Saturday, August 31, 2019
Penny in the Dust
Penny in the Dust In the short story â€Å"Penny in the Dust†by Ernest Bucker, we see a father-son relationship. Three points that I will be discussing are: Pete and his qualities, the conflict, and the relationship Pete and his father have. In this story we see a weak father and son relationship in the starting, which becomes better and stronger. First of all, Pete is a 7-year old boy who learns how much his father loves him. Pete is softhearted boy who loves his father more than a 7-year old boy would. Pete is also an inarticulate child who is unable to tell his father his feeling for him.Another quality Pete has is that he is very sensitive person. We see this when he cried after losing the penny. One quote that shows that Pete is inarticulate is when he states, â€Å"Oh thanks†I said. Nothing more. I couldn’t expose any of my eagerness either. †after he receives the penny. This shows Pete wanted to say something, but didn’t know how. Pete is s ofthearted, inarticulate, and sensitive boy who wants to show his love for his dad, but is unable to. In addition, Pete and his father are unable to tell one another how much they love each other.We can see the theme throughout the story; one example is when the father was unable to give the penny to his son. He had to wait till it caught Pete’s attention, and then give it. The conflict affects Pete, because he wants to tell his father everything he imagines, but doesn’t know how. An example of the conflict affecting Pete is when he is unable to tell the whole story about him losing the penny. Also another example is when Pete and his father were farming, he was unable to tell his father his opinions. He couldn’t tell his father if he wanted three rows or four rows, or if he could put him up on the oxen.I think the conflict is believable, because the Father is inarticulate while his son is very imaginative. So it can get awkward when they are talking to each oth er. Both the father and son were affected by the conflict, but in the end they were able to make an emotional connection. Lastly is the theme, which is the relationship between the father and son. The father-son relationship is important, because Pete and his father learn a lot more about each other than before. The relationship starts off weak, but ends up strong. At first Pete was unable to tell his dad how he lost the penny.He said, â€Å"If father hadn’t been there I might have told her the whole story. †In the end when the father finds the penny, Pete is able to tell the whole story to him. Also for the first time, his father had tears in his eyes, and also put his arm around Pete. In fact, the theme can be observed through Pete’s actions. He is always reluctant talking to his dad, and doesn’t really communicate with him. At the outset of the story, Pete doesn’t have much of a relationship with his dad, but upon losing the penny and then look ing for it with his dad, he develops one.Accordingly, he also becomes more open and able to talk to his dad. Finally, Pete discovers that his father does love him. The theme is important for both the father and Pete, because in the beginning they have a weak relationship, but in the end they develop a better one. Now they know each other better and can support one another. Father and son relationships are still important, because if you don’t have a relationship than you will be unable to understand and support one another. Also when you are older you will be able to make a better relationship with you children.In short, the theme and characters are important, because it will impact their life and possibly everyone around them. In conclusion, we should all have a good relationship with our family, so it can benefit us in the future. In this story we see Pete as a softhearted, inarticulate and sensitive boy, he also is timid to sharing his feeling of his dad to him. Also in th e end we see a strong father-son relationship forming. In brief, in the story we see a small relationship between the father and son, but it evolves to become a better and stronger bond. By: Manraj Sangha
Friday, August 30, 2019
Hobbes vs. Thoreau
Thomas Hobbes’ book, Leviathan and Henry David Thoreau’s essay, Resistance to Civil Government could not be more opposed when it comes to looking at the social contract from a political philosophy viewpoint. On the one hand, Hobbes maintains that humanity’s utmost obligation is to submit oneself to the authority of the sovereign state. Thoreau, on the other hand, argues that under specific circumstances, it is humanity’s duty is to resist the state. This paper will argue that Hobbes does not succeed in establishing our obligation to submit to the sovereign’s authority.Instead it is Thoreau whom is correct that in certain circumstances we are obliged to resist the State. The two main issues with Hobbes’ reasoning in Leviathan regarding the sovereign authority stem from his explanations of the Laws of Nature and the power of the government. In Thoreau’s Resistance to Civil Government, these two issues are more adequately addressed. Befor e establishing the reasons why Thoreau’s views on the obligations of the citizen to the state are more correct than Hobbes’, it should be noted that Thoreau’s essay, Resistance to Civil Government was published 198 years after Leviathan.While Hobbes wrote Leviathan during the English Civil War, Thoreau wrote Resistance to Civil Government as an abolitionist during the time of the slavery crisis in New England and the Mexican-American war. Therefore the differences in social context of the two works are drastic. Not only was Leviathan regarded as one of the earliest works containing social contract theory, Hobbes himself is regarded as one of the key figures in the English Enlightenment, otherwise known as the Age of Reason.This context within which Hobbes thrived, and within which Leviathan was published is significant, because the philosophical method upon which Hobbes based Leviathan is modelled after a geometric proof, founded upon first principles and establ ished definitions. In this model, each argument makes conclusions based upon the previous argument. Hobbes wanted to produce irrefutable political philosophy in Leviathan by creating a model based on geometry because conclusions that are derived by geometry are supposed to be indisputable.However Hobbes’ book is far from indisputable, and much of its logic is not entirely sound. This is evident in a number of examples, but most prominent are the Laws of Nature and the power of the government. In order to better explain why Hobbes does not completely succeed in establishing the obligation people have to submit to the sovereign’s authority, a brief summary of Leviathan is necessary. In Leviathan, Hobbes sets out on an exploration of human nature, which eventually leads him to the conclusion that an absolutist state, where all power lies within the hands of the sovereign authority, is necessary.The reason that Hobbes feels absolutism is necessary is what he refers to as t he ‘state of nature’. The state of nature is used to explain the inherent qualities in man that makes him behave the way he does, outside of the boundaries and limits imposed by social law. For Hobbes, the state of nature consists of selfish men who will inevitably turn to violence in their quest to satisfy their own selfish needs. Therefore, because all people are inherently violent in the state of nature, all are also equal because no person is above or less capable of violence than anyone else.To the argument that some are physically stronger than others, Hobbes retorts that even those who are stronger are still vulnerable when sleeping. In this way, though all are equally violent, all are also equally vulnerable. However, man is also rational, and so in response to this vulnerability, man’s selfish desire to ensure his own life above all else, will lead them to put their faith into the social contract. The basis upon which the social contract is made necessar y, in other words, the state of nature, is what ultimately produces the Leviathan.Hobbes believes that in order to secure their own lives, people will automatically submit all of their freedom into the hands of the sovereign’s authority. One of the first aspects of Hobbes’ work that undermines his, mostly logically-sound Leviathan, concerns the Laws of Nature. Hobbes seems to take it for granted that all the people in a single state would agree with one another to submit all of their power to one authoritative entity, on the basis that they will realize it is in the best interest of their security.As professor Ian Johnston says, â€Å"If human beings are like sheep, I don't see why they need a ruler; if human beings are like wolves, I don't see how they will tolerate a ruler. †If, as Hobbes suggests, the state of nature is anarchy, then what aspect of nature drives all people to form a commonwealth? In this respect, it appears that Hobbes contradicts himself, f or he proclaims that man is brutish, violent, and only concerned with self-interest, however he is also reasonable enough to form a social ontract in which his own ease and commodious living is secured. In light of the latter characteristics of man that Hobbes describes, where man is rational enough to participate in such a social contract, the necessity of submitting oneself entirely to the sovereign authority is unfounded and too extreme. The second main issue with Leviathan concerns the power of the government. Hobbes fails to explain why people would trust an authority made up of other people, no different from themselves.If every person knows that their own inherent violence and selfishness is what necessitates total rule by an authoritative figure, would they not doubt the authority, assuming that the corruptness inside of them extends to said authority as well? Hobbes does not seem to consider this issue worth much in-depth consideration, for he does not believe that the sove reign authority would ever put the people in a situation where they need to defend themselves from the governing powers. According to Hobbes, the state will remain efficient because it recognizes its dependence upon the work of the citizens.In Hobbes’ words, â€Å"the private interest is the same with the public. The riches, power, and honour of a monarch arise only from the riches, strength and reputation of his subjects. For no king can be rich, nor glorious, nor secure, whose subjects are either poor, or contemptible, or too weak through want, or dissention, to maintain a war against their enemies. † However, the consequences on a person’s ability to produce wealth for a country is not the only concern for a state in which all the power rests within the hands of a sovereign authority.Hobbes answer does not reach any further into the moral or human rights of the citizens, which are much more vulnerable to being infringed upon in an absolutist state. Hobbes neglects to address this because he believes that the state would not attack these rights based on the fact that it would potentially produce chaos, which is the exact opposite of what the sovereign authority is meant to do. It is clear that for Hobbes, the dangers of a tyrannical sovereign are more appealing than the absence of any sovereign, or in other words, a society left to the state of nature.While having some form of government, as opposed to rampant violence, is preferable, it is unnecessary for the citizens to relinquish all freedom to the authority of the sovereign, as Hobbes suggests. It would have been impossible for Hobbes to predict the political evolution of modern states. However his description of the benefits of the absolutist state hint at modern examples of states where all the power has been concentrated into a single, sovereign authority, leading to the extreme corruption that Hobbes believed it would eradicate.The 20th century is full of examples of this; how ever one that particularly exemplifies the dangers of total submission to the state is Fascist Italy, ruled absolutely by Benito Mussolini from the early 1920s to the mid 1940s. Instead of aiding the state and its people, Mussolini created an illusion of what the common good really