â, because â€Å"a†is the most common, but I would also suggest to read more about the forms that most of verbs take so that you will easily decide whether to put â€Å"a†or â€Å"i†when conjugating verbs into the past tense in Arabic. . 4 Future Tense in Arabic: To form the Arabic future tense simply use: sa or sawfa + (the verb in present tense). Examples: sa aktubu (I will write), sa adhabu (I will go), or if you want to use sawfa: sawfa aktubu (I will go), sawfa adhabu (I will go). Isn’t that a piece of bar! There is no difference between sa and sawfa, to make it easy you can choose to use sa most of the time so that you won’t get confused. conclusion:At the end of this clarifying research paper, I can conclude that the tense and aspect in English and Arabic is different and similar in something . It is very important to notice differences between two language . Other conclusions are the following: -the research gives the students a brief glimpse of the theory and practice . -to explain the mistakes that most people felt in it ,a particular in tense and aspect and generally in much grammar. In the research try to solve some common mistakes. -to study the difference structure in English and Arabic. the problem in a grammar make a problem in pronunciation and spelling so we need to treatment this point. References -Abdullah ,a . Breaking The Arabic Code (verbs). The middle east . Palmwe, F . Apelican Original Grammer . 1971 . England . -Stageberg , n . An Introduction English Grammar. 1977. United states of American. -Tipping, L. (1927). A higher English grammar. Machillan & Co : London. -Tregidgo, P. S. (1974). English Tense Usage: A Bulls-Eye View. ELT, 28, 97-107. -WWW. Vegasociety. Com/Arabicpast-Future Html\r\n'
Monday, December 17, 2018
'Unit Assign\r'
'As of now Maryland and current York are the sole two separates that are using such(prenominal) a database, however lonesome(prenominal) a small amount of burning arms black market water been recorded so far which is seriously impeding the possibilities and achievements one could get out of such a system. Paul Evans, Bosons police commissioner was quoted at a news show conference stating â€Å"We think it would be a ample law enforcement tool. †Evans said. While hoping for a bear down to pass that would subject all bite arms interchange state wide to be recorded in a database.Case and point being when law enforcement extend tests on seized fire arms more apt(predicate) than not they find that numerous crimes across corticoefferent cities in one democracy can be linked to one fire arm that whitethorn collect been sold or passed around sieve of speak. This technology was first introduced by the Bureau of Alcohol, tobacco and Firearms in 1 995, which was calle d the National Integrated ballistic Information Network, allowing law enforcement the ability to agree photographic plate casings and slugs found at crime scenes to the exact fire arm that ejected or expended said rounds.Summary Every set on a fire arm leaves unparalleled scarring or markings on bullets or ejected shell casings that defend been fired. These specific markings are much like homosexual finger prints allowing law enforcement to make a match that is detrimental in solving and in tip over preventing crime. The Massachusetts bill would require that gun makers ecstasy firearms into the state for sale a test- fired bullet and shell casing would come with it. The Massachusetts State Police would then record them as electronic images for storage in a computer.Evans expected a large amount of resistance from gun owners for requiring such a large national gun cash register causing law abiding citizens who wan fire arms to feel as if they were being looked upon as crimi nals. Although this database would be quite small due to only recording new fire arms, Evans was quoted saying â€Å"We have to start somewhere. †A bill along the uniform lines is being introduced in Connecticut by state Representative Michael Lealer, and D-East Haven. State Senator Jack Scott, D-Pasadena, of California is to a fault planning to introduce a like bill although Lealer is expecting a large amount of support.\r\n'
Sunday, December 16, 2018
'Anne Frank Remembered\r'
'My paper is on Anne outspoken remembered. A small about Anne Frank she is one of the most(prenominal) discussed Jewish victims of the Holocaust. Her diaries are very famous for many reason one that it tells about life during the final solution and how she was able to survive as a little girl. Her diaries are a look at the final solution it is an aspiration for many.\r\nAs I watched the film I could feel the struggles that Anne Frank was going through and I find her courage during the times to be pick up the to a greater extent that I watched the nonsubjective the more that I feel like I was there with her feel her pain and just in all her courage. Anne Frank was the hope of all the great deal during that time and holocaust. The documentary explained how the Germans had occupied Holland and how some of the people in Holland was unfathomed away in some of the houses of friends and allies.\r\nOne of the people that was hidden away in opekta was Anne weenie and her family it me ntioned that Anne frank was called upstairs because people wanted to hide in the house and asked her what she thought. Anne Frank was offered a job by the boss of the house of building she was asked if she was able to cook a certain dish and she had said yes and so she was giving the job of cooking for the house. She was giving more jobs and responsibilities in the house and was trusted by her boss.\r\n'
Saturday, December 15, 2018
'Justification for an Internal Control System\r'
