Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Maintenance of Social Hierarchies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Maintenance of Social Hierarchies - Essay Example Changing treatment technologies, immigration of people from other parts of the world, different perceptions of culture and treatment approaches as well as rise in rights and gender of special groups such as lesbians and gays demand that nurses must be culturally competent. This is to be able to truly care for the sick in different communities. Without cultural competency, it is extremely difficult to offer fair and equal nursing care to all. There are two models that were used to describe culture and diversity. They are the theory of culture care: Diversity and Universality and Purnell model of nursing. The theory of culture care: Diversity and Universality focus on nursing and consequences of health care services. It also put emphasis on culture and care relationship as it focus on individuals. Finally, the theory acknowledges that caring is a universal concept that vary across different cultures. Purnell model brings communication, bio-cultural, high-risk behaviors, nutrition, work force issues, pregnancy and childbearing practices, death rituals, health care practices and health care providers to explain culture more explicitly. The factors that have contributed to health disparities in underserved populations are racial and ethical differences, geographical isolation, lack of consumer involvement in decision making, poverty and lack of trained health care providers. There are a number of Socio-cultural factors that directly influence quality health care. The Socio-cultural factors include family roles, bio-cultural ecology, workforce issues, nutrition and spirituality. Family roles involve different roles played by male and female persons in the society. In some societies, nursing is a preserve for the female and patients may perceive men as incompetent in nursing field. Secondly, bio-cultural ecology is another factor that explains variation in ethnic and race. A person of a certain race may find it unacceptable for nurses from different races to care him o r her. The third factor is workforce issues. Some people prefer working as individuals or communicating in certain ways which may conflict with behavior of people from other cultures. Fourth factor is nutrition. Different communities like or dislike certain foods. Spirituality is another factor. Some people prefer use of black magic or herbs as opposed to modern medicine. The barrier to delivering quality health care includes poor communication, stereotyping, cultural blindness and ethnocentrism. The current perspective is that cultural competence / trans-culture is both a general practice and specialty area that focus on global cultures. A nurse is culturally competent if he or she posses four cognitive components. A nurse need to be culturally aware, should have a positive attitude towards different cultures, gain cultural knowledge and develop various cultural skills. The two ways of how health care providers can be culturally competent in organizations is first, through training and second, by getting immersed in the communities in which they
Monday, October 28, 2019
E-Commerce and Intellectual Property Essay Example for Free
E-Commerce and Intellectual Property Essay Introduction E-commerce is defined by the UNCITRAL as  â€Å"Transactions in international trade are carried out by means of electronic data interchange and other means of communication commonly referred to as electronic commerce, which involve the use of alternatives to paper-based forms of communication and storage of information†. The rapid expansion of e-commerce is forcing countries to look again at how to regulate trade and intellectual property. The amazing development of telecommunication devices and means, and of computers and related services, has made all these services and products available to a very large number of people in the world. In highly-developed countries, the use of computers has been highly promoted, and it is normal to find people who are fully familiarized with computers and who are used to dealing with computer technologies such as the Internet. Relying On Private Agreements At the present time, the development of e-commerce has several barriers, such as the lack of security for electronic transactions, and the low purchasing power of a large part of the population, most of whom do not have credit cards. Also, people prefer to buy goods from real shops rather than from virtual shops due to the lack of security in electronic transactions and the increased problems relating to the falsification of credit cards, signatures and mail theft among others. First of all, to login to an information network, people use several programs and devices to retrieve information. People use computers, modems, switchboards, communication devices, routers, hubs, etc, and each one of these products may be the subject of a patent or a copyright, and whenever there is an intellectual property right involved, there is the possibility of an infringement. Secondly, a great deal of information is published in the Internet, and all this information is exposed to misuse. Probably, one of the most frequent practices on the Internet is that users take parts of web pages and copy them onto their computers; from then on, they are able to use, reproduce and modify the retrieved information to the extent they wish. This may infringe intellectual property rights such as trade marks, trade names, slogans or copyrights. Protection under the IP law Legislation modifications should be focused on trade laws and even more on international trade laws. The intellectual property laws are reasonably prepared to handle the boom of e-commerce activities in the forthcoming years, with provisions that offer the means to protect all intellectual property rights. Probably, the recent creation of the so-called â€Å"domain name†is the reason why it has not been included yet in most intellectual property laws. But, even in some countries, policies have been created for the registration of domain names and if necessary, procedures for cancellation of registration in cases of infringement of intellectual property rights. More often than not, one of the most valuable assets in e-commerce and the largest potential source of future income is the information database created across time in the joint venture. Unfortunately, some e-commerce proposals do not even mention this. But if the information-gathering activity is not mentioned, the possibility of failure persists, to negotiate the legal rights to that information and the income it generates. Enhancing the upside of e-commerce takes careful contract analysis and planning. E-commerce, in general, and strategic online partnerships in particular, are continuing to emerge and evolve in ways that are increasingly attractive to associations and their members. But at the same time that associations are realizing the benefits of such relationships, certain new legal developments require careful analysis to ensure that the association avoids potential legal and financial risk associated with its online activity. Unfortunately, the legal environment does not yet have much legal precedent on which lawyers and their clients may rely. At the same time, new legal developments are emerging. These realities pose tough challenges with regard to minimizing the associations legal risks while maximizing its economic rewards. Consequently, forging the effective low-risk partnerships desired will be nearly impossible to do solely. Rather, the associations legal counsel will need to pay particular attention to the details of the online partnerships the organization may consideras well as the contracts that define them. New Legal Developments Three of many developments complicating e-commerce legal analysis are the case of United Cancer Council; the Intermediate Sanctions portion of the Internal Revenue Code; and the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act, which is currently being introduced in all state legislatures for enactment. United Cancer Council UCC is a spin-off of the American Cancer Society. The IRS retroactively revoked UCCs federal income tax exemption for its long-term contract in a joint venture with a for-profit company. In short, UCC lost in the U.S. Tax Court, won a reversal and new trial on appeal, and recently settled with the IRS before the second tax court trial. Based on my experience as one of the UCC lawyers at the tax court trial and on my observations of the interactions of IRS lawyers at that time, it is firmly believed the IRS will now apply its UCC positions to e-commerce ventures of nonprofit organizations. The IRS positions that emerged from this case should raise a red flag for associations when it comes to the planning and development of their own online joint ventures. In essence, associations must scrutinize arrangements in which †¢ There is too much contractual control of the venture by the for-profit; †¢ Funds belonging to the nonprofit flow to the benefit of the for-profit company; †¢ Too small a portion of joint venture proceeds are obtained by the nonprofit; †¢ Too large a portion of the joint venture proceeds are obtained by the for-profit; †¢ The contract term is too long (e.g., five years); and/or †¢ Insufficient competition exists in the selection of the for-profit company. Intermediate sanctions Intermediate sanctions, part of the Internal Revenue Code, tax individuals, not organizations. While intermediate sanctions most often tax employees and volunteers associated with a 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) organizationor with an affiliate or foundation that has such status even if the organization does notother individuals also may be taxed . Typically, this might include outsiders who have substantial influence over excess benefit and revenue-sharing transactions. For