was, in order to enforce his own, absolute power. This lead to a significant decrease in security and loss of many human lives, which seems to indicate that submitting all power to the state, can lead people back into Hobbes’ ‘state of nature’, instead of out of it.While Hobbes’ endorsement of absolutism may have noble aims for humanity, when looked at from its primal and organic intentions, often absolutism results in the violent enforcing of rules or ideologies upon people, which is in itself a loss of security, and form of inhumane chaos. In a reaction to the rampant slavery in America during the 19th century and the Mexican-American war, Thoreau wrote the essay Resistance to Civil Government, hoping to encourage people to trust their own consciences over the rule of the law enforced by the government.Thoreau believes that mans best service to one’s own country paradoxically takes the form of resistance against it, if one feels that the government is supporting unjust or immoral laws. Subverting to the government, no matter what, or out of the necessity of obligation is to the detriment of the state and society, according to Thoreau. Instead, it is better to work to build a better one in the long term, even if that means chaos or anarchy in the form of revolution n the short-term.Though Thoreau’s views seem much more modern than Hobbes, Thoreau does doubt the effectiveness of democracy, or rather the reform of a government from within the government. Believing that voting and petitioning for change to be inefficient, Thoreau feels that one cannot truly see the government for what it is when one is working with it, and therefore one also ca nnot effect change when working with the government. In sharp contrast to Hobbes’ views on the role of the government, Thoreau not only proclaims, â€Å"that government is best which governs least†, but even going so far as to say, â€Å"that government is best which governs not at all. This is an example of where finding the middle ground between Hobbes and Thoreau is useful. While Hobbes may be correct that some form of government is necessary to a level of order within the state, Thoreau’s reasoning for why the government can be interfering can be found in modern example of politics. According to Thoreau, the government is used by a certain group of people to impose on others for their own personal gains. In this way, the government aids the success of those who control the state while impeding the success of those who are imposed upon.This view on the government can find itself exemplified in specific aspects of the American government. Though the role of t he government is to secure the safety and rights of all its citizens equally, many had dubbed the 20th century as an era of ‘corporatism’ for America, securing only the interests of companies. Corporatism, in terms of politics, is when wealth is used as a tool by corporations to sway the government in the direction of their own private interests. The overwhelming dominance of corporations can spread beyond politics, into many aspects of society.There are a number of negative effects of corporatism for the ‘common man’, such as pervasiveness on works unions, the increase in taxes coming out of citizens pockets in order to provide direct outlays, the subsidizing of unsubsidized jobs, the erosion of virtue within commerce, etc. Thoreau would have agreed with this notion of ‘corporate America’ for he believed the government to be like a machine, in which injustice is an inevitable component. Thoreau did not intend to ‘demonize’ the Ame rican government, but rather to shed light on what he felt was a total lack of agency or usefulness.This example establishes a modern framework for Thoreau’s argument that the government is not infallible, and how the role of the government sometimes necessitates resistance. As Hobbes would state, it is a natural part of being human to look out for one’s best interest. However, like his views on the role of the government, Thoreau’s view on the nature of men appears to also be more correct, in light of current or historical politics. In other words, chaos is not always best dealt with by being replaced by subservience, but by resistance and a change in ideological structure.Another current example of the validity behind Thoreau’s argument can be found in the Arab Spring. The Arab Spring refers to the movement of uprisings that arose and spread across the Arab world in 2011. It led to many revolutionary outcomes, such as the first free Tunisian election in October; the Egyptian president Mubarak being displaced by a pro-democracy movement; the toppling of dictator Gadhafi, liberation of Libya, and the removal of the ban on Libyan political parties; and the authoritarian leader of Jordan being forced to replace his government.None of these movements would have been possible without people’s willingness to fight to bring some of the power away from the government, and into their own hands. As if often the case with political philosophy, both Hobbes’ and Thoreau’s views are best when aspects of both theorists are taken and combined. When the absolutist nature of the government Hobbes’ argues for is taken away, his belief that a governing entity is required for maintaining a certain, and desirable, level of order becomes more valid.However in order to ensure that the rights and of citizens are protected, Thoreau is correct in arguing that resistance to an unjust government is the only way to ensure a just gove rnment. However, between Hobbes’ Leviathan, and Thoreau’s Resistance to Civil Government, the latter is more successful in establishing a sound view on the social contract. Thoreau’s advocates the evolution, and not destruction of the government.Therefore his argument that the government should be one that is capable of improvement based on the needs of the people, and his argument that people should embrace chaos if it means a just and moral reform of the government succeeds more than the arguments of Hobbes. 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Schmitter, Philippe C. â€Å"Still the Century of Corporatism? †The Review of Politics. 36. 1 (1974): 85-131.Thoreau, Henry David. â€Å"Resistance to Civil Government. †The Picket Line. Work written 1894. Accessed October 2012. Turner, Jack. â€Å"Performing Conscience: Thoreau, Political Action, and the Plea for John Brown. †Sage Publications, Inc. 33. 4 (2005): 448-471 Woods, Thomas E. â€Å"The Cultural Costs of Corporatism: How Government-Business Collusion Denigrates the Entrepreneur and Rewards the Sycophant. †First Principles: ISI Web Journal. Accessed November 2012.
Homeworks and Study Guides in English Essay
I rolled myself, patting and searching for the alarm clock with my eyes closed. When I reached it, I turned it off and got myself up to get ready for school. I barged in the bathroom with my still sleepy eyes, washing my face as I put some toothpaste in my toothbrush. Brushing my teeth, I walked in my closet to choose some outfit. After five minutes of choosing, I throw the clothes at the bed then turned to take a bath. I relax myself as I feel the tingling sensation of hot water seducing my whole body. After fifteen minutes of showering, I finally rinsed and walked out of the shower room. Opening the drawer, I got my hair dryer and make-up. I blow my hair for ten minutes then I dressed-up. Glancing at the clock and seeing that I still have time, I decided to put some light make up. After finishing my mascara, I took a step back, glancing at the mirror to take a full look at my outfit before going downstairs. Today was the first day of my senior year at Jacksonville Highschool. I was wearing a white tank top that showed my flat tummy and my piercing, a pink hollister shorts that showed my long tanned legs, and a high cut converse to finish the look. Fully contented with the outfit, I sighed, running my hands through my blonde hair as I walked out of the bathroom. I took my bag which was hanging at the side of my bed and stormed downstairs. When I finally get down, I went straight to the kitchen to grab my breakfast, which is apple and milk. Yay, the perks of being a vegetarian. I found my dad sitting peacefully with a newspaper in his hands, his eyebrows are scrunching. â€Å"Good morning dad†I greeted him, munching my apple. Silence. He didn’t greet me back because he was too preoccupied with the article he’s reading. I frowned and stop to look at the front page, which read â€Å"Boston Bombing†. Oh yeah, the latest news. I rolled my eyes, gulping my fresh milk. After I finished my breakfast, I got up, walking outside to find my mom in the garden watering her so-called â€Å"little daughters†. â€Å"Hey mom†â€Å"Good morning, honey. Have you eaten your breakfast?†â€Å"Yup, I’m finished. So where’s Anna?†I asked, looking around. Annabelle Jacobs is my best friend. She always picks me up in the morning so that we could go to school together. â€Å"Oh, she texted me this morning, she says she’ll be 5 minutes late†I rolled my eyes. I know exactly why she’s late. She always have those lame excuses telling me that her toothbrush got lost, she run out of panties, the flush won’t work, the rats ate her clothes etc. I shook my head at the sudden thought. â€Å"Okay mom.†I kissed her in the cheek. â€Å"I’ll just check on Simon first†Simon is the love of my life. He’s a puppy actually, but whatever. I run at the back, finding my shih tzu stiffing some flowers. â€Å"Heeeeeeeey Simooooon†I cooed in a sweet, girly girl voice while picking him up. I spin him around giggling while his licking my face. Gross I know. After a minute of playing around, I heard Anna’s car pulled up so I put him down and kissed him goodbye. I ran back inside to say one last goodbye to my parents then i ran towards the car as fast as I can. â€Å"Samantha!!!†Anna shouted when I got inside. I smiled at her. â€Å"Hey there! What’s up?† â€Å"Do I look like I’ve lose some weight?†She immediately respond. I burst out laughing then I looked at her figure up and down. Annabelle, well Anna, look a lot like me. We have the same weight and height. We’re also popular in a way, but we didn’t like being the center of attention so we stay low. The only difference we have is our hair. She has brown hair while me, well I’m blonde. â€Å"Ugh, you have a perfect figure. Why do you have to work your butt out? And yes, you’ve lost some fats†â€Å"Really? Yay!†She screeched. â€Å"You see, I need to work out because I’m planning to eat a whole box of pizza later†She added. I rolled my eyes. â€Å"Yeah, right. So, what’s the plan?†â€Å"Well, I was thinking that maybe we should go shopping after school. You’ve got your credit card in you, right? She asked. â€Å"Uh yeah, sure. Meet me at my locker around four†I said, finishing the conversation. She parked the car then we walked together inside the school grounds. We made our way to our lockers since our lockers are right next to each other. I opened mine to get my history textbook, -since it’s my first class- switching it with my english. Closing my locker, I said goodbye to Anna, telling her to see me at lunch because we don’t have the same schedule for the first four classes. We waved goodbye to each other and started walking the opposite way. After a minute of walking and goofing around, I’m finally face to face with the door that leads to my first class. I took a deep breath before opening it. Just as I was turning the door knob, a boy passed quickly to get inside first, causing me to fall backwards with the rest of my stuff. â€Å"What the hell†I said in a low voice. I heard him groan in an annoyed voice, then he started walking back towards me, closing the door in the process. â€Å"Hey, no need to swear neighbor†Then it hit me. I looked up, wide eyes to see my oh-so-handsome neighbor aka the most popular boy in school, Spencer Young. You see, I’ve known him since we were young. Our mothers, both Filipina, were married to some Canadian which means we’re half filipino, half american. I also know a lot about him since our bedroom are next- well, let’s just say parallel to each other. I know that he loves switchfoot, the script and matchbox twenty because his room are full of their posters. I also know his favorite book, food and stuffs. And also when I was 14, in my sophomore year, I used to have a little crush on him ever since the first time I saw him half naked walking around his room. But that was freaking before. I got myself up, thinking of shouting at him for his rude manners. But before I do that, he spoke first. â€Å"Sorry about that†He said, pinching both of my cheeks. I was thinking of pushing him back. But I sighed, realizing that we’re already late in class. Instead, I rolled my eyes, ignoring him as I made my way inside the classroom. When we walked inside, the class went full silent at first. Then, they started whispering to each other, probably wondering why their â€Å"Queen Bee†and â€Å"Mr. Popular†are together. Yay, perks of being a popular student. â€Å"Mind explaining to me why you’re both 5 minutes late, Ms. Reynolds and Mr. Young?