'Over the past socio-economic classs m either a nonher(prenominal) organizations suffer f each(prenominal)(prenominal) tolden because of inadequate fiscal reportage and in impelling controls. To overcome this dilemma, the creation of the Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX) of 2002 requires corporations to treat full control over its fiscal reporting and accounting by placing intimate controls within its organization. ingrained controls not solo establish the foundation of reasonable assurance for meeting companionship objectives scarce withal provide functions in achieving other objectives. These objectives atomic number 18 available effectiveness and efficiency, relevant and tested financial data, and corroborate law and regulation compliance.\r\nAs a restraint of this social club single believes that inwrought controls are central for these areas to be supremacyful. Although this business uses the policy and portfolio nestes as controls to mold the association of trys with activities, one believes an essential control governing body would be more beneficial for this connection. Current Approaches indemnity Approach Insurance is not as monstrous as it can be for a connection because it is a instruction of looking at the encounter along with knowing that an acceptance of sack is award for a play along.\r\nCompanies basically carry policy policies to impede and cover large liabilities from natural disasters or accidents. infra this feeler trouble is stating an acceptance of a loss is present for a smart set when insuring the company, assets, or its employees. For a company using this antenna security measures is the neverthe little gain in knowing the company has insurance to cod a claim to replace or receive monies for the loss (McCarthy & Flynn, 2004, p. 75). However, the insurance approach is more of a tool for take a chance support than a tool for risk management.\r\nThis is because this approach is unstable in mitigating the impact of a loss preferably than pr pointive in protecting the company from a loss. This approach can be beneficial for the company if a company can find low-priced insurance with deductibles the company feels comfortable with. This is because the company would scarce be responsible for paying the deductible and the insurance company would pay the rest in the event of a catastrophic disaster. Portfolio Approach Unlike, the insurance approach the portfolio approach has more structure and complexity.\r\nThis is because during the process of decision- do it gives more procedures and processes in making a decision (Thomas, 2002, para. 23). The primary(prenominal) idea behind this approach is to maximize investments of a company while minimizing the risks of the company. level(p) though this approach organizes to an extent the decision-making process it does not provide protection assurance for the investment against risk. The portfolio approach is beneficial for a co mpany when the company wants to measure the type of risk it wants to take on along with the likelihood of making a positive return on that risk.\r\ninner bidding System To an organization a indispensable component to risk management procedures is a reliable internal control schema. This trunk helps regulate, reduce lost, and besmirch risks along with accomplishing the organizational goals and success of a company (McCarthy & Flynn, 2004, p. 249). Benefits of an internecine Control System in general the insurance approach is necessary for a company to overcome the risk of a loss. The portfolio approach is an effective approach but is more re progressive than preventive.\r\nEven though a business may have insurance and portfolio approaches in place these approaches are not efficient and cost-effective enough to protect the company from risks like an internal control system can. Internal control systems are unlike the insurance and portfolio approaches because these systems are proactive tools in risk management. This type of system ensures the protection of company assets through a system of policies and procedures. In addition, this system establishes reliability in financial data along with establishes compliance with laws and regulations set forrader from regulations like the SOX Act.\r\nThese types of systems also help to improve internal and external communication processes within a company. recommendation As a controller of this company, one recommends that management incorporates an internal control system into the company. This is because this system go out be more beneficial to the company in the long-run than the current approaches the company already has in place. One believes an internal control system ordain help protect the company from un veritableties as rise up as ensuring the company is operating in right(a) accordance with its mission and goals.\r\nJustification for an Internal Control System\r\nThe internal control system ha s been employ since the company was in need of the system and until this twenty-four hours it has been working to its fullest potential. Internal control plays an important underlying in making sure that the accounting information, financial data, meeting the tar prepares, and ensuring that the management policies are getting followed. in that respect are two elements in making an internal control system successful. These elements are portfolio approaches and insurance. Even though they both help the internal controls, they are just about different.Portfolio approach is used in different ways, this helps make investments decisions easier. It also balances the risk against the routine of the company. When discussing portfolio management it is cognize that there are two types of management: active and still. Active management can be only one manager or a group but regardless if it one or more. They all have the same idea in mind, which is to get a better market return and they do this by constantly checking the funds portfolio. A passive management just checks the market index; it does not necessarily say that the passive management is less capable of doing its job.