example, suppose an associations chief executive officer or one of its department directors negotiates a contract with a for-profit company for a joint venture through which the company earns $1 million. If the IRS determines that the outside company had substantial influence over the actions of the association in this venture, such that under normal circumstances the companys earnings would have been only $800,000, then the excess benefit to the outside companyin this case $200,000is the amount to which the tax applies. The good news is that in this scenario the association is not taxed. The bad news is that the association CEO or department director may well be. While the outside company may be taxed at 25 percent of the excess benefit, for instance, the association staff members involved in negotiating the contract may be taxed at 10 percent of the excess benefit. Additionally, the tax applies for every year during which the challenged transaction remains uncorrected. In this particular scenario, that could mean that after four years the outside company may be taxed at 100 percent and the association staff members involved may be taxed at 40 percent. How, then, can association staff and volunteers be certain that the organization develops and negotiates joint-venture agreements in ways that wont expose them to intermediate sanctions? Heeding the bulleted points listed within the UCC section earlier in this article is a good start. In addition, individuals may get the benefit of a presumption of reasonableness if disinterested directors approve the transaction, and use comparability data, and document their work. Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act UCITA is the first federal law covering transactions involving computer information, and most often this will include e-commerce transactions. Virginia and Maryland have already passed UCITA, and many other states will do so by the end of 2001. Since UCITA is widely regarded as a vendor-oriented statute, participants in transactions covered by the actsuch as an association contracting for a new Web site or other online ventureswill face a greater need for up-front legal planning. At least part of this initial planning must include determining what changes to make to ensure effective warranty and liability provisions for the association, since guidelines provided by older laws will no longer apply. Careful analysis during early planning of the online venture will be all the more important because UCITA has its own list of mandatory, non-negotiable provisions. Related rulings In addition to UCC, intermediate sanctions, and UCITA, recent court cases have addressed taxation of royalty income from activities such as traditional affinity programs that have migrated online and electronic publishing and database ventures. The good news is that the courts have sided with associations claiming tax-free royalties. The bad news is that achieving that result without careful legal planning and drafting remains as tough as ever. Likewise, the IRS recently reissued its regulations addressing the unrelated business income tax (UBIT) exception for sponsorship income. Commercial companies are increasingly interested in sponsoring the associations activities, including those taking place on the Internet. The regulations limit the situations in which income from sponsorships can be tax-free. And finally, the IRS issued a revenue ruling on hospital joint ventures that also applies to other exempt-organization joint ventures. That ruling emphasizes contractual control provisions in the joint venture. In essence, too much control by the commercial joint venture partner can endanger the tax-exempt status. The ruling suggests a three-part â€Å"safe harbor†test for associations to protect their exempt status. First, the dominant purpose of the joint venture should be one of the tax-exempt purposes of the association. Second, private or for-profit benefit must be merely incidental. And third, the association must have effective control of the venture. Online Income Models One easy way to classify strategic online partnerships is by the nature of the income the association will receive and what can be done to make that income tax-free. It is critical at the outset of evaluating an e-commerce proposal to realize that achieving tax-free income by accident is extremely unlikely. More and more during recent decades the IRS has administered UBIT as a tax that applies to almost all association income unless it is intentionally structured that income to fit within UBIT exclusion. Contrary to traditional thinking, the income is not automatically tax-free simply because the organization is tax-exempt. Here is an overview of the primary online revenue-sharing models. Royalties Online partners may have the permission to use the associations name and logo on its site in exchange for a royalty. Partners may be licensed to use information gathered on the e-commerce site for its own commercial purposes, in exchange for a royalty. Commissions The organization may provide services and get paid a commission. That is generally considered taxable income. In many cases, the same activity would be better structured, legally and tax-wise, as a royalty. From a legal perspective, a royalty arrangement is preferable because the association would be considered as a passive licensor rather than an active participant in the business, thereby avoiding liability for legal claims against that business. A royalty arrangement would also be better tax-wise because the royalty would be tax-free. However, as is evident by their associations contracts, many association executives do not fully understand that a commission cannot be made into a royalty by simply calling it that. First and foremost, the facts of the arrangement have to change. Sponsorships A company may be authorized to sponsor a Web page, a Web-based educational program, or almost anything else in exchange for a sponsorship payment. If the sponsor does not receive a substantial return benefit, the payment can be tax-free. It must be realize, however, that large sponsorship payments often come with strings attached, so sponsorship regulations require careful analysis. For example, the IRS deals somewhat harshly with exclusive sponsorships in which the sponsors competitors are prohibited from providing their goods or services to the members. Charitable Contributions Various agreements are being promoted by commercial companies to get charities involved in their online commercial ventures in exchange for making payments to the charities. These payments are sometimes characterized as charitable contributions. If someone pays money to a commercial company with the understanding and intent that a portion of it will go to a charity as a gift, that gift may be properly characterized by the charity as a contribution to the charity, and therefore be considered tax-free income. However, this isnt always the case. If the charity provides services to the commercial company, for example, the IRS may classify the income as a fee for services. Each charitable partnership proposal requires individual analysis. Business-to-business Internet marketplaces Many associations are considering the online business-to-business model, initiated either on their own or with an outside partner. A vertical B-to-B marketplace automates procurement by bringing buyers and sellers together for transactions, and sometimes providing and/or gathering industry-specific information. A horizontal marketplace provides goods and services generic to many businesses, such as office supplies or business insurance. Internet marketplace relationships in particular give rise to several key issues. †¢ Taxation. Associations that run these Internet activities on their own can obtain several types of income, including fees for each consummated transaction. Absent a compelling argument that the service provided primarily benefits the public, such fees are likely to be taxable income. Associations that license their name and logo to a commercial marketplace operator, however, can collect tax-free royalties. †¢ Control. The do-it-yourself model permits more control than the licensing model. However, licensing agreements may provide quality control standards for the partner actually providing the product or service. †¢ Antitrust concerns. Either type of Internet marketplace raises substantial antitrust concerns (collusion and anticompetitive results) at the Justice Department and the Federal Trade Commission. These concerns are best handled while setting up the marketplace, by the way the marketplace is structured, and through specific provisions in underlying legal documents. Migrating To The Internet Some associations are migrating traditional activities to the Web. For example, publications are being moved online, as are affinity programs. What happens to the legal and tax issues surrounding these activities within an online context? The answer may be not much, or a lot. Not much happens if it is considered that a royalty is not changed to taxable income, or vice versa, by converting the member insurance affinity program to a Web-based marketing and application process. But a lot can happen if it is considered that new issues may arise that were less important, or even non-existent, prior to the migration. For example, privacy issues abound on the Internet. Will the members be more reluctant to supply insurance applications or claims data electronically? They well could be if they understand the evolution of privacy and security on the Internet. When asked about his companys Internet privacy policy, Scott McNealy, chairman and chief executive officer of Sun Microsystems, said the policy could be stated in eight simple words: â€Å"There is no Internet privacy. Get over it.