†Our professor, Mr. Lantican asked. Wow. I didn’t realize it took that long outside. Spencer speaks first. â€Å"Well sir, w-we bumped into each other a-at the hallway†He stuttered. â€Å"And it took 5 minutes? Well done, kids. And good job at lying. Now, as your punishment, I want you both to stay here after class and go straight to the detention room to-†â€Å"WHAT?!†I shouted, startling the whole class. I can’t believe it. I really can’t believe it. This is my first time to get a detention and I know for a fact that I didn’t deserve it. â€Å"No offense sir, but I’m a straight A student and this will greatly affect my grades.†I stopped, catching my breath. â€Å"And just so you know, I have a scheduled meeting with-†I stopped, realizing that i’m pushing the limits. â€Å"Never mind†I gave up, finding the way to my seat. Yeah, detention at the very first day of my senior high. Great right? – Spencer’s POV I stare at her from a good distance. She sits at the front row with some geeky nerds while me, well, I’m at the far left side of the back with Blake Morgan and Nathan Brooks, my bestfriends. I felt really bad that I bumped her earlier. The detention will surely drive her crazy, and it was all because of me. She always makes sure to get perfect A’s, which I couldn’t understand. It’s like she’s going to die if she gets B or lower. I look up at her again memorizing her perfect back features, hoping that I wouldn’t get caught, but i was wrong. â€Å"HOLYSHITBALLS†Blake and Nathan both hissed. â€Å"WHAT?†I said, wincing and rubbing my ears. â€Å"We can tell it dude†This time, it’s just Blake who spoke. â€Å"Ugh. What is it, again?†â€Å"You like her right? I mean, Samantha Reynolds†Nathan spat. â€Å"WHAT?! Oh no, you’re seeing it wrong man.†I spat back. â€Å"Okaaaaaaaaaay, whatever you saaaaay maaaaan†They both sang in a girly voice. I rolled my eyes. It was a misunderstanding. I, Spencer Young, will never stoop that low. Sure, she’s rich, sexy, gorgeous or to make it short, she’s miss perfect. But she’s not really my type. I don’t know though, because in some way, I find her actions weird and cute. My room is facing hers and I can see all of her actions or whatever. Her room is very neat and she always make sure that all her things are in place. She also has a very strict schedule of sleeping, waking up, exercising and eating. Not that I’m stalking her, of course. Anyway, I really don’t understand her. I feel like she’s hiding something even from her next-miss perfect bestfriend, Annabelle Jacobs. And that’s what I’m going to find out. Finally, the bell rang signaling us to our next class. I stand up, eagerly wanting to get the hell out of here before our beloved old teacher call up to me. But then again, I was wrong. â€Å"Mr. Young and Ms. Reynolds can I have a word with you two?†Mr. Lantican asked. I groaned mentally, turning back to face his old crooked face. I saw Samantha glaring at me. Man, was she sexy. I shot her an apologetic look before walking towards Mr. Lantican. â€Å"Yes, Mr. Lantican?†I asked, raising an eyebrow. He took a deep breath before answering â€Å"I want the two of you to be at the detention room at exactly four. Have I made myself clear?†â€Å"Yes sir†We both said. â€Å"Okay, the two of you may go now†He finally dismissed us. â€Å"Thank you, sir.†I said lastly to him then I got out of the classroom. Just as I started to make my way upstairs to my next class, I saw Sam alone leaning at one of the bars, smiling at me. Confused, I made my way to her. â€Å"What’s with the smiling, Sammy?†I asked. â€Å"Thank you, Spence†She suddenly said. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. What was that? A while ago, she was throwing fires at me by the way she glares. And now? Man, was she bipolar? â€Å"Fo-for what?†I manage to say. â€Å"I’ve said enough, Spence. I just want you to know that I’m very happy that you save me†She look at me gratefully then suddenly, she kissed my cheek, then left. I was pretty sure that my jaw hit the ground. Samantha’s POV In chemistry, which is my third class, I loiter towards the back of the room, waiting for everybody to file in their seats. Mr. Maruso has this rule that whoever you choose to sit with on the first day of class, becomes your lab partner for the entire year. Needless to say, seat selection is definitely critical. Since the sciences aren’t really my thing, I search around for someone who I think might do well with the laboratory stuffs. I must’ve been busy daydreaming; thinking about what happened earlier because when i look up, they are all paired up. Which leaves me standing awkwardly at the back with my books. Embarrassed, I scan the room until I spotted two empty chairs in front. I made my way there and I can see that my â€Å"suppose-to-be-partner†isn’t there. I wonder if he or she is just late or absent. I sighed heavily, praying in every god that he or she better have some brains or else I’ll be doomed. Five minutes later, Mr. Maruso’s disscussion of ‘safety precautions’ and ‘proper handling of equipments’ was interrupted by a student who just barged in through the room. I turn around to look at my â€Å"partner†which is†¦.. OH BLOODYHELL is that Spencer? Oh great. I forgot that we also have the same class. But really, this can’t be happening. It will be too friggin’ awkward to have him as my partner. Not to mention, FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR. You see, the moment I kissed him earlier, I immediately regret it. I was also shocked. I didn’t know what comes through my mind or what made me do that I REALLY DON’T KNOW. I guess I was just so grateful from the fact that he saved me from the ‘shopping plan’ Annabelle and I were going to have. Shoping isn’t really my thing. Especially with Annabelle. I brought all my clothes, shoes and bags online. And Anna, being Anna, you won’t like it. She was sooo shopaholic. She buys all the possible clothes and shoes she can get. One time, she runs out of money and i’m forced to let her use my credit card. Not that I’m selfish, of course. It’s just that I’m saving some of my money for my own car. Nobody knows about that except Simon. Shaking my thoughts, I look at Spencer again only to find him talking to Mr. Maruso. He was probably saying some crappy excuses or whatsoever. I saw them nodded in agreement then Spencer turned around to look for some seat. Our eyes met as he spotted the empty seat beside me. Oh bloody great. He raised his eyebrows at me, doing his famous smirk that showed his dimples. How cute. He made his way to his chair. â€Å"Hey partner, Sammy†I rolled my eyes. â€Å"Don’t call me that. It sounds gayish†He laughs in a carefree way â€Å"So does Spence†I tried to hide my smile but I couldn’t. Minutes passed and we stopped talking to scribble some notes that our professor told us to copy. As I was writing, I notice him looking down at me whilst playing with my hair. How romantic. I stopped writing. â€Å"What?!†I asked. A little annoyed. â€Å"Nothing. I was just wondering why little miss perfect is bipolar†He said coolly. I gritted my teeth. â€Å"First, I’m not little. We have exactly the same height. And second, I’m not bipolar†He raised an eyebrow â€Å"Oh really? I thought-â€Å" â€Å"Ahem†He was interrupted by a girl. We both turned our heads to see who may that be. Unsurprisingly, it’s Lilly Thompson, one of the oh-so-popular girls. â€Å"What do you want, Lilly?†I asked. This time I was really annoyed. How dare she interrupt us? â€Å"You’re flirting with my boyfriend†She hissed, faking smile. My eyes went wide and I look at Spencer. He too, has the same expression as me. Will someone please tell me what the heck is happening? â€Å"Pardon me? I don’t even know you†Spencer spat. I turned to look at Lilly, who was faking hurt. â€Å"What do you mean? We chatted on facebook last week and you ask me to be your girlfriend. Don’t you remember?†She asked in a flirtatious way. Someone give me a bucket Spencer raised an eyebrow. â€Å"Well, that isn’t me. Nathan and Blake knows my password. They’re the ones who probably ask you out. Besides, I haven’t open my account for ages. You should go and ask them.†He sighed. Lilly was close to tears. â€Å"So you mean, I don’t stand a chance to be with you?†She said in a weak voice. This time I interrupted. â€Å"You slut, will you please cut the act? Just look at him. This-†I gestured at spencer’s body. â€Å"-is the definition of perfect. And you? You’re just a whore who has nothing to do but to seek attention.†I finished. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Spencer smiling at me. I ignore him as I gave Lilly the death glare. But this time, she looked angry as hulk â€Å"You bitch!†She shouted, causing some students to look at the three of us. â€Å"Is there a problem?†Mr. Maruso asked. I turned to answer him â€Å"Oh yeah, there’s a snake wandering around here. Poor snake, SHE probably doesn’t know where she belongs.†I fake crying, causing the whole class to errupt in laughter. I smiled proudly to myself. Good job, Samantha! At that moment, the bell finally rang. Talk about being saved by the bell. I quickly grab my things, said a quick goodbye to Spencer, then I hurried to the door to meet Annabelle at the cafeteria. When I got there, everyone at the school had already heard about the confrontation. Yeah, news travels fast in Jacksonville Highschool. I saw Anna already buying her lunch so I catch up next to her in line. â€Å"Yo anna†I said while putting a carbonara, salad and a boxed milk at my tray. â€Å"Hey there, Sam. Soooo, fighting with Lilly huh?†She asked, waggling her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes. â€Å"She made me do it†I said, finishing the conversation. After paying the bill, we made our way to our table which is located at the far side of the cafeteria. Our table is the circle one with the four silver chairs. Actually, it’s just the three of us who sits there. Me, Annabelle and our boy-bestfriend, Max Carter. We found him already sitted, stuffing sandwich in his mouth. When he notice us, he greeted us with a smile. â€Å"Yo girls! So how’s the two queen coping up?†He asked. Anna raised her eyebrows †Coping up? Haha, we’re fine.†â€Å"As always†I added, winking at him. Time passed and we’re already finished with our lunch. Max started telling us some jokes which cause Anna and I to laugh hysterically. That is until Spencer Young decided to come at our table to remind me of the detention. â€Å"I know†I said, giving him the death glare and signaling for him to leave before I pull out both of his mighty eyeballs. Thankfully, he obeyed and left. Slowly and carefully, I turn to face the now angry Anna who was looking at me with an intense glare. â€Å"I-i’m sorry, anna†I stuttered. I was looking at the floor, twiddling my fingers. I was waiting for her to shout at me but instead, she put an arm around my shoulder, looking worried. â€Å"What happened?†She asked. â€Å"You know that this is your first time getting a detention right?†I nodded. â€Å"Well, Spencer and I were late and Mr. Lantican got mad†I explained. â€Å"This is unfair†She said. â€Å"What about our shopping?†She raised an eyebrow. Great. I really expected that. I was thinking of shouting at her, telling her that she has so many freaking goddamn clothes. But instead, i come up with an idea. â€Å"Well, Max will be honored to accompany you†I said, smirking at Max. Max widened his eyes in horror. â€Å"I AM NOT GOING NEAR THE VICTORIA’S SECRET!