â€Å"Every companys risk management â€Å" effect†will be unique because the exposures and risk impulses all differ. The key is to have a reasonable under-standing of how individually treatment option works, alone, and in combination with others, so that decisions are informed and results are less influenced by luck than by reason (McCarthy, Flynn, & Brownstein, 2004). The appetite for risk will constantly depend on the management aggroup. We will need to understand every risk and think of the options before continuing. A undischarged return is always good but a big loss will hurt more.Insurance is another(prenominal) element that was put in place with the internal controls. Insurance will protect the company in case of an error occurs. There can always be risks in a company , but it is the way we handle them, what is important. When they add insurance it is for a stop of mind, a company wants to be cover in case something did happen. Weather risks can happen anytime and any day. It can be challenging thinking best option for the business. Due to the fact that no one can know what will happen tomorrow but is it better to be protected. As the controller some of the aspects to look into is what do we need.There hasn’t been a pass in this area for more than 50 years, the question to think is, and do we need tornado insurance? The company was built once but if a risk strikes, it would be really hard-fought to restart the company without developing a financial plan. The company will continue to grow every day, and we need to keep that in mind with the insurance. When the insurance was first put in place, the management team covers everything they thought was needed. However, we may not need certain things that are currently been covered by the ins urance. That is why it is very important to do a six month or even a year checkup on the insurance plan.As the controller of the company there are tasks to be completed such(prenominal) as compliance, reporting, budgets, analyzing, and goals. The internal controls help the company and peculiarly the controller achieve all these tasks and stay with-it with them. Having internal controls can prevent any losses due to fraud and minimize the loss in assets. It also helps with everyday business activities and what to do in a situation in which a risk is encounter. For the previous reasons that were discuss the company’s success will be much better out having the internal controls with a combination of insurance and portfolio approaches.\r\n'
Friday, December 14, 2018
'Bunraku Theatre\r'
'Our B bunkum household mathematical operation was a very difficult project to on a lower floortake. We were localise under a capacious crapper of reach to complete and make our performance large(p). It was each arrange together In Just a a few(prenominal) short weeks and there was a great deal of tension during rehearsals. Bunkum Is a Japanese tool production and we made It our own. Our boloney was ab knocked out(p) an autistic teenage boy killing his best maven In a moment of rage and confusion. It was sooner a deep story.The audience seemed very in to it and re every last(predicate)y seemed to enjoy it. At points when the narrators were yelling, the audience to a bit f uprightened, which was the tension we cherished the room to feel. Considering they were one-eighth graders, I think we did swell. My role in our Bunkum performance was co- music director with Varian. A director takes on a variety of jobs. We stimulateed with the producer, actors and designers (set , costume, make-up and lighting). If some amour goes wrong, it is your job to fix it.For our story to take place, we had to assign many various roles- Director, puppeteers, musicians, chanter/narrator, lighting, set design, puppet makers, props, script writer, producer and someone to cast deal. All tasks were difficult and taken with great responsibility. The greatest challenge of universe a director was getting large number to focus and getting the right measure of app arnt motion out of them. Since we spent long hours rehearsing, people were tired and frustrated a lot, so having to yell and testify them what to do.Lots of nones were taken because actors, narrators and musicians forgot cues, tempo and the effort they had to limit in so we had to tell them how to improve. It was a lot of stress because Varian and I had to find music, subscribe a hatful of what the stage should look like, tell the puppeteers how to move the puppets and the emotion they had to portray. As the director, it is your responsibility that people are on track and know what they are doing. You must be aware of what everyone Is doing and make authorized they do It right.You hasten to empathize what consequences it brings if you are not able to cope with the struggle of being a director and manage all the different people Involved in the production. We were do under a great amount of pressure because we only had trey weeks to prepare and somehow make everything come together. I think the fact of us being under pressure like this made us work more efficiently and benefited us in the end. We worked super awkward for many hours a day nerve-racking our best to put together a great performance. This was a big part of our B Theatre grade and we were determined to do the best we could.We all had important roles in this and despite there being a great deal of stress, yelling and panicking, we worked well together and had free rein. Being co-director, I enjoyed being in charge and in control of what should happen for the production. Having your vision of the production seen on stage is an enjoyable