†Migrating an affinity program to the Web also raises a variety of legal and tax linking questions that will not be resolved anytime soon. For instance, is the link from an association site to an insurance providers site intellectual property that can be licensed for a royalty? Probably. Can a nonprofit, especially a Section 501(c)(3)or 501(c)(4) organization, give away the linkmeaning permit the link to be used without charge? Probably not, because this could raise exempt-status issues, and for those two types of organizations, intermediate sanctions issues (taxation of individuals) as well. In addition, especially for charities, state attorneys general might object to diversions of charitable assets. E-Commerce Contracts Why do organizations signing up for e-commerce sites so often strike out in the contract department? Strike one. Association leaders sign standard contracts that take away the organizations rights. And these contracts may reflect unintended legal relationshipsfor instance, the contract may describe the relationship as a partnership when it is actually intended to establish a licensor/licensee arrangement. Strike two. Association staff negotiates their own contract changes rather than using a lawyer to negotiate the legal documents. Strike three. The association does its own drafting rather than relying on legal analysis to figure out what laws apply, how to apply them to the contract, and how to integrate all parts of the contract. Out. When problems arise later, do not expect the contract for assistance. In e-commerce, as in baseball, three strikes typically mean that ‘the player’ is out of the game. Failure to consider the complexities of old and new laws as they affect commercial activities on the Internet will reduce the income potential and increase the tax liability and other legal risk. Using legal counsel to help match the e-commerce activities with new legal developmentsand to design and negotiate the customized contracts imperative in the new economywill result in more income with less risk. Reducing e-Commerce Risk Because online ventures are for the most part still a new addition to the family of association strategic partnerships, the potential for legal and financial risk is very real. But associations can reduce their risk by keeping four things in mind: 1. A new person in the market is less likely to do something right the first time through. When the potential to make mistakes is recognized, one may slow down enough to ask more questions and seek more help, rather than trying to move ahead at Internet speed. 2. If the association is breaking new ground in the world of online ventures, recognize that the legal outcomes are less certain and potential dispute costs will be much higher, since no real legal precedence will be available on which to hang the hat. 3. In an online world, the number of potential plaintiffs who may want to sue is infinitely larger than in the pre-online world. 4. While Internet insurance policies are currently in the works, many traditional policies dont explicitly state that they cover the associations e-commerce endeavors. This itself should encourage associations to proceed cautiously in their online ventures. Of course, careful analysis and development of any new venture early on will help reduce both legal and financial risk. To ensure that the associations strategic planning includes strategic thinking about the online initiatives, be sure to answer certain key questions as an early part of a comprehensive e-commerce action plan: †¢ What new e-commerce activities are in the works throughout the association? †¢ What current e-commerce activities need legal review? †¢ What tax analysis has been done with regard to these activities, and what tax alternatives need more analysis? †¢ What budget steps must be taken before outside help is retained? †¢ Who should be on e-commerce planning team (e.g., senior information technology staff or consultant, insurance agent, lawyer, or certified public accountant)? Conclusion In view of the great importance of e-commerce, it is absolutely necessary to have adequate legislation. Such legislation must be adopted worldwide because the ease systems such as the Internet offer to the international trading of products or services, forces such transactions to be made in accordance with the trade law of each of the countries involved. The adequate legislation in each of the countries that perform electronic transactions will help the growth of e-business transactions. In view of the fact that e-commerce is in a very early stage of development in many countries, there is no specific legislation in this respect. As electronic commerce is not mentioned in any Law or Regulation, electronic transactions are not considered as valid for any enforcement purpose at this time. Meanwhile, in many countries, in the absence of any specific legislation, parties may rely on private agreements to govern their e-commerce transactions. However, the agreements will not be enforceable unless they are in written form and signed by both parties. Bibliography Barlow, J.P. WIRED 2.03: The Economy of Ideas. Available HTTP: accessed on April 5, 2007. Digimarc. Digimarc. Available HTTP: accessed on April 5, 2007. Edwards, L. Wealde, C. Law and the Internet: Regulating Cyberspace, second edition. Oxford: Hart, accessed on April 5, 2007. Free-Market.Net Spotlight on Intellectual Property. Available HTTP: 03. December 2001, accessed on April 5, 2007. Gallfent, R. Introduction to Basic Notions of Industrial Property, WIPO/TM/KTM/97/1, November 1997 Idris, Kamil, Intellectual Property, A Power Tool for Economic Growth, WIPO Pub. No. 888, January 2003 Lehman, B.A. Support for Economic and Political Freedom. Available HTTP: accessed on April 5, 2007. Lerch, D. Issues of Intellectual Property Copyright for Educators. Available HTTP:, accessed on April 5, 2007 Olsson, H. Introduction to Intellectual Property Law, WIPO/CNR/S/93/1, August 1993 The National Academies, The Digital Dilemma: Intellectual Property in the Information Age. Available HTTP: accessed on April 5, 2007. UK Patent Office. Copyright History. Available HTTP: accessed on April 5, 2007 UNCITRAL, History and Background, Guide to Enactment of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce (1996): III. HISTORY AND BACKGROUND OF THE MODEL LAW, The United Nations Commission on International Trade Law as retrieved on April 5, 2007 from Volkman, R. Software Ownership and Natural Rights. Online. Available HTTP: accessed on April 5, 2007
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Brain Tumors :: essays research papers fc
BRAIN TUMORS (Meningioma and Oligodendroglioma) I. Pathology A.     Meningioma II. Etiology A. No known cause B.     Uncontrolled division of meningial cells III. Specifics A.     Affected cell - meninges (cover and protection of brain and spinal cord) B.     Accounts for 20% of all intracranial tumors C.     Typically benign D.     Between skull and brain E.     Compresses but does not invade brain IV. Symptoms/Signs A.     Headaches B.     Stroke-like symptoms C.     Seizures D.     Loss of vision E.     Personality changes F.     CT scans and MRI’s can determine presence and exact location V. Types A.     Convexity (curved part of the skull) B.     Cavernous sinus C.     Sphenoid wing D.     Clivus and parasellar regions E.     Cerebellar (also occur) VI. Treatments A.     Surgical removal (most common, first option) B.     Regular radiation C.     Stereotactic Radiosurgery (precise radiation delivered to the brain without harm to surrounding tissue/ this is used for meningiomas that are more difficult to safely remove) VII. Prognosis A.     Excellent (more than 95% survival rate) B.     Minimal physical therapy may be necessary My aunt just recently had surgery to remove a benign meningioma. The surgery was a success and had she survived despite further complications, her treatment following the surgery was to be mere physical therapy to regain full or partial use of her left hand. I. Pathology A. Oligodendroglioma II. Etiology A. Unknown III. Specifics A.     Affects oligodendrocytes (responsible for myelin production, which covers nerves and allows for quick conduction of information) B.     Most common in male adults C.     May be benign or malignant and spread to other parts of brain or even outside IV. Symptoms/Signs A.     Headaches B.     Vomiting C.     Visual complications D.     Memory loss E.     Problems with coordination and speech F.     Mood and personality changes G.     Paralysis on one side H.     CT scans and MRI’s can determine presence and exact location of tumors V. Types A.     Frontal lobe B.     Temporal lobe VI. Treatment A.     Surgery B.     Radiotherapy C.     Chemotherapy VII. Prognosis A.     Poor long term B.     Often fatality In addition to current treatment methods for tumors (chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, and stereostatic radiosurgery), testing is being done to determine the effects of hyperthermia, gene and viral therapy, as well as immunotherapy (vaccines) as possible treatment methods. This may be useful because most tumors are more sensitive to heat than other tissues. Of course, as with all cancers and diseases, continuous research is also being done to determine specific causes. Brain Tumors :: essays research papers fc BRAIN TUMORS (Meningioma and Oligodendroglioma) I. Pathology A.     Meningioma II. Etiology A. No known cause B.     Uncontrolled division of meningial cells III. Specifics A.     Affected cell - meninges (cover and protection of brain and spinal cord) B.     Accounts for 20% of all intracranial tumors C.     Typically benign D.     Between skull and brain E.     Compresses but does not invade brain IV. Symptoms/Signs A.     Headaches B.     Stroke-like symptoms C.     Seizures D.     Loss of vision E.     Personality changes F.     CT scans and MRI’s can determine presence and exact location V. Types A.     Convexity (curved part of the skull) B.     Cavernous sinus C.     Sphenoid wing D.     Clivus and parasellar regions E.     Cerebellar (also occur) VI. Treatments A.     Surgical removal (most common, first option) B.     