†He shouted dramatically causing all of us to laugh again. â€Å"I guess we’ll just go shopping on friday night then†Anna said. I rolled my eyes. â€Å"Yeah, sure.†NOTE: On friday, make sure to forget my credit card at home. Spencer’s POV After lunch, i made my way to the locker room to change for the basketball practice. I flicked the combination to my locker and opened it. Just as I was grabbing my clothes, Blake came up behind me. â€Å"Spencer! You ready?†He asked. â€Å"Yeah, give me a second to change†I said, going inside the comfort room. Seconds later, I got out of the comfort room, completely dressed. I grab a bottle of cold water and started gulping. I need to stay hydrated. â€Å"So, do you like her too?†Blake suddenly asked. I scrunched my eyebrow in confusion. â€Å"What are you talking about, man? â€Å"Are the two of you going out now? He asked again, ignoring my question. I glared at him. â€Å"Who exactly are we talking about, blake?†I spat. â€Å"Uh, Lilly Thompson.†He said nervously. Huh? Who is Lilly and why are we talking about her? I don’t care about her, duh. Then it hit me. â€Å"YOU!†I shouted. â€Å"It was you who chatted her!†He rubbed the back of his neck. â€Å"Sorry, man. It’s just that-†â€Å"Let me guess†I interrupt him. â€Å"You like her. Am I right?†He nodded. â€Å"Yeah. I really liked her since we were sophomore. I know a lot about her and i know that she likes you so much. That’s the reason i used your account without permission. To be able to talk and ask her out†He finished. I sighed. â€Å"I forgive you, man. But i won’t trust you anymore. I’m going to change my password the moment i got home.†I joked, then i continue. â€Å"You shouldn’t be ashamed to ask her out, Blake. I’m sure she’ll like you†I said, finishing the conversation. â€Å"Thanks, man†He said, punching my arm lightly. We made our way to the court where Nathan was. We saw him sitting and waiting impatiently, spinning a ball in his thumb. When he saw us, he shouted. â€Å"You two! What took you so long?†He asked in an annoyed voice. I faked sigh. â€Å"Sorry, nate. We can’t take it anymore.†I replied, smiling flirtatiously to Blake. Blake just laughed while Nathan, realizing what i’m talking about, gave us a dirty look. â€Å"You’re both disgusting†He said. â€Å"But you love us†I cooed, patting his shoulders. â€Å"Come on, let’s play†Somehow, we managed to play smoothly for one and a half hour. When were finished, the three of us jogged our way back to the shower room, dying for a cold shower. When we’re finished with our cold showers, we separate ways to go to our last class. I check my schedule to find out what class am i having. French. Oh oui, mon sujet favori! Just as i was making my way, i remember something. Something that i’ve been dreading to know. I turn around, running downstairs to catch up with Blake. I saw him making his way to the registrar’s office. â€Å"Blake!†I shouted. He turned around. â€Å"Huh?†He asked, confused. I ran towards him. â€Å"I have a question†I said, panting. He laughed. â€Å"Is it that important that you have to-†â€Å"Why Lilly?†I interrupted. He looked at me, startled. â€Å"What do you mean, man?†He asked, raising an eyebrow. I sighed. â€Å"What made you like her?†I asked again. He just look at me blankly for a couple of seconds. Finally, after realizing what i meant, he let a huge sigh of relief. â€Å"Okay, fine. You see spencer, you wouldn’t just want to know the outside, aren’t you?†He asked and I nodded. Then he continue. â€Å"Think about it. For you to know the person completely, you have to also see the inner beauty. For every person in this world, there’s a reason why they’re like that. There’s a reason behind why their attitudes and personalities are like that. That’s why we should not judge first.†He said, looking at me sadly. â€Å"You know, I always thought that Lilly will be always like that. People keep saying that she’s a bitch, a slut, a whore, an attention seeker but you know what, spencer? In my eyes, i see her differently. The minute i saw her at the orphanage playing with the little kids, man, i was lovestruck. I didn’t expect that, especially from a Lilly Thompson. She’s a type of girl who would change her attitude so that people will not recognize her nor to be able to see through her. That’s what made me like her, spencer.†He finished, smiling mostly to himself. I was pretty sure that there were tears forming in my eyes. Gayish i know. â€Å"I, uh- thanks a lot, blake. And, good luck.†I stuttered, patting his back. â€Å"No worries†He shrugged. I checked my watch. Three minutes till the last bell. â€Å"Uh, spencer?†Blake called. â€Å"Yeah?†â€Å"Always remember, don’t judge the book by it’s cover. And, if you like someone, learn to love her flaws first.†He finished, then he left. Samantha’s POV I stared at the clock, counting the time in my head. â€Å"56†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"57†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"58†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"59†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"RIIIIINNNGGGG!†Shoot. I got up as fast as I could then hurried my way towards the door then down the stairs. Great, I thought to myself. It’s just a detention, Sam. Calm down. It’s just a detention†¦. just a detention†¦ Just a fuc- â€Å"SAM!†Someone shouted, taking me into realization. I stopped in my tracks to find whoever who was calling me. I saw Spencer waving at me frantically, gesturing the way to the detention room. Right. What the hell am I thinking and why am I walking the other way?! I shrieked, thinking to myself. I made my way to Spencer who was now laughing like there’s no tomorrow. Embarrassed, I tried to cover up. â€Å"Why are you laughing?†I asked, faking innocence. He stifled some laugh. â€Å"You looked a little.. lost. Do you really study here? Why are you walking the other way? You do know that the detention room is here, right? He asked, pointing to the room. â€Å"Who said that I was going there first?†I asked, keeping my face blank. â€Å"Where were you going, then?†He asked, challenging me. â€Å"To the ladies room†I said confidently, hoping he’d buy it this time. He just stared at my blankly. Then he started laughing. Harder and louder this time. â€Å"Samantha! HAHAHAHAHA! You’re f-fucking hi-hilarious! The la-dies room i-is upsta-irs!†He manage to say between laughs. My mouth formed a small ‘o’ as I realize that he was right. I was left utterly speechless and really embarrassed. I can feel my cheeks turning bright red. I look up at him and he’s still laughing. This time, with no noise coming out. â€Å"Are you done making fun of me?†I asked, raising my eyebrow. He finally stopped laughing, clutching his hard-abs stomach as he spoke. â€Å"Yeah. You didn’t tell me you’re a good comedian, Sam.†I rolled my eyes. â€Å"I know right? It’s one of my hidden talents.†â€Å"Absolutely right. By giving me a good laugh everyday, I won’t have to work out anymore.†He waggled his eyebrows at me. I smiled. This man surely made my day. Who would have thought that Mr. Spencer Young is like that? Maybe, if we hang out a long time ago, we would be bestfriends by now. And did I mention that he looked hot in his outfit? From v-neck to skinny jeans, perfect. â€Å"Are you done checking me out?†He asked, gesturing to his body. I rolled my eyes and started walking towards the detention room, worry and nervous free. As we walked inside, we realized that we’re not the only ones who got detention. We saw a girl and a boy -probably freshman- lurking around the room waiting for Mr. Lantican. At last, he came inside, holding a cup of coffee and a large notebook in his hands. We all stand up to greet him. â€Å"Good afternoon, sir.†â€Å"Good afternoon, kids.†He replied. â€Å"Now, I will group and assign you all to your works†He said, looking and flipping through the notebook. â€Å"Let’s see†¦ Luke and Miley†¦ both of you will be at the movie room to fix all the cd’s and equipments†He finally said. The two student nodded, then left. â€Å"As for you two†¦-†He said, looking at us intensely. â€Å"-I’ll be assigning you to the library to fix and rearrange some books. You may now proceed†He finished, then left. I made my way to the library with Spencer, eager to finish the task. We stormed downstairs, taking a left to the library. When I opened the door, we were surprised on how messy it was. You’ve got to be kidding me. We can’t finish this in one hour â€Å"What happened here?†Spencer asked. â€Å"I don’t know†I said, stretching. â€Å"Let’s get working.†*After one hour* â€Å"Woooooh!†I shouted, wiping my head with the back of my hand. We’ve been cleaning for an hour, throwing and stacking some books here and there. Spencer isn’t much of a help though. While I was working my butt out, rearranging some books, he thought it would be fun to just sit there and draw some silly faces on the book covers. But somehow, thankfully, we’ve managed to clean the library. When we’re contented with our work, we turned the lights off then we headed out of the school. â€Å"Uh, Spencer? I asked, realizing something. â€Å"Yeah?†He replied whilst looking at his watch. â€Å"I-uh, would you give me a lift? I mean, Anna is usually the-†â€Å"No problem, milady†He interrupted. I smiled at him. â€Å"Thanks.†As I got up to his car -which is a grey Porsche carrera gt- I pulled out my phone and saw that I have two messages coming from Anna and mom. I opened mom’s first: ‘Honey, where are you? You didn’t tell me you’re going to be late’ I immediately hit the reply button: ‘Sorry, mom. Just got detention. I’ll explain it to you later, love you.’ After sending, I read Anna’s message: ‘How’s detention with Mr. Young? ;)’ I smiled, typing: ‘We’ve been asked to clean the library. I hate to admit it, but it’s fun. Never thought Mr. Young has a great sense of humor ;)’ I hit the send button then I put my phone back in my pocket. Minutes passed and I started to feel some ‘awkwardness’ so I decided to play some music. I reached for the Switchfoot album, then pushed the CD inside. I stared at the window just as while â€Å"You†was playing. Great. I look like an emo There’s always something in the way†¦ There’s always something getting through†¦ But it’s not me, it’s you†¦ At exactly 6:00 pm, Spencer pulled up in front of my house. I thanked him and waved goodbye, then he left. I sighed heavily, thinking of the very tiring day. I pushed myself to the door and I walked inside. â€Å"Moooom?†I shouted, looking for her. â€Å"At the kitchen!†She shouted back. I made my way to the kitchen, dropping my bag at the bottom of the stairs as I walked by. â€Å"MOM!-†I immediately talk. â€Å"-I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to be late in class, I swear it won’t happen again and I just want you to know that I’ll still be getting straight A’s and also-†â€Å"Samantha! Calm down! We’re not mad, okay?†She interrupted. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. â€Å"Huh? Why are you not mad? You’re supposed to be shouting at me for letting you down.†I said in a weak voice, tears starting to fall. â€Å"Shhh, Samantha. Don’t ever think about that. Actually, your dad and I were happy that it happened. You’re experiencing the things you’ve never experience before. We’re so proud of you, honey.†I stopped crying then I studied her face. Was she serious? Things that I’ve never done before? That would be parties, drinking alcohol, taking drugs and†¦ sex. I stared at her in horror. â€Å"Sam, are you okay?†Mom asked, waving a hand to my face. She must have noticed that i’m not breathing. I came back into realization. â€Å"Uh yeah, mom. I’m just.. tired. I should go up and change now†I said, kissing her cheeks. I walked pass the dining room, grabbing a banana to calm myself down. I picked up my bag and jogged my way upstairs. Just as I was about to walk inside my room, my father appeared in the hallway â€Å"Your mom’s right, Sam. You should live your life the way you wanted.†He said, holding back tears. I just nodded then I locked myself inside the room.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
WorldCom and Reliant Should be Charged With Felonies Essay
WorldCom and Reliant Should be Charged With Felonies - Essay Example With respect to the USDOJ's definition of corporate crime, in the case of Reliant Energy and WorldCom, the companies were liable for the actions of its officers due to a failure to prevent their actions and allowing a culture that promoted the illegal activity. In the case of Bernie Ebbers, it's hard to imagine a scenario in which he was not aware of the dealings of his subordinates. In addition , he did nothing to affect the methods that WorldCom did business. He had no system in place for oversight or compliance and this placed the corporation as guilty as its officers. As the DOJ has indicated, "management is responsible for a corporate culture in which criminal conduct is either discouraged or tacitly encouraged' (USDOJ, 22003). This was further exacerbated by the WorldCom CEO's insistence on his innocence and refusal to be totally forthcoming in the matter. If there was not a willingness to cooperate, the corporation should be charged as if it was an individual for securities fraud, and filing false reports. Throughout the trial, the defense, "contended that Mr. Ebbers was in the dark about the fraud" and "Ebbers denied discussing any element of the fraud with Mr. Sullivan" (Belsen, 2005).
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Political and Economic Experience for the Puerto Rican Essay
Political and Economic Experience for the Puerto Rican - Essay Example Their migration to the U.S has had major impact to their growth since the 19th century including the strife to maintain their culture. Their relationship with U.S government has led to great economic growth and development through trade, cultural activities and sport. Other major activities in politics have had impacts on the society at large and have cemented the network politically, socially and economically. The country now faces major technological and international integration as a result of these ties which have led to good economic growth. Political advancements have had great impacts and the in terms of economic and political experiences which have modulated the trade and economic development. Politics have transformed the living standard of the citizen and given them a position of power. Politically, Puerto Ricans in the U.S began running for state elections and seats and promoting their own members for the parliamentary seat in the year 1937 (Carmen & Vazquez-Herna ndez 9). Long since very many have been advanced and much social standing has been enhanced. This has also seen a big advancement like educational institutions, sporting facilities, improved transport and improvement in the defense sector through funding. Political standings have seen the positive impacts of interrelations. The migrant to the U.S has led to both positive and negative consequences to those involved. The migrants gain control politically and the strong ones may dominate in the long run. Most of the political aspirants gain experience in the world of politics and the experiences that come with governance. They learn to exercise their rights politically and basing on the fair statutes some may venture to the civil sector to create awareness. On the other hand, these exercises may lead to danger and harassment by the opponents
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Successful characteristics of leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Successful characteristics of leadership - Essay Example Additionally she is accessible and has been able to define herself, which is unlike her forerunners who were often defined by their husbands. Michelle Obama possesses some of the best characters that one requires to be a successful leader. This is not just depicted by her character but also in her diligent speeches. This paper focuses on Michelle Obama as leader. The paper demonstrates how she has managed to portray the key characteristics of a successful leader by being compassionate, inspiring, and motivating. One of such character is her authenticity, which makes many follow her opinion easily and voluntarily. Whenever she makes a speech, it gains popularity such that it becomes the topic of discussion for quite some time. This is a great characteristic particularly in political arena. She is able to define what leadership entails by being a god leader herself. Another of Michelle’s character that demonstrates her leadership capability is her assertiveness. This is depicted by how she frankly discourses what she expects of others. By so doing, she is able to clearly reflect if others are achieving what she expects of them. This was demonstrated in her speech on what it means to be an American and a democrat. Additionally, she has been able to somehow convince the Americans that Obama is doing all he can to make things better and improve their lives. However, she has also been able to articulate what is expected of the Americans for this to be possible. She is very inspirational in both actions and speech. She often refers to her background when she argues that she came from a working class family. This helps people identify with her as someone who are willing to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor. She motivates since she portrays herself as someone who rose from someone of little significance to one of the most influential persons in the world. By so doing, she mentors the less privileged that they also have an opportunity to rise from their
Monday, August 26, 2019
General Style of Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
General Style of Writing - Essay Example General Style of Writing There are going to be a number of principles of basic editing that I am going to employ. Some of these include the need to read over all my projects; for at least twice before presenting them. In my case, I made three major symbolic representations in my general writing presentations to make up my general style of writing. These symbolic representations are in no certain order, the use of themes, exclusive use of examples and the use of counter arguments. By the use of themes, reference is being made to the fact that all projects that are written are given precise division to make the discussions well organized. Examples and scenarios are also used in most cases in order to help in elaborating points and ideas that are raised in the cause of the writing. The final section of my style has to be the use of counter arguments to help in brings out clarity on why the side of an argument I held is more justified than the other side I did not support. All in all, my writing cannot be judged as perfect and has its own weaknesses and strengths. Strengths in my Writing Through remarks received from supervisors and in accordance with a number of academic texts studied in the course o f the semester’s study, there are three major strengths I identify in my writing. These are clarity of construction, organization of thoughts and insightfulness in argument. In the first place, I have often used language and syntax that are simple and down to earth to allow for the easy understanding of sentences and contents I put up. In my first project for instance, in my first two projects, there were positive remarks I received from my supervisors specifically for the fact that my thoughts were straight forward and easy to understand. This point is indeed supported by Murray (1998) as a major strength in all forms of writing as he remarks that â€Å"I write my way toward meaning with discovery drafts that usually make the subject come clear.†Secondly, I have always focused on the need to make my writings well organized and structured. I do this by giving themes and sub-heading to major points. Once this is done, there is always the room to make the identification of major points that have been raised in the writings easier and accessible. Finally, I combine simplicity with insightfulness to ensure that the fact that I try to keep the structure and content of my papers simple does not take away from them the in-depth of explanations that the arguments deserve. Weaknesses in my Writing Not withstanding the major strengths discussed about my style of writing, there are a number of weaknesses that can be seen. These weaknesses are evident when reading through some of the major laid down principles in putting up an excellent paper; such as the one presented by Murray (1998). In light of this, it would be said that I have a very wrong approach to accepting criticism that pertain to writing. Contrary to this, Murray (1998) admonishes that â€Å"they must accept the criticism of others and be suspicious of it; they must accept the praise of others and be even more suspicious of it.†The writer makes this point referring to writers who seek t o excel in their writing. This means that common mistakes that are made in my writing and are pointed out by friends, colleagues and supervisors must always be taken in good faith and improved upon. Unfortunately, m supervisor seem to be the only person whose input I consider for change. As evidence in my first three project works, there are major corrections that my learning partner pointed out to me, which I ignored. When I finally took the completed work to
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Epidemiology in the News Homework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Epidemiology in the News Homework - Essay Example The journal article selected for this study is titled â€Å"Childrens eating attitudes and behaviour: a study of the modelling and control theories of parental influence.†The experiential study by Ogden and Brown compares the control theories and models of parents’ influence on the feeding habits and behavior of children. This study particularly focuses on kid’s consumption of snacks. To get conclusive results, the authors designed questionnaires meant to analyze obesity risk factors like eating motivations, snack intake, as well as, body dissatisfaction (Brown & Ogden, 2004). Participating parents were also required to fill in questionnaires with additional aspects relating to the effort they make in regulating their children’s feeding behavior. Another aspect studied during the study, was the parents’ tendency to use food as an instrument for kids’ behavior regulation. The study results indicated that there is a significant connection betw een parents and children, in consideration of snack consumption, feeding motivations and, hence childhood obesity. This article, therefore, places emphasis on the imperative role of modelling that parents should play. All the same, results from the study indicate that negative parental influence is not the sole determinant of obesity, since it must be coupled with other factors like sedentary child lifestyles, lack of exercise and excessive consumption of junk food among other things. The study findings also indicate that a constructive parental model is more effective in facilitating transformation and regulation of obesity, than parents’ attempts to compel children to reduce their food intake (Brown & Ogden, 2004). An article by fine, titled â€Å"Junk food doesn’t make kids fat - junk parents do†posted in an Australian blog The Punch, exaggerates these research findings to an extent of misleading the public. For instance, the article discredits the notion that advertising of food
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Research Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 8
Research Proposal - Essay Example Parent-child relationships are frequently distressed by the mental illness of a parent. Uysal, Hibbard, Robillard, Pappadopulos, and Jaffe (1998 as cited in Nicholson, Biebel, Kinden, Henry, & Stier, 2004) discovered that parents with mental disorder were less nurturing; less focused on motivating social skill development, cleanliness, and obedience; and were commonly less involved with their children’s social being than parents without mental illness. Such parenting deteriorations could be related with child problem behavior (Nicholson et al., 2004). In order to situate the research questions in theoretical perspective, several major components of social development framework: the interdependencies of social lives; and the function of human agency in the process of making decision (Reutlinger, 2009), will be considered. A fundamental principle of the social development framework is that the lives of people are interconnected (Reutlinger, 2009). The interrelated lives of parents and children are specifically significant due to the fact that even though children commonly have little say in the decision making of the lives of their parents, the family define the living situations of children considerably by affecting the levels of different social capital resources accessible to children within the family unit (Schmier, 2004). Even though the lives of children are influenced by an array of social institutions external to the family, such as peers, neighborhoods, and schools, the fates and opportunities of family members are strongly interconnected, and families keep hold of a major role in the social development of children (Schmier, 2004). Family arrangement, the prerequisites of abilities and skills by adult family members and the possible rivalry for resources from other family members therefore all facilitate in the construction of the domestic
Friday, August 23, 2019
The Constitution of the United States Assignment
The Constitution of the United States - Assignment Example It has long been the tradition of rulers to have a constitution that is used to form the basis of governance. Since the earliest recorded history, constitutions were used to define who held the authority to tax or hold property. Constitutions had the additional responsibility of defining what the public's rights were and designing a structure of law enforcement. The wording and intent of a constitution define the nature that the government will have and the limits of its authority over individual freedom, free thought, free thought, and the ability of the people to make any necessary change. These traditions carried over to the US Constitution, which is a written document that defines the structure of government and its relationship to the people. As with the constitutions that preceded it, the document sets limits on power and provides a means to enact and enforce legislation. The US Constitution presents an agreed upon set of principles that are acknowledged to be universal and a system to implement these beliefs. The US Constitution spells out the rights that the people have and the legal recourse available when these rights are violated. The US constitution is based on the principle of separation of powers, which divides authority among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. These basic principles were adopted from earlier European thinkers and constitutions, and form the foundation of the more eloquent expression that the legislative process is based on. In addition, the US constitution embodies the philosophical beliefs in equality and fairness that Americans have come to take for granted. While these principles were written into the original text, additional elaboration on individual rights and the need to accommodate a changing society have necessitated the addition of amendments.Â
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The Calculation of GNP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Calculation of GNP - Essay Example 120 x 22 = 2640. In 2005, 210 tennis racquets were sold. 210 x 120 = 25,200. 2640 + 25,200 = 27, 840. Let 2004 be the base year. In 2004, 100 CDs were sold. 100 x 22 = 2200. In 2004, 200 tennis racquets were sold. 200 x 120 = 24,000. 2200 + 24,000 = 26,200. Percent Growth = 100% x ((27,840-26,200)/26,200)) Percent Growth = 7.02% Using 2005 as a base year, the real GDP for 2004 is 26,200 and the real GDP for 2005 is 840. This shows an increase of 7.02%. 10/10 4. Review GDP over last 5 years from BEA's website and summarize trends> Discuss two or three events which may have caused these trends. Although the last five years did not experience any recessions, the years 2000 and 2001 were low points in economic growth. Incidentally, the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, all saw recessions in their first few years, so this slowing of economic growth early in the decade is not unusual (Orszag 2001). Like in other decades, after these first few slow years, the growth rate begins to accelerate again gradually through 2002 and 2003. At this point (late 2003, early 2004) we see a period of particularly fast growth (2003q3 9.3%, 2003q4 5.5%, 2004q1 8.1%) (Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2006). This may have been caused by government initiatives to give the economy a short-term boost for the year of the election (2004). If these initiatives were put into play half-way through 2003, it's possible that they were quite successful initially but only for a short time, and not very far into 2004. Although the GDP does rise in the 2004 and 2005, it's growth has been decelerating ever so slightly over the past two years. Still it remains fairly stable. The recent stability of the economy, despite extremely high energy prices, can be attributed to the relatively... At this point (late 2003, early 2004) we see a period of particularly fast growth (2003q3 9.3%, 2003q4 5.5%, 2004q1 8.1%) (Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2006). This may have been caused by government initiatives to give the economy a short-term boost for the year of the election (2004). If these initiatives were put into play half-way through 2003, it's possible that they were quite successful initially but only for a short time, and not very far into 2004. Although the GDP does rise in the 2004 and 2005, it's growth has been decelerating ever so slightly over the past two years. Still it remains fairly stable. The recent stability of the economy, despite extremely high energy prices, can be attributed to the relatively low unemployment rate throughout the last year (Sniderman, 2006). Sniderman, M. (April 2006). The Economy in Perspective. Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. Retrieved April 15, 2006, from Two formerly undeveloped economies, that of Singapore and that of Hong Kong, have shown unprecedented growth in the past fifty years. However, developing countries would benefit more from following an economic model similar to that of Singapore given the current economic trends and conditions.
The Crucible Essay Example for Free
The Crucible Essay The Crucible by Arthur Miller is a drama about a small group of teen girls in 1692 Salem, Massachusetts caught in an innocent conjuring of love potions to catch young men are forced to tell lies that Satan had invaded them and forced them to participate in the rites and are then forced to name those involved. Thrown into the mix are greedy preachers and other major landowners trying to steal others land and one young woman infatuated with a married man and determined to get rid of his innocent wife. Fueled by the lies and blasphemy in the town, they’re finally brought to a â€Å"melting point†where they buy into the deceit and start to charge witchcraft. The Crucible represents test, trail, ordeal, formation by fire, and vessel baked to resist heat. The title reflects the meaning of the work as a whole theme. First, John Proctor is a tested and formatted by fire character. In The Crucible he is tested by the court and the citizens in Salem. In the play Abigail Williams accuses John Proctors wife of witchery and is taken to trial but john proctor want to accuse Abigail of murder. He is trying to do anything possible to save his wife of being lynched. John Proctor was put through a severe test of faith in him and came through in the end by finding the good in him and refusing to cast away his name in signing a confession. John Proctor was confused on how he felt towards his relationship with Elizabeth he felt like he was a â€Å"not a good man†to her. Johns character is considered a formatted by fire character because of the way he has developed from the beginning to the end of the play. Next, Elizabeth Proctor represents trial and a vessel baked to resist heat character. Like many puritan women, Elizabeth Proctor is reserved, slow to complain, and dutiful. Yet, Elizabeth is pained by the fact that her husband was having an affair with their â€Å"strikingly beautiful†young servant. But Elizabeth doesn’t seem to care. Abigail Williams accused her of witchery to try to get John Proctor back. Throughout the play she struggles for her innocence’s and so does John. He manages to do anything possible for Elizabeth to be free, even if it meant to lie and accuse Abigail of murder. Elizabeth manages to escape lynching because she receives the news that she is expecting a child. Elizabeth is a vessel baked to resist heat character because she manages everything to not get involved in problems also she wasn’t guilty of any charges and managed to escape being lynched. To conclude, the drama The Crucible by Arthur Miller is a drama about a group of girls that are caught in an innocent conjuring of love potions to catch young men are forced to tell lies that Satan had invaded them and forced them to participate in the rites and are then forced to name those involved. But once they confess on whom they saw the say names of people they don’t like because they want revenge on all their enemies. The Crucible represents test, trail, ordeal, formation by fire, and vessel baked to resist heat. The title reflects the meaning of the work as a whole theme.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The Objective Of Zakat Theology Essay
The Objective Of Zakat Theology Essay The socket has been introduced in pre-colonial Malaysia. Before the British colonial Malaysia, the village in the country, as in other parts of the world developed through land settlement or colonization. One of the popular methods was the collective Pondok system, which was particularly common in the Muda Region of Kedah. By this system, a group of settlers would gather around and a person who is well -versed in Islamic Knowledge or who had already established himself as a religious teacher .After the they found a suitable place , they will build their Pondok (huts) around a Madras; a religious center for worship as well as teaching. In the case where the group has been established, they would invite a religious teacher from elsewhere to set up a Madras among them.This religious teacher was also the Imam of the community, in the sense that he led five prayers daily in the mosque or madsarah. The group of peasant will be going out to open land around the clusters of their Pondok, leaving their children to the teacher for religious education at day time. For those wives who are unable to work with their spouse in the land also will obtained religious instruction from the teacher. The peasants will receive religious at least one or twice a week and longer on Friday because it was a day of rest. They will spend more time in the mosque than the field. As an appreciation for the service provided by the teacher, the peasants usually will collectively clear a piece of land and cultivate if for the teacher. Slowly, as the land become more productive and the production level of each peasant family exceeds the nisab of 480 Gantang [1] for each harvesting, the peasant family would pay skate at their 10 % of the gross yield of the paddy. According to Afifudin, those early days all the skate form a specific group in the Pondok system would go to the teacher. If a group of 50 sacked paying peasants would contribute a minimum of 2400 Gantang each year .As time goes by, the wealth of the teacher can be accumulated. The teacher can use the socket for the expansion of Madras. During the colonial period in Malaysia especially Kelantan, zakat was administered by imam,who is is the local religious leader managed the zakat collection and surpervised by the division of inherited party.In order to finance the intensified activities ,the state required imams to surrender part of the zakat they collected at the village level.However,this menthod is only partially successful due to the British regime replaced Grahmans ,the Islamic administration .The Grahman took charge of civil administration ,he divested the imams of their civil function .which were transfer to the headman (ketua kampong) . According to secret institution in Malaysia .During British Colonial Period , The segregation between religion, custom and temporal matters took place during this period. All Islamic and Malay customs related matters were administered by a special body known as Majlis Agama Islam Negeri (MAIN). Other than that, the rest came under the purview of the British civil and criminal law system (Matters associated with socket were administered by MAIN. Accordingly, in Zakat Satu Tinjauan, Kelantan was the first state to establish the body which later became a model to other Malay States. Under this model, the Imam (spiritual leader) has been empowered to govern skate related matters and a portion of zakat collection would be delivered to the state government as a financial resource for Islamic affairs. That was how the administration of soaked developed until today which remain under the supervision of State Islamic Councils. After the independence of Malaysia, New Economic Policy has been introduced.The zakat fund is use for investment purpose .In the early 1970s ,the minister of National and Rural Development ,Encik Ghaffae Baba,who was also the chairman of Mara ,urged all the state Religious Councils to invested substantial portion of their money (mostly derived from the collection of zakat) in Amanah Saham Mara .The objective is to eliminate the income gap between the ethnic group in Malaysia,especially the Muslim and Chinese. The objective of Zakat The primary objective of Zakat is to elevate the spirit of human being above the material acquisition.Consequently, Islam does not view the zakat payer as a mere of sore of funds,but as a person who always needs purification and cleansing, both spiritually and materially. The prophet (p) summaries this purpose in the ayat ,sadaqa from hier wealth by which you might purify and cleanse them. Zakat, when paid out of submission to the commad of Allah ,is a mean of purifying the soul of a Muslim from greed and miserliness.The vices of selfishness and greed must be controlled in order for human beings to elevate their spirits ,to succed in their social realtions in his life ,and gain admittance to paradise .Allah Almighty says, Truly man is niggardly! (17:100) and But people are prone to selfish greed.)Zakat is a purifier that trains Muslims to give and spend selflessly .It liberates their souls from the love of wealth and slavery to materials gains and acquisitions. On top of that, zakat is a mean of training Muslims on virtues of generosity as much as it is a means of purificarion from greed .Being paid in repetitive pattern year after year ,regular zakat as well as zakat al-fitr train Muslims to give and spend for charitable purpose. The Quran describes believers as the righteous who have the virtue of spending for good reasons.The very second sura of the Quran begins, Alif .Lam .Mim.That is the Book with no doubt .In it is guidance for the godfearing :those who believe in Unseen and establish the prayer and give of what we have provided for them.This exhortation is reiterated many times in the Quran ,such as Those who give away their wealth by night and by day ,secretly and openly ,: Those who give in times of both ease and hardship and The steadfast ,the truthful ,the obedient ,the givers ,and those who seek forgivness before dawn. Also ,once a person is trained to spend on public interests and to give to his brethren out of his own wealth, he is most likely to be freed from any urge to transgress on other peoples wealth and possessions. Besides that, zakat trains people to acquire divine characteristic.If man purified of miserliness and greed and becomes accustomed to the habit of giving and spending, his soul is elevated abouve low human trait of covetousness, Truly man is niggardly! (17:100) and aspire to the height of Divine perfection, since one of the characteristic of Allah is absolute and unlimited mercy, powers, theoretical and practical .Allah obliges zakat in order to perfect human souls in graciousness to oher people ,as the prophet says, Train yourselves to attributes of Allah.This encouragement to spend throught zakat and voluntary charity resulted with time,u in the emergence of charitable trusts all over Muslim world,trusts devoted not only to helping the poor and needy but to all causes for human beings as well as animals. In addition ,zakat is to shows expression of thankfulness to Allah .Gratitude and thankfulness are among the best characteristics of human beings.Zakat is an expression of thankfulness to Allah for the bouties .He gives on us .Allah, says al-Ghazali, has gives on human spiritual and materials bounties.Prayers and other acts of physical worship express gratitude for the blessing of creation, while zakat and other acts of donator worship express gratitude for the material blessings of Allah .The concept that zakat is thanks Allah for His bounties is s widespread and deeply rooted in the consciousness of Muslims that it is common to say that one must give zakat in thanks for the grace of sight ,hearing,health ,knowledge, etc. Also, zakat stimulates personality growth in those who pay it .Through helping others overcome their financial difficulties , zakat payers are enriched by feelings of self-worth and fufilment . Zakat also helps offer the payers self to others and grow throught helping them and gives the payer a noble sense of victory over his base desires and material drives-over his owns shaytan. Last but not least, zakat is to purifies wealth.This is because zakat is a right to the poor , not paying it means keeping something that belongs to others intermingled worth ones wealth and this brings Allahs wrath on the whole wealth. The Prophet (p) says, If you pay zakat on your wealth ,you have taken away its evil. Types of zakat Zakat is divided into several types : Zakat of Income Zakat of Savings Zakat of Business Zakat of KWSP/LTAT Zakat of Share Zakat of Livestock Zakat of Gold and Silver Zakat of Crops Zakat of Income Extra payment received by an individual from their employer or individual itself in the form of physical energy or physically or professional employment for specific day, month and yearly also been required to pay zakat. Employment income includes: 1) The annual salary 2) Other allowances 3) Unpaid wages 4) Other remuneration such as bonuses, etc. Method Of Calculation First Method Using gross income (without deduction) 2.5% on gross income per year. Example : Total gross income per year : RM 25,000.00 Amount of zakat (2.5%) : RM 625.00 Monthly Payment : RM 625.00 /12 = RM 52.08 Second Method Using the net income (Income year less allowable expenses per year) x 2.5% Expenses allowed deduction (per year): -:- Self : RM 8,000.00 Wife : RM 5,000.00 Children : RM 1,000.00 KWSP : 11% from gross income workers Parents Contribution : RM (amount given) per month x 12 months Contributions to organizations that pay the zakat (for example: Lembaga Tabung Haji, Takaful) Zakat of savings Contribution of workers and employers to KWSP People Provident Fund , Soldiers Provident Fund (LTAT) are also required to pay zakat as the concept is similar to savings but the different is savings of KWSP and LTAT could not be withdraws anytime wherenever they like and it is subject the rules. Fixed Deposit Fixed deposit of RM 100,000 was kept for a year without the excluded (assumed nisab charity at that RM 9430.00) Then charity is required to produce are: RM 100,000 x 2.5% = RM 2.500 Regular Deposit Method Of Calculation (Duration haul is January 5, 1999 until February 7, 2000) (Assuming nisab of charity at that RM 3,323.50) So zakat are : (Balances with lower interest bank refused WITH) X 2.5% (RM 9,115.00 RM 115.00) x 2.5% = RM 225.00 Zakat of Business Zakat been given out by Sole Propirate, Partnership, Cooperative Society, Societies and Organization which had reached one year and the time limit. Method Of Calcutions [ ( Current Assets Current Liability ) + Coordination x Percentage of Muslims Share x ZAKAT ABILITY ( 2.5 % ) ]. Zakat of KWSP Contributions of employees and employers into the Employees Provident Fund (EPF), Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Army (LTAT),or the like imposed zakat as conceptually the same as saving money, but with the difference amount of savings, LTAT and so on shall not be issued at anytime because and subject to regulations that is fixed. CALCULATION METHOD : METHOD 1 2.5% of the contribution that issued once money issued. METHOD 2 2.5% of contribution every employee is based on the annual statement Zakat of shares Zakat which is given out for investment which hasreachedh its time limit and minimum value. METHOD OF CALCULATION 2.5 % the value of lowest share share which is own for one year minus for shared borrowed. If the lowest value is not determined, use the value beginning early in the year or in the year or whichever is the lowest. For shareholders which must be owned by investors. Muslims in the long term to gain control a company or firm so his payment for zakat will be based on the calculations that it will not affect the the importance of other Muslims to get hold of the company. If any of the owners shares has not reached one year, but the whole property being changed for a number of time for one year from shares to cash and vice versa, so use the lowest value with the mixture of money and shares,shares with basic to count zakat multiply 2.5 %. Zakat of Livestock Livestock zakat is property zakat that required to be taken out in perfect the conditions. Domestic animal that obliged to pay zakat is among them such as goat, , cattle , camel, sheep, buffalo. Prophet S.A.W said From Muaz Ibnu Jabal, had said, RasulullahS.A.W was sending me to Yaman and ask me to collect zakat from each of 30 cows, 1 lamb musinnah (1 female cattle aged up to 3 years ) and every 30 cows, tabi or tabiah ( 1 male or female cattle aged up to 2 years). The livestock that we would like to give a zakat must be perfect and no defects such as missing the foot or hand and so on. COWS/BUFFALOES Quantities Zakat Amount / Sex 30-39 tail 1 tail, age 1 year / male 40-59 tail 1 tail, age 2 year / female 60-69 tail 2 tail, age 1 year / male 70-79 tail 1 tail, age 1 year / male and 2 tail, age 2 year / male 80-89 tail 2 tail, age 2 year / female 90-99 tail 3 tail, age 1 year / male 100-109 tail 1 tail, age 2 year / female and 2 tail, age 1 year / male 110-119 tail 2 tail, age 2 year / female and 1 tail, age 1 year / male 120 tail above tail, age 2 year / female and 3 tail, age 1 year / male GOATS Quantities Zakat Amount / Sex 40-120 tail 1 tail, age 2 year / male or female 121-200 tail 2 tail, age 2 year / male or female 201-399 tail 3 tail, age 2 year / male or female Subsequent additions : Every of 100 tail plus plus 1 tail, age 2 year / male or female SHEEP Quantities Zakat Amount / Sex 40-120 tail 1 tail, age 1 year/ male @ female 121-200 tail 2 tail , age 1 year / male @ female 201-399 tail 3 tail, age 1 year/ male @ female Subsequent additions : every 100 tail increased by 1 tail,age 1 year / male @ female. Zakat of Silver and Gold Gold and silver is a mineral that is required to charity. This is because these metals are very useful as it uses an exchange value of all things. As for other jewelry than gold and silver like diamond, pearl, silk, copper, are not obligatory zakat on it. Nisab zakat gold used = 200gram Gold zakat Nisab unused = 85gram Zakat Of Crops Zakat which is upon basic food which has reached the stage of satisfaction for the state which has 363 gantang / 1300 kg like paddy, wheat, cereals and so on.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Example Answers to Questions on Ethical Behaviour
Example Answers to Questions on Ethical Behaviour My view is that, ethical behavior will pay off in long run. Even though it might take few years down the track for the company to pay off. Ethical behavior is basically an individuals view of what is right or what is wrong. Ethical behavior is used inside and outside of the business environment. We also make ethical decision in our daily life. All human beings are behaving ethically from their own point of view, which also might differ from culture to culture or business environment. In our daily lifestyle, ethical behavior has passed on in every culture generation by generation, which seems it pays off. Ethical behaviors in a workplace are based on the combination factor depending on their ideas. The ideas of work environment ethics is related to how people who work for and who run the business applies their perception of right and wrong in a way they conduct the business . It is good for the company and the companies product to maintain its value at the same time retain standard. This would happen, if the company stand its foot on the ethical behavior. All the existing companies should choose to behave ethically to keep their relationship between their customers and co workers. This is very important in businesses now days to increase their sales of product and services. All the business should maintain first class service. Being ethical also refrains from the companies name or by product also being spoiled and it also keeps the customers happy. But if the leader of the company or the manager misleads the employees or the organisation in a wrong direction, than the rewards bad behavior. Some of these unethical behaviors that are done by the leaders in a bad organization could be lying, cheating and stealing. Even though by lying or cheating might not be a loss for the company, but its like taking the organization and its products and services to a major risk. To run a good ethical behavior organization one must ensure that the leaders abide by the rules and regulation of the particular organization. And the leaders should have the similar ethical thinking of what the organization has. The risks of the organization could take place by running businesses by unethical manners are as follows:- Loss of customers Bad name of the organization in the existing society. Prevents the organisation from growing Bankruptcy Risk of being sued. Breach of consumer responsibility. Loss of good employees. In an organization, employees should form a system to solve any ethical problem that arises with the help of leaders and the managers. As a leader the first step is to specify the appropriate behaviors not just by words but also by your action. To prevent unethical dilemma at a workplace the manager or the leader should provide employees with proper training during the orientation. If you want to make sure your workplace is a good role model of an ethical behavior (doing what is right) the leaders of the organization should ensure the employees continue to follow the rules that are laid out throughout the entity. While it is hard for a company to write some of the simple rules and regulations as long as the general rules are given out, so the company should ask to live by the response of the behavior that they make unethically and hold them accountable for doing so. According to the workforce in todays business culture all individuals should be prepared to deal with stressful situation. Such as when employees are caught for doing previous unethical decision they start blaming the victim (he was stupid enough to fall for it), and finger pointing (she does the same thing, and you never call her on it) will not be tolerated. To make sure that the unethical behaviour does not arise, therefore companys written rule is compulsory for every individual. Also all the rules should be clear easy to understand, and posted to notice board. Even though it is easy to understand the ethical and unethical behaviour thats why the rules made for employees should be memorized. This is how your business can find its way through the gray areas, and the way out on the other end of the tunnel. My past job was also a great experience that the ethical behaviour does pay off in long run. This was when I was back in Sydney. I met Brian Hussain, who was very keen on opening up his own business in a car detailing. He told me that he was going to offer me a job of a manager, since i had two years experience in the detailing of cars. So i took his offer since the income offered to me was great. Brian Hussain spoke to the owner of Premier Parking, which is well known in Australia, to go partners with him in 1998. They both came to an agreement and decided to open up the detailing shop by the name off Elite Car Care in May 1998. The first Elite Car Care was opened in the parking lot of Leichardt mall, Sydney. So i started working from the first day of the opening, business was running a bit slow since most people were not aware of it that the car wash was in the parking lot. Months went past and the business started to make progress, by the end of 1998. The turnover was almost three times more than what we usually use to make. And the workers were really good but the only issue i had that they had a student work permit with only 20 hours of work availability. Since the Car Wash was open for 7 days, it was important for me to have at least four staffs every day except Mondays. Weekends use to be the most busy days of the week, and in order to get the work done I had to ask the employees to do extra hours, which the students 20 hours were exceeded. The immigration was ok with the students if they went over the 20 hour to 23 hours, as long as they dont repeat it often. Brian Hussain, use to come around the work place almost every afternoon just to check up on the hours of the staffs and the sale we did throughout the day. So what Brian Hussain was, cutting down the hours of work the students did to 20 hours even if they worked till 22 to 23 hours. What was done by Brian Hussain was wrong, but i really couldnt do much since he was the boss. The actions of Brian Hussian, made the workers leave, which also made us loss some of our really good customers. Because the work was not done properly and the time frame that the customers had to wait for their vehicles to be cleaned was also stretched. In 1999 i arranged a meeting with Brian Hussain and his partner in the business, who was the owner of premier car park. I told him that the decisions that Brain Hussian made was not ethical and it also affected our business in a great loss. I also suggested that on the busy days of the week if the workers work really hard and skip there lunch to get the work done we should give them a bonus or reward for their effort contributed to the car wash. They knew it will be some extra expenses for the business, but they agreed to do as i suggested. After these changes were made there was a great progress and growth in the business environment, even the workers were satisfied to what the rules that was laid by the organization. By the mid 1999 the turnover was so good that Brian Hussain and his partner decided to open another car wash in Double Bay, which i know was a great idea, because the people that lived there are rich and drive expensive cars. And by the end of 1999 Elite Car Care had a great name in the market of car wash, which made the old customer that we lost in Leichardt to come back to us. This is why i strongly suggest that ethical behaviour pay off in long run and also maintains a healthy relationship with the customers and employees. It is also said what goes around comes back around this is a true saying and I believe to stand by it. References Question 2 Societys impact will be reflected by the ethical leaders, how the decisions are made and they need to be people oriented. Leaders are there to set an example in an organisation and by doing that they resolve the negative impact on the society. Leaders show ethical behaviour by doing right thing and at the same time they help to motivate the followers. They also help the followers achieve the moral knowledge to its highest peak. In reality ethical leaders cover more encouragement of ethical behaviour. For example, repeating the ethical behaviour programs in their daily life. By being ethical the society helps the base of the business environment to be strong and steady. Right condition should be created by ethical leaders and also organisational culture to encourage the development of ethical behaviour. With a good ethics a leader can convince the world. Society has been represented by a leader or leaders at different levels for e.g can be city, town, village, industry, club, association, country, etc. Such as USA is well known of its power and ethical behaviour, which is unmatchable leader in the world. Another example would be an American leader sent the USA army to Iraq to resolve the conflict they had in Iraq. The lack of corporation and support by the leaders can have a great negative impact on the society and the environment both. This could also result in the rise of crime, corruption, pollution, and social conflict. Todays people blame the leaders for things they have negative impact on the society reason being lack of faith on the leader. For example the voters of Canada no longer believe that their leaders are honest. More than half the people have researched by the British Columbia, which said the government is making their life worst. Being an ethical leader its not just making, doing the jobs that makes the business benefit, but it also must be equally benefit for the people and the society. To complete accurate information through channel leaders need to suggest on professional, personal and legal grounds. By doing this you will have a peace of mind and have no guilt as well as having a respect for the administration of employees. A leader being unethical doesnt just have a impact on the employees but also on the society. If this happens, it could result in a big collapse. One of the great examples that was using a unethical behaviour and then collapsed, is Enron. We can also describe ethical leadership as an trustworthy also describe ethical leaders transparent, honest and trustworthy culture that would later on help them achieve long lasting position of leaders in their groups, nations and organisations. Great example would be a well known person from India his name is Mahatma Gandhi for his great leadership style. In todays generation everybody expects the leaders to have the ethical behaviour and values in the society. By having such a large number of population its hard to separate the evil ones from the good ones. Thats why it gets hard to stay ethical and honest in the world of competition. To improve the ethical leadership in the business environment it is important to introduce ethical from the top first. A leader with ethical behaviour is also a part of social responsible organisation at different levels, which includes legal, economic, and ethical. If a company cannot look after its legal and economics responsibilities then it is not socially responsible. Sometimes company need to do more than it is required to have good impact on the business and in society too. To become more socially responsible a company needs to examine its ethical actions. Apparently company should strives in order to provide ethical treatment to all stakeholders away from shareholders. If the organisation allows their employees and the community in the decision making process as stakeholders then this will have a great impact to reduce negative and at the same time improve the positive outcome for each group. By doing this it also improves the companies action becomes more and more socially responsible. For a leader to have a ethical behaviour in a business organisation, his own thoughts and ethical behaviour should match with the business and society. In todays society leaders should know what kind of behaviour either positive or negative impact on others and the people around them. An ethical leader also helps the business to have a better and healthy communication between the business and society. Some of the good examples of how ethical leaders or an organisation helps the society are as follows:- Disaster Relief whereby for example telecom provide a support to society by proving resources and working twenty four hours , seven days to restore communication to homes and businesses. While working to restore the communication, telecom also provide free calls diverts to all customers and also a free wireless broadband in society. It is also a good thing that a society benefits from ethical behaviour of an organisation because the employees are part of the society.
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