thing because you feel what you have suggested and contributed made the production worth watching and being a part of. It is fun to work with everyone and seeing the production played out and It makes you happy to see everyone working so laboured and putting In a lot of effort, until now If they are tired.I was quite satisfied with how the performance went and what I contributed to It. Seeing the performance at Its best and versed it is finally over and you do not have to stress or work so serious at I was scared it would be a disaster, but it turned out much advance than I could have hoped, all because of the amount of hard work we all did. It was difficult being a director and I think I did a good Job considering how little time we had. We all took his project very seriously and rattling wanted it to be great. I have definitely leaned a lot from this project.I was not aware of this great amount of stress and responsibility it was putting together a performance. Giving that this was a small performance I can only imagine what it is like to put together a high-end show. I now understand the hard effort and long hours you have to put in. However, it was not Just hard work, it was also a lot of fun and Joking around. We had fun during rehearsals and you really get to know people after expense hours with them. I thoroughly enjoyed this experience and would love to do it again.\r\n'
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
'Extended Essay – Bnm\r'
'1 EXTENDED move Business and management RESEARCH QUESTION: How efficient would it be for BP Mwanza, Tanzania to usher in price strategies such as incursion set to start egress their competitors in Mwanza, Tanzania. Candidate name: Zafar Mohamed Iqbal Abdullah Osman IB crowd asidedidate add up: dwt124 schooldays name: Indus international school Pune School number: 003508 Adviser: Mr. Brian Alex Date submitted: 26th November 2012 Word await: 3700 2 Abstract: This paper aims to answer the suspicion ‘’How efficient would it be for BP Mwanza, Tanzania to introduce price strategies such as incursion de destinationine to drive ut their competitors in Mwanza, Tanzania’’ By using different techniques such as the S. W. O. T and the force field summary to see w present the trade and if the ph sensationr is using price strategies like sixth sense pricing how allow this do them get oer their rivals, this allow for strain a clear understanding on the current locating of BP, I give comp be BP with different flatulency companies to see how they ar competing and also if the different companies atomic number 18 using other strategies. Further more(prenominal)(prenominal) I leave alone comprehend if penetration pricing result suspensor BP gown(prenominal) food mart partake and sales or not and along with this get out asset take arketing be a crucial aspect in penetration pricing. I lead evaluate and look up how penetration pricing is divulge than price leadership, voracious pricing and qualifying rate pricing on getting trade share and a amply sales volume finished collateral data. through the federation’s profile, the intention of the records such as sales from January to December of the year 2011 allow for attention me see how the alliance has being operating for the medieval year and if they engagement penetration pricing will it benefit them in their main aim. Along with this I will conduct an discourse of the Dealer Mr. Iqbal Osman to extracts info and his iews of the usage of penetration pricing. I will video display this through the Primary look into that I slang collected This paper came to a conclusion that the introducing of penetration pricing would be efficient for BP in Mwanza, Tanzania to drive out their competitors. Word count: 280 3 elude of Contents Abstract: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2 Introduction: …………………………………………………………………………………………à ¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦ 4Body ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6 S. W. O. T …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8 Force Field compendium …………………………………………………………â €¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦ 10 How will Penetration pricing equal and form sales for BP: ……………………………………………………………… 1 Asset guide marketing: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13 Why Penetration pricing is a better government agency of driving out competitors: ………………………………………………. 14 Interview depth psychology: ……………â⠂¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦. 16 sales Of British Petroleum of 2011 Analysis: ………………………………………………………………………………… 18 remnant …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 19 Appendix ………………………………………†¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦.. 21 Bibliography: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 23 4 Introduction: When most companies need to gain mesh and accession the market shares and cross off pattern in their stage business, the firms start thinking of driving out their competitors because the ain aim is to do that in order to be number one in the region and a particular common method that can be utilize is penetration pricing, which in the same way it is used as a market conduct based pricing strategy, Penetration pri cing is delimitate as setting relatively low prices (or a specially introductory price) to gain trademark acknowledgment and market share. British gaseous stateeum of Mwanza, Tanzania was run by Mr. Abdullah Osman. Along the years Mr. Abdullah Osman started opening more gas pedal stations throughout Tanzania, which included Oryx other gasoline familiarity. The follow has been opening many petrol stations throughout Tanzania and the market hares and profit of the business have change magnitude. Due to strong challenger, the company has been exhausting to tackle them by using different strategies that will make them over come their competitors, to gain market share and increase their brand image. I am going to see if penetration pricing can be one of them to jockstrap the company over come their competitions in the Mwanza region and how they are going to accomplish this. Mr. Iqbal Osman and his brothers took over the business because the father had retired and suggested t hem to confront the family business. But during 2009 British petroleum suffered a 5 loss repayable to the loss of one of its wner who was help out in the business and played a key role in the business. As the company was running under a partnership struggle between the two brothers, Mr. Iqbal Osman had to take over that petrol station single handedly in order to accompaniment the business running and to sustain it from any losings or even being sold to other companies. For some term during 2009 the company was going through losses, due to the bleak ownership. Mr. Iqbal Osman found it difficult to handle the company by himself and along with this the prices of the petrol had to be increased 8 times. Due to the changes in the petrol market it caused a lot of problems within he business itself in each department. After these calamitys, there was a period of time when the company was going through a stream of success, which really benefited the company financially. This do them powerful in the petrol market in Mwanza and helped them increase their brand image. The company had adapted itself to the new ownership, which did start bringing up the companies brand and image through strong advertisement and making mountain aware of BP and leading their mission statement, which states â€Å"we are here to stay, we are here to serveâ€Â. While this was happening the subordinates of the company gained new skills and started orking better than before and the create of the company increased by a extravagantly number. This really benefited the company and it did start getting thorn on track. The company is now testing to introduce new ways to keep up the clams and to gain market shares in the petrol market and increase their brand image. This includes pricing strategies such as penetration pricing wherein the company set a relatively low price to gain brand recognition and market share to attract customers and gain more market shares. By doing this BP Mwanza , Tanzania hopes this will help them to drive out their competitors and gain market shares and brand image and makeBritish petroleum number one 6 in Mwanza Tanzania: This paper aims to investigate the effectiveness of penetration pricing in BP, hence the research disbelief ‘’How efficient would it be for BP Mwanza, Tanzania to introduce pricing strategies such as penetration pricing to drive out their competitors in Mwanza, Tanzania’’ rally relevance. Body Findings: For data constitute I am going to use some(prenominal) primary and secondary data to investigate if the pricing strategies will have any effect to the competition and bring up the brand image. For my primary research I am going to take an interview of the Dealer Mr. Iqbal Osman, to see his views on if this ricing strategies especially penetration pricing are launched will this be a success to the company and will this help the company drive out the competitors or not, also if the company r eally need to strategize their prices or not in order to drive out the competitors, or will this benefit the company. I will also use the company’s records to see if they introduce these pricing strategies will it have any effect. I will use the company’s sales for one year ago and see how the prices have change through out the whole year. And from this I will be able to see if the prices of this year are better than last years, also this will give me and dea on how penetration pricing will be effectual to the driving out of their competitors and gaining market share and increasing their brand image in Mwanza Tanzania. For my secondary research, the use of S. W. O. T will help me find the strength, weakness, opportunities and the threats by the use of SWOT this give me a better understanding of the 7 organization sentiment in the market place and therefore the training of the company’s strategy of its long term survival and it will give me a broader place of BP itself and this SWOT analysis will be a powerful source to see if this penetration pricing would be a good idea or not forBP. The use of the force field analysis will help me see if the change of using penetration pricing will be a good idea or not. I will do this by analyzing the forces for and against and after analyzing it will show weather it will be successive or not. I will use other remote resources like the internet to find out more information about the company and to see if the company can or cannot introduce these pricing strategies at the state that they are at the moment also the internet will give me statistics of the company which will help me. British petroleum have many competitors in the market in Mwanza Tanzania there are more than 5 other ompanies that are competing with BP, these companies use different techniques to try and give a better brand image they use loads of advertisements and they try to attract customers in order to get more market shares than B P and this affects BP a lot, the use of these other strategies used by the competitors will give me an idea on how BP is facing against its odds. The usage of on how the company is put in capital and how it is benefiting them and at the same time is it producing more for the company, if the company puts in more silver they will get skilled workers and the output would increase and the quality of the machine will be\r\n'
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