Regular radiation C.     Stereotactic Radiosurgery (precise radiation delivered to the brain without harm to surrounding tissue/ this is used for meningiomas that are more difficult to safely remove) VII. Prognosis A.     Excellent (more than 95% survival rate) B.     Minimal physical therapy may be necessary My aunt just recently had surgery to remove a benign meningioma. The surgery was a success and had she survived despite further complications, her treatment following the surgery was to be mere physical therapy to regain full or partial use of her left hand. I. Pathology A. Oligodendroglioma II. Etiology A. Unknown III. Specifics A.     Affects oligodendrocytes (responsible for myelin production, which covers nerves and allows for quick conduction of information) B.     Most common in male adults C.     May be benign or malignant and spread to other parts of brain or even outside IV. Symptoms/Signs A.     Headaches B.     Vomiting C.     Visual complications D.     Memory loss E.     Problems with coordination and speech F.     Mood and personality changes G.     Paralysis on one side H.     CT scans and MRI’s can determine presence and exact location of tumors V. Types A.     Frontal lobe B.     Temporal lobe VI. Treatment A.     Surgery B.     Radiotherapy C.     Chemotherapy VII. Prognosis A.     Poor long term B.     Often fatality In addition to current treatment methods for tumors (chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, and stereostatic radiosurgery), testing is being done to determine the effects of hyperthermia, gene and viral therapy, as well as immunotherapy (vaccines) as possible treatment methods. This may be useful because most tumors are more sensitive to heat than other tissues. Of course, as with all cancers and diseases, continuous research is also being done to determine specific causes.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The deforestation on amazon
Thatiana SalinasDeforestation is a longer-term change of the forest to several other sorts of ecosystems, for illustration agricultural or residential land. Sometimes, on the other manus, the name is used as an indicant to some state of affairss in which woods are concerned, for case by distinct crop, even if another forest accordingly regenerates in its topographic point. A assortment of human activities consequences in net losingss of forest country and accordingly contributes to some of the causes of deforestation. One of the primary grounds for deforestation can be the construct of new agricultural land and an untenable harvest home of trees. Today, Brazil rain woods, and the 1000000s of animals that live within them, are in danger. Earths largest rain wood is found on the Amazon River in South America. It is 5.2 square kilometres in size. Taking up merely 6 to 7 per centum of the planet ‘s land surface. It is home to more than half of the universe ‘s animate being and works species. Scientists believe that several species become nonextant every twenty-four hours. Extinction is taking topographic point because the rain woods are being destroyed. About one and a half square stat mis of Amazon rain forest, is destroyed every hr. Although, one of the most of import planetary environmental issues today is the deforestation in Brazils rain forests ; Trees are being cut down at increasingly higher and higher rates. If this is non stopped many critical side effects could ensue. During the past 40 old ages, about 20 per centum of the Amazon rain forest has been cut down. Since early European colonisation began in the Amazon more than 450 old ages ago, less trees were cut down in that whole clip than the past 40 old ages. Countless others suffer uncertainness and fright, as their lives are being threatened by those who want to gain from the larceny of land and lumber. Deforestation in Amazonia has proceeded with a sequence of assorted forces in different epochs. An epoch known as â€Å"The Amazon Rubber Boom†lasted from 1880 during the creative activity of the pneumatic tyre to the start of the commercial production of gum elastic from plantations in 1914 in Southeast Asia. Much of the agricultural land was discarded to inferior forest when the gum elastic roar collapsed. The expression of altered or ruined countries in Amazonia is straight connected to the patterned advance of human business. Human engagement in the wood is centuries-old ; they would do usage of the trees for wood or the woods non-wood merchandises, or for the public presentation of conventional slash-and-burn agribusiness and barbarous cattle-raising. A good portion of business began in the early 1940s, by the creative activity of the â€Å"Superintendence of the Plan for the Economic Valorization of Amazonia or SPVEA.†The major achievement was the building of the Belem-Brasilia main road in the sixtiess, which in add-on, started the pattern of disforesting near the roads for the constitution of small towns and colonies. Quickly, extra roads were constructed with revenue enhancement clauses, such as the Trans-Amazonia Highway, were formed for small-scale agribusiness and concentrated cattle-raising in those colonies. Finally, by the mid-1970s the decentralized rural-model had failed, a program of large-scale undertakings was implemented as an option with a significant add-on of financess toward largely the extraction of wood, cattle-raising, energy-manufacturing enterprises and the excavation of ore. As a consequence, the most of import development undertakings such as â€Å"Polamazonia†and â€Å"Grande Carajas†reciprocally came to be with the gap of the Belem-Brasilia main road. These undertakings contributed to the deforestation of the Amazon. This signifier of advancement based on large-scale undertakings that are still in action such as the alleged â€Å"axes of regional development†, â€Å"Avanca Brazil†and â€Å"Brazil em Acao†, besides related to the gap and pavement of roadways, by a highly controversial environmental impact vs. benefit rate. The societal factors are infinite and hard to understand. We all have heard plenty information and concerns about salvaging the Brazilian rain forest, but few of us, outside the scientific group of people in fact understand why a group of trees in South America are of import to us. Fewer still recognize the societal, and finally economic, costs that will roll up now and when the rain forest of Amazonia is wiped from the face of the Earth. One of the primary grounds of deforestation in Brazil ‘s Amazon is the harvest home of its timber, but there are several other grounds for the same issue. Commercial lumbermans devastate monolithic countries of the forest to reap the trees they want. Not merely are the trees torn down but their lianas and vines are torn down with them every bit good, that are connected to other trees. As these are lacerate down, these lianas and vine signifier immense canopies above the forest floor come down with them every bit good. As the short pantss of these trees are removed it is believed that they cause extra harm to anything in their way as they are heedlessly pulled throughout the rain forest. The extra weight of the big machinery besides compact ‘s the soft dirt of the Amazon with their big piece of lands, doing it about impossible to reconstruct itself to its natural province. A major menace to Brazil ‘s biodiversity is commercial agribusiness as the agriculture of soya beans and raising cowss are among some of the most terrible instances of deforestation in the Amazon. Indefensible subsistence agriculture is besides believed to endanger the Amazon. At one point in clip, many colonists who migrated to Brazil were encouraged to settle in the part of the Amazon. As they began farming they continued to farm utilizing the procedures they learned from where they were from alternatively of accommodating the manner they would farm. Unfortunately the manner they farmed the land which was suited for other dirts and climes, they were non equal for the Amazon country. Resulting in migrators being forced to relocate go oning to do what is believed as a rhythm of devastation, because the land productiveness in the Amazon normally declines aggressively after approximately three to four old ages. In the wood, excavation is besides a subscriber due to the big equipment that is known to interrupt life in the country, which besides forces the native folks to populate elsewhere and pollutes the air. As an illustration, hydroelectric dikes have been built in Brazil because its authorities had feared of an energy deficit. Due to this fear several big countries of the Amazon were leveled to construct the energy bring forthing dikes. The edifice of these dikes developed concerns of eroding around the country. The adjacent animate beings and folks to the dikes were forced to travel. An eruption of several H2O borne diseases due to the dikes caused taint in the country. During a 3 twelvemonth survey in Sao Paulo, Brazil, referenced as the â€Å"The Greenpeace study – Butchering the Amazon†is a elaborate expression into the states cattle industry, the state ‘s chief supply of CO2 emanations every bit good as the largest individual driving beginning of deforestation on record anywhere in the universe. Deforestation is considered so unsafe due to the C dioxide that is produced by all states and is turned into O in the forest photosynthesis. The survey exposed the Brazilian authorities ‘s engagement in bankrolling deforestation of the Amazon, every bit good as bring outing many of the top name shoe trade names need for leather – such as Adidas, Nike, Reebok, and Timberland, may hold caused cattle ranchers to illicitly and unjustly slaughter animate beings in the Amazon. Besides mentioned in the study â€Å"Slaughtering the Amazon†, the trailing of leather, beef, and other related cowss merchandises that are manufactured by spreads that are besides involved in condemnable and illegal deforestation of the Amazon as they supply these merchandises to processing workss, distributors, and in conclusion the consumer populace. This study besides uncovers the demand to stop deforestation in the Amazon for its cattle population and the critical demand of holding people, industry, and authoritiess jointly cooperate to set up a cosmopolitan solution that protects our tropical woods to assist command the result of alterations to our clime better known as Global Warming. Brazil ‘s rain wood is known to hold the 4th largest emmittence of nursery gasses in the universe which is mostly in portion of deforestation-related emanations. Rain woods are critical to making a balance to the universe ‘s clime due to the fact that they can hive away such a monolithic supply of C. In our Earths forest there is about 150 per centum more C stored than there is in the Earth ‘s ambiance. It is likely that in the Brazil rain forest, it is believed to hive away someplace about 80 to 120 billion dozenss of C. It is besides believed that if the Amazon were to no longer be, due to deforestation, it would let go of someplace in the country of 50 times the one-year nursery gas emanations that is produced in United States. If we want to besides forestall black alteration in clime, we need to continue our universe ‘s rain forests. Deforestation of our tropical rain woods can be responsible for up to 20 per centum of the universe ‘s nursery gas ema nations, bring forthing more than all the autos, trains, planes, trucks, and ships in the combined in the universe today combined. This is precisely why organisations as Greenpeace are buttonholing for a Zero Deforestation in the Amazon. Greenpeace is besides buttonholing for world-wide solutions to forestalling deforestation every bit good as clime alteration. The rain forest is one of the oldest and most diverse ecosystems in the universe. Very few ecosystem biomes that were in being during the clip of the dinosaurs still exist today, but scientists say that the rain forests is one of them. This big country of clip has allowed animate beings and workss to germinate into an astonishing array of vegetations and zoologies of every colour, form, size, texture, and familial sequence. 25 per centum of prescription drugs used in the United States came from workss in the rain forest. Because the huge bulk of the Amazon rain forest has non been catalogued, the exact figure of species in the Amazon rain forest is unknown. The World Bank estimates that. 10 per centum of all the universe ‘s species live in the Brazilian Amazon and most of them are found merely in that country. Despite the attempts of our authoritiess and many environmental groups, such as Greenpeace, the devastation of the Brazils rain wood has continued and has all but slowed it down for old ages. There are many grounds that salvaging the Amazon is immensely of import for many grounds. First, in the United States entirely about 25 per centum of the pharmaceuticals come from the workss in the Amazon. The Amazon rain wood besides plays a major function in the forms of our conditions†¦ .globally. Last but non least, the Amazon rain wood is the place for 1000s of different sorts of workss, mammals, and birds. Destroying the Amazon means destructing the different signifiers of life that inhabit it. The legion menaces to the Amazon are can include commercial logging, urban growing, and international corporations. In the recent old ages, some advancement has been made in the battle to salvage the Amazon rain wood. In April 1998, a new enterprise established a protected country of 25 million hectares ( 62 million estates ) , with programs to increase this protected country in the hereafter. Brazil is a land of extraordinary beauty and uncomparable biological diverseness. Due to this ground, deforestation in the Amazon is peculiarly distressing. As the losingss to our environment and the debasement of the rain forests have avoided acquiring to the point of ruin, the on-going disappearing of wild lands and loss of species is dismaying. Biodiversity is what makes life on Earth habitable for all signifiers of life. By extinguishing hotbeds of biodiversity, such as the Amazon rain forest, we are non merely destructing a portion of the universe but besides a portion of our ego. Biodiversity can reconstruct itself to its natural province after deforestation Michigans, until this happens ; the go oning loss of accomplished species will do the Earth a rather crowded, but lonely topographic point. History has shown that to reconstruct the biodiversity to the point it was prior to extinction happening it has been believed to take every bit much as five million old ages. Our actions today can make up one's mind if Earth will be biologically corrupted for the following 500 trillion or more worlds that will populate on the Earth during that future period of clip. In 2008 Brazil made an proclamation that it was traveling to do an attempt to cut down deforestation in the Amazon by up to 50 per centum in the following 10 old ages, this has led them to be opposed to forest beginnings, doing the statement that it allows states higher in wealth to non pay emanations cuts One of the jobs is how to measure up a wood ‘s present and future stock in C. Whether or non these credits, known as C credits, would be interchangeable with credits from other countries such as a power reproduction works, poses another inquiry. An easier solution would be to hold states receive a payment based on the size of the woods that exist in their ain land. If these states were to go on damaging woods, they would be denied entree to these payments. Another important obstruction would be the inquiry is the distribution of the money received from the credits earned by the forest states. Even though who has the right to the land is frequently disputed, merely because the autochthonal people would frequently hold no legal paperss. One of the concerns are that if local occupants do non profit from this plan, that they will be less willing to take part in the saving their woods. Brazil has already started an option to countervail the harm to its woods: Protection of the Amazon is an international fund. Through 2015 Norway has pledged more than 1 billion dollars to this fund. Norway has agreed to go on to donate more money every twelvemonth, but under the lone status that Brazil can go on to demo deforestation has reduced in from the old twelvemonth. As a consequence destitute households in Brazil can use can have assistance to help them in the Restoration and protection of the woods they own in an sum of upward to 1,500 dollars per twelvemonth. Brazil ‘s Government reported that as of June 2009 it was on gait to hold the lowest rate of deforestation in 20 old ages. The events that are doing deforestation are go oning while you are reading these words and equal the devastation of Earth natural catastrophes, such as, â€Å"global ice ages, planetal hits, atmospheric toxic condition, and fluctuations in solar radiation.†The ground is that these events that result in deforestation are being caused by worlds and our determinations. We are the last line of defence every bit good as the best hope for life as we know it on our planet. The world that Brazil ‘s rain forest is vanishing is incontestible. Whether it is traveling in fast or decelerate velocity does non count at this point. We, as a humanity society need to help and protect the rain forests non merely because of their beauty, but for the ground that how of import it is for our planet this balance with nature. As I mentioned before, the job does non impact merely Brazil, it is a large issue whose effects will impact each populating thing on this Earth. Except if we take action right now, because tomorrow can be excessively late.Plants CitedBeltra, Daniel. Greenpeace. 01 June 2009. 29 November 2009 & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // & gt ; . Butler, Rhett A. Mongabay – Amazon cowss ranching histories for half of Brazil ‘s CO2 emanations. 12 December 2009. 22 December 2009 & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // & gt ; . Butler, Rhett A. Mongabay. 22 April 2009. 12 December 2009 & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // & gt ; . Montag, Helen. Coolearth. 01 January 2010 & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // & gt ; . Tulloch, James. Allianz. 31 August 2009. 12 December 2009 & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // & gt ; . Vieira, ICG. Brazilian Journal of Biology. 30 November 2008. 13 November 2009 & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // script=sci_arttext & amp ; pid=S1519-69842008000500004 & A ; lng=e & A ; nrm=iso & A ; tlng=e & gt ; . Wallace, Scott. National Geographic. January 2007. 19 December 2009 & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // & gt ; . Butler, Rhett A. â€Å"Diversities of Image – Rainforest Biodiversity.† / A Topographic point Out of Time: Tropical Rain forests and the Perils They Face. 9 January 2006. hypertext transfer protocol: // Dean, Warren. With Broadax and Firebrand: The Destruction of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. California: University of California Press, 1997. O'Connor, Geoffrey. Amazon Jornal. New York: Dutton, 1997. Siy, Alexandra. The Brazilian Rain Forest. New York: Dillon, 1992. Echeverria, Monica. Falling Amazon deforestation rates create chance for other damaged woods. 23 November 2009. 13 December 2009 & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // & gt ; . Greenpeace. 01 June 2009. 13 December 2009 & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // & gt ; . Lindsey, Rebecca. Earth Observatory: How Fire is transforming the Amazon. 8 June 2004. 16 December 2009 & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // & gt ; . Carnegie Institution. â€Å"Breakthrough in Monitoring Tropical Deforestation Announced in Copenhagen.†ScienceDaily 11 December 2009. 17 December 2009 & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www.sciencedaily.comA /releases/2009/12/091210101359.htm & gt ; .
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Rise of Islam
Rise of Islam BY stall One of the greatest cultural spread experience in world history was the rise of Islam. Beginning in the Arabian peninsula and Middle east, It ruled over areas of Asia, Africa, and Europe. Islam was appealing to people In many different varieties of communities. It brought valuable changes as an outcome of correspondence while frequent In regards affiliating with orthodox local belief structure. Muslims urged new cultural proselytes for hundreds of years, beginning at around 700 CE.There were many conquests, far outstretched trade, and extended missionary movement. The geographical aspects of the Muslim people were fairly well accustomed by 1450 CE, which was the end of the post-classical period. Salami's spread was progressive though remarkably sudden given the substantial geography and assorted regions concerned in. So what really provoked Islam to distribute their culture throughout the globe? How did the intensity of Islam become so surreal? The answer is mi litary conquest, wide spread trade, political domination and religious ideas.A supporter of the spread of Islam was Its religious attractiveness. Islam represented the truth. They ad many fastened rules and laws. People were tempted by Islam due to peace, comfort, and security they distinguish In It. It also appealed to people that there was only one God (Allah), whom had no partner, son, companion or resemblance. The root of the word Islam Is Salem', meaning to be In peace with God. In document B (Verses from the Curran) it reads, â€Å"Those who submit to God and accept the true faith; who are devout sincere, patient, humble ,charitable, and chaste. This shows that Allah was fair to those who were fair to him, not bring unjust fairness to the people of Islam. Another cause of Salami's spread was due to their immense military force. Islam spread vastly to other cultures in a factor of military conquest, even though the religion was forbearing of other beliefs. Muslims rarely ever proceeded their religion with force unto people, commonly looking to charging a special tax on the opposition communities.The famous Jihad, or also known as the holy war recounted by the prophet Muhammad, was primarily used for defense of the faith. It was not used for forced conversion, even though there were minor exceptions. But the triumph of Muslim forces could generate a setting In which other people found It sensible to convert, or in which they were enticed to the religion plainly because of its visible power and accomplishment. During Muhammad' death in 632 CE, a large growth of Islam spread throughout the Arab's.This growth helped impel Arabs to an outpour of conquest, and military rapidly spread through the Middle East, involving the Byzantine Empire. North Africa was one untimely conquest. An unsteady median government, the caliphate, was devised for this West Asian- North African innards by Muhammad inheritors; it thrived until the thirteenth century. Political conquest was a major importance to the thriving of Islam. The Islamic government's primary aim was to Institute a truly Islamic society.Islam does not ponder society to be merely an assemblage of Individuals. Rather, It reckons that society also comprises of their social relationships and the social system In which these Individuals exist. These are perhaps the most ultimate factors of a society, as different isosceles are designated as being developed or undeveloped and complex or plain, according to edge and the structure of the overpowering political system, are all part of the compound web of social relationships that contribute to the structure of society.Therefore, an Islamic society, by visibility, is a supreme society in which social order is esteemed and managed according to fundamental Islamic benefits, teachings and rulings. Lastly, another aspect that caused the blooming of Islam was their extensive trade. The first converts were the Sudanese merchants, accompanied by a few rule rs and courtiers. The masses of rustic peasants, however, endure little grazed.In the lath century, the Lombardi interface, directed by a party of Barber nomads who were stern observers of Islamic law, gave the conversion process a new surge in the Ghana empire and past. The spread of Islam throughout the African continent was neither concurrent nor unvarying, but followed an unhurried and adaptive path. People who spoke of the Islamic religion and its ways of peace strode down the trade routes, spreading Islam to the merchants and people. In conclusion, the spread of Islam was due to the fact that they believed in peace, keeping religion stable and secure.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly Free Online Research Papers Locked-in syndrome is a condition when a person is completely awake and aware of their surroundings but cannot move any voluntary muscle except their eyes. Locked-in syndrome is caused by strokes that cause lesions to your brain stem and damage the ventral pons. (TS) An episodic adventure through the eyes of Bauby shows us what it is like to live with locked-in syndrome. (PS)At the age of 44 Jean-Dominique Bauby the editor-in-chief of Elle magazine suffered a severe stroke. (SS) He finally awakes from a twenty day coma in the hospital and is unable to speak or move any part of his body except for his left eye. (SS) Dr. Mercier then diagnoses him with Locked-in Syndrome.(PS) His speech therapist comes up with a communication code which consists of the French alphabet and the blinking of Baubys left eye. (SS) As the therapist recited the alphabet Bauby would blink when heard the letter he wanted. (SS) At first he didnt want to cooperate saying things like â€Å"It won’t work, Leave me alone†and â€Å"I want to die†. (TS)Realizing he still had his brain and memories he finally excepts his fate and decides to make the best of it. (PS)Before his stroke he had a contract with a publisher to write a book. (SS) Bauby did not let his disability stop him from reaching this goal. (SS) He asks his therapist to call her and tell her that he was still able to fulfill the contract. (SS) Amazed the publisher sends Claude to take dictation of his book. (PS) This task was very tedious but he never gave up. (SS) It took over 200,000 blinks of his left eye to finish the book. (SS) Every morning he would wake up and memorize what was going to be dictated that day. (SS)Claude would then come in and write his dictation down in words. (SS) Four-teen months later the book was finished. The Diving Bell and The Butterfly is an episodic adventure of what Baubys life was like before and after his stroke. He recalls the time he spent with his children at the beach on Fathers Day, going on a trip to Lourdes with his girlfriend, and his memories of food and how they tasted. he described his current condition as feeling like he was trapped inside of a diving bell and the only way out was through his memories he referred to as the butterfly. Bauby lives just long enough to see his book published. Dying just two days after the French Publication. Research Papers on "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly"Effects of Television Violence on ChildrenThe Fifth HorsemanQuebec and CanadaThe Spring and Autumn19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraLifes What IfsAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2Comparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoTwilight of the UAWWhere Wild and West Meet
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Side Effects of Prosperity essays
The Side Effects of Prosperity essays The Fifties were a prosperous time, involving economic growth and increased social capabilities, introducing many new concepts which contributed to a vast number of possibilities. These possibilities turned into reality with the transformation of a dying industrial economy to a booming one. But these possibilities brought an underlying chaos along with its prosperous ideals. The main goal of attaining prosperity was to make money. The need for materialistic possessions was emphasized as the society was looking for a more comfortable way of life. Credit became more popular as people were buying great deals of goods, and making expensive purchases to build more stable and comfortable homes. Unemployment was on the rise because both parents in families worked to increase their purchasing power. This unemployment caused already wealthy people to become wealthier while unemployed people drifted into deeper poverty. A large gap appeared between the classes, creating general discomfort of the society as a whole. During the 1950s the entertainment industry also flourished. Media has always had a phenomenal effect on the way the general public perceives things, and the introduction of the television and many new artists pushed the development of a celebrity-obsessed society. The biggest contribution to the entertainment industry was the rise of Elvis, who commenced a new trend of admiring and obsessing over celebrities. The increase of teenagers also gave the entertainment industry a helpful boost since most teenagers had more free time than the average adult and were able to develop a massive craze over single celebrities. The perception of life was altered, the media concentrated on influencing young adults desire for fun and comfort, making the resulting teenagers sway towards being lazy and undisciplined. The emergence of the television was a result of the growing knowledge of technology. The ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How to Monotask Your Way to Writing Productivity
How to Monotask Your Way to Writing Productivity How to Monotask Your Way to Writing Productivity Jane Harkness is a freelance writer for Freedom. Freedom blocks distracting websites and apps across your devices so you can focus on what matters most.It’s easy to assume that multitasking will allow you to do double the work in half the time - after all, if you’re doing two things at once, your productivity must skyrocket, right?Not quite. Unfortunately, while we may feel that our productivity increases when we multitask, practical results and countless studies tell us otherwise.When you multitask, you’re not working on two tasks at the same time - you’re actually rapidly switching between tasks without giving your brain the time it really needs to completely focus on each one. Bouncing from one task to another and back again results in â€Å"attention residue,†clouding your concentration. Learn how to monotask your way to writing productivity âÅ"… Multitasking: a habit to breakIn our age of digital distractions, it’s tough to avoid multitasking, and many of us have made it a habit. Pausing your writing session to check your email, looking at a text in the middle of a paragraph, or talking on the phone with a freelance client while researching a separate project all qualify as multitasking.But because these tasks seem so basic and unavoidable, we rarely stop to consider that this could be having an impact on the quality of our work or our productivity.Multitasking and switching between screens can make you feel more productive in the moment, but in the long run, it’s eating up time that you could be spending on your hobbies, creative projects, or relaxing with family and friends.If you want to step up your performance and reclaim your time to have more opportunities to do what you love, it’s time to say goodbye to multitasking and get familiar with the concept of â€Å"deep work†and the practice of monotasking.Have you ever tried monotasking? If not, will you try it now? Tell us in the comments below.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Evidence based practise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Evidence based practise - Essay Example Evident research should never refer to situations whereby there is whole sale imposition of research without attending to the patient. Further, lack of appreciation to the available research is not evidence based practice. Research is the main part of the evidence based practice in mental health. All clinicians are expected to begin with research and then integrate with their expertise and patient values (Schultz and Videbeck, 2008 p 418). Consequently, the patients also form a crucial component of the evidence based practice in mental health and addictions. Clinicians should also perform the integration of patient characteristics and make the final decisions wile informing the patient what is likely to take place in the treatment process. Clinicians should always make the ultimate judgment regarding a particular intervention or treatment plan. However, untrained persons unfamiliar with the specifics of the case should never be allowed to make treatment decisions (Stickley and Bassett, 2008). Keedy (2003, np) assert that Clinical research should ensure that accuracy and relevancy in trying to solve the problems being experienced by the patient. In addition, the clinical research should be unbiased. Further, the research should also address factors such as disease prevalence and patient populations suffering from the mental disorder. Consequently, clinical research is not complete without focusing on treatment methods. The research should also ensure that it factor in systematic reviews, reasonable effect sizes as well as clinical relevance. Finally, the research should have supporting evidence. According to Allen and Lyne (2006 p 78), Clinicians are expected to have appropriate experience in terms of skills that will lead to the promotion of positive therapeutic outcomes. The clinician should be able to conduct assessments, come up with diagnostic decisions, assess patient progress, understand cultural differences and
Emerging Viruses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Emerging Viruses - Essay Example Obviously, it is adaptation which ensures continuity of its kind. While the constituencies of human living cells have not evolved, men have learned how to boost their immune system. This is to maintain good health, and to avoid the dangers of pathogens, without necessarily altering normal physiology. Fortunately, increasing the body's resistance to dreadful diseases has become ordinary because of the intensified information technology as well as the new findings and concoctions in the field of pharmacy. Some may have precautionary vaccines to develop antibodies, and others may have resorted to proper medication when ill with identified pathogens (Engelkirk and Burton, 2007). Unfortunately, these created barriers to the normal multiplication of pathogens, and are the most likely switch factors to the evolution of either the DNA or the RNA, whichever is present in an animal virus that infect cells. Normally, animal viruses complete their customary multiplication cycle in six (6) stages (Engelkirk and Burton, 2007). Initially, viruses attach on recognized receptors, usually proteins or polysaccharides, on surfaces of their specific living host cells ("Transmission of Influenza A Viruses and People-Information from CDC" 81).
Friday, October 18, 2019
Private interest groups and their role in Washington Essay
Private interest groups and their role in Washington - Essay Example Each law or amendment has a bunch of monetary transactions behind it. While a conventional market place sells commodities and services, the Congress sells legislative favors. It is a pitiable condition, but nevertheless true. Numerous empirical studies have been conducted on understanding the nature of influence of interest groups. As far as studies on interest groups’ ability to influence legislative voting, the results are mixed. It is fairly clear that cultural issues such as gay rights, abortion, school prayer, etc have minimal interference from interest groups. The reason is obvious – they have no overt commercial bearing. For general socio-cultural topics â€Å"legislative voting is driven by partisanship, ideology, religious beliefs, and constituency opinion, with interest group influence occurring at the margins. Interest group influence on culture war issues is conditional, but may be more visible simply because support has been relatively low.†(Haider-Markel, 1999) Amid the generic fear over the influence of interest groups, a particular concern has risen over the notion that Political Action Committees (PACs) are buying the allegiance of politicians. The flow of money into PAC’s reveals a blatant misuse of campaign financing. For example, the PAC leadership has been found to allow special interests and big business to sway key decisions. One can garner this from an analysis of receipts and expenditure incurred by PACs in the last decade. The spirit behind limits to campaign donation is to pre-empt any undue pressure from large donors. But this regulation is easily circumvented â€Å"by giving to a members personal campaign fund and to his or her leadership PAC†. (Public Citizens Congress Watch, 2004) So, legal loopholes such as these have effectively made election campaigns sophisticated quid-pro-quo affairs. To cite an example, during the 1991-92 Congressional elections, the maximum personal campaign fund cap
Community assigment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Community assigment - Assignment Example Such drugs generally cause the victim to experience illusions and destabilize their mental capacities making them vulnerable to carry out acts that can be seen as immoral or even illegal. In most cases, the community and the family members of the drug addict are the ones most hit. Drug addict parents have been known to subject their children to verbal or even physical abuse. Furthermore, the children might not be able to have that parental connection to their parents that they so much need as they grow up (Cheperon, 2010). There is even a greater potential problem that is bound to happen; kids who grow up in families where parents or guardians abuse drugs are likely to take up substance abuse since they learn to see it as a normal thing to do. The community where such people with substance abuse issues live in will not develop. The development of the communities we live in depends on a number of aspects ranging from moral stands, education, and innovative skills (Cheperon, 2010). All these aspects need one to be able to be in the right mindset, which can be hard if they abuse drugs. Among the problems we face today globally, many of them can be traced back to substance abuse as their root causes. Unwanted teenage pregnancies, new HIV infections, domestic violence and abuse against children are just but a few of these problems. It all goes down to mental incapacitation that is brought about by psychoactive substances. When a teenager smokes marijuana, for instance, their perception of what is around them becomes disoriented; eventually they will lack a physical coordination and make unthoughtful judgments. All this makes them become easy targets for rape, or they might even engage in unprotected sexual interactions, which can lead to either unwanted pregnancies or infection of HIV, and in most cases both (Ann, 2012). Domestic violence and child abuse falls in a more parental level since it
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Phil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Phil - Essay Example Based on Bacon’s idea we could substantially deduce the thought that initiating experiments is a must in order to learn something more about the nature’s secret. In fact, we learned more about genetic engineering and its associated human benefits for instance because scientists were able to initiate studies or experiments and are still on the continuing process of doing them, which according to Bacon’s discourse are form or means of disturbing or annoying nature just to unearth potential deeper learning or understanding about it. Descartes’ assertion on the other hand is focused on separting from the natural world and so to make precise measurement possible. It is about modifying physical process from one system of constraints to another (Descartes and Gaukroger 8). Just like Bacon, Descartes could still be referring to the inclusion of experimental process in order to make certain of the nature’s essential hidden information. It is only this way th at humans would be able to come up with a definite or precise explanation how everything is going on in the physical world. 2. What is the goal of Bacon’s and Descartes’ new science? Articulate the goal itself, and why it is necessary human goal. Articulate how the goal shapes the new way of inquiry and its new starting point. The goal of Bacon’s and Descartes’ new science is to uncover the secret of the nature. For them, this is a necessary human goal because it will lead to the betterment of life. The advancement of technology for instance has been made possible through consistent and existing scientific inquiry. Various technologies are able to give life’s comfort and even improvement of the humans’ way of living and this is because of the continuing quest to inquire the world and uncover the very secret that every human being should understand. Concerning this goal, Bacon and Descartes might be implying the fact that we need to be more a ggressive with our inquiry in order to promote the remarkable way of understanding the nature and even extend our power and dominion over the universe. Today, the new way of inquiry might have a strong relevance with the ideas of Bacon and Descartes. As the human technology advances, many things that are kept hidden before us from the past are momentarily revealed right before our eyes today. Science and technology are combined together in order to promote more dynamic output in the process of scientific inquiry. Research designs are formulated from time to time just to be able to acquire relevant information that would make sense prior to acquiring the appropriate inference. In other words, though the basic foundation implied from the ideas of Bacon and Descartes remains, what is very obvious is the fact that there are dynamic improvements or changes in the inquiry and its new starting point is revealed through the allocation of existing information and developed technologies. 3. F or Locke, what is the state of nature? How are liberty, equality and law found in the state of nature? In what way does Locke expect his reader to find his natural law teaching in this state â€Å"a strong doctrine†? Locke’s idea of the state of nature concerns with men who can reach order without being controlled by someone else. It is therefore a state of perfect freedom and equality, as every one lives together according to reason under the law of nature (McDowell 146). Under Locke’
Business Model Generation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Business Model Generation - Essay Example One of them includes the platform for socialization by individuals. Most individuals use Facebook to socialize by connecting to new people around the globe, getting new connections and ideas from other online friends. Creation of such platform has enhanced Facebook use. The Facebook platform is also used by most organizations for advertising & product promotion of their products. They use the platform to create awareness of the new product in the market or increase the clientele for the new products already in the market. Customer Relationships This involves the connections between the organization and their clients. It highlights that individuals get involved in Facebook and how the Company wins their spirit to continue holding them (Lillqvist & Salminen, 2015). One way in which individuals join Facebook is through creating a personal account and updating a profile. This process is free, and therefore individuals can easily access it. The Facebook facility is easily available and ac cessible from individuals comfort through their phones; computers and tablets.The services provided by the Company are also very favorable and affordable besides being of variety. The Partnerships These are other sites that work in partnership with the Facebook Company in creating a larger platform for activities. These partnerships help increase the client base and provide opportunities that help connections and ability to share. Individuals can connect through LinkedIn and share ideas through Facebook.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Phil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Phil - Essay Example Based on Bacon’s idea we could substantially deduce the thought that initiating experiments is a must in order to learn something more about the nature’s secret. In fact, we learned more about genetic engineering and its associated human benefits for instance because scientists were able to initiate studies or experiments and are still on the continuing process of doing them, which according to Bacon’s discourse are form or means of disturbing or annoying nature just to unearth potential deeper learning or understanding about it. Descartes’ assertion on the other hand is focused on separting from the natural world and so to make precise measurement possible. It is about modifying physical process from one system of constraints to another (Descartes and Gaukroger 8). Just like Bacon, Descartes could still be referring to the inclusion of experimental process in order to make certain of the nature’s essential hidden information. It is only this way th at humans would be able to come up with a definite or precise explanation how everything is going on in the physical world. 2. What is the goal of Bacon’s and Descartes’ new science? Articulate the goal itself, and why it is necessary human goal. Articulate how the goal shapes the new way of inquiry and its new starting point. The goal of Bacon’s and Descartes’ new science is to uncover the secret of the nature. For them, this is a necessary human goal because it will lead to the betterment of life. The advancement of technology for instance has been made possible through consistent and existing scientific inquiry. Various technologies are able to give life’s comfort and even improvement of the humans’ way of living and this is because of the continuing quest to inquire the world and uncover the very secret that every human being should understand. Concerning this goal, Bacon and Descartes might be implying the fact that we need to be more a ggressive with our inquiry in order to promote the remarkable way of understanding the nature and even extend our power and dominion over the universe. Today, the new way of inquiry might have a strong relevance with the ideas of Bacon and Descartes. As the human technology advances, many things that are kept hidden before us from the past are momentarily revealed right before our eyes today. Science and technology are combined together in order to promote more dynamic output in the process of scientific inquiry. Research designs are formulated from time to time just to be able to acquire relevant information that would make sense prior to acquiring the appropriate inference. In other words, though the basic foundation implied from the ideas of Bacon and Descartes remains, what is very obvious is the fact that there are dynamic improvements or changes in the inquiry and its new starting point is revealed through the allocation of existing information and developed technologies. 3. F or Locke, what is the state of nature? How are liberty, equality and law found in the state of nature? In what way does Locke expect his reader to find his natural law teaching in this state â€Å"a strong doctrine†? Locke’s idea of the state of nature concerns with men who can reach order without being controlled by someone else. It is therefore a state of perfect freedom and equality, as every one lives together according to reason under the law of nature (McDowell 146). Under Locke’
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Industrial Chemicals Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Industrial Chemicals Company - Essay Example Also if the company should expand its existing business it should bring out new and varied products in the market. This is possible only through R&D. The R&D team of ICC keeps on conducting research to introduce new products in the market. R&D is also required in the company to produce chemicals with less cost in order to grab more markets. The R&D team in the bioprocess development produces the products that are used in the field of biotechnology. It also works in a unit that develops vehicles for the transfer of pharmaceutical products. The biological group of the R&D is actively involved in the development of pharmaceutical products. The basic strategy of the company is the production of chemicals and related products. In order to maintain better market share in the future the company should introduce better products according to the change in the market trend and requirements. (Q.2) Would operating unit control of our key R&D growth programs enhance or mitigate our chances of meeting our goals That is should R&D be organized as cost SBUs within each of the operating units What amount and type of R&D, if any at all, should be done at the corporate level SBU is also called Strategic Business Unit. ... ICC should definitely make R&D a strategic business unit as R&D is the core success factor of the company. If this is introduced as a specialized activity ICC can improve the profitability at an alarming rate. It is seen that at the corporate level a commercialization group operates to provide solutions on commercializing the new invention. The new invention based products are the actual driving force of ICC. Therefore a corporate team of senior executives must be formed in order to monitor its activities. (Q.3) I know there'll be pressure to level off our R&D spending across the company, including corporate R&D. We've got to make sure we get more for our money in terms of prioritizing those efforts to go after the most promising commercial opportunities if we're going to achieve our goals in biotechnology! How can we be sure we're prioritizing these efforts toward increased commercial success That is, how do we evaluate the effectiveness of both the R&D cost SBUs in the operating units and corporate-level R&D The company can be sure that it is prioritizing the biotechnology sector for commercial expansion if it gives specialized attention to the R&D activity in biotechnology. Mere research is not enough for the company. The researched and developed products and technology has to be commercialized for monetary prospects of the company. Especially the biotechnology sector is where new and improved developments are needed in terms of the market scenario. When the company can patent any product developed by them the profits will considerably increase. The research team should have to be made more specialized for the activity. (Q.4) How does the fact that ICC operates in several different countries affect the
Monday, October 14, 2019
Pearl Harbor Essay Example for Free
Pearl Harbor Essay Though the attack was focused on Pearl Harbor a Japanese fighter plane crashed on the island of Niihau. The Niihau Incident (or Battle of Niihau) occurred on December 7, 1941, when a Japanese pilot, Shigenori Nishikaichi, crash-landed on the island of Niihau after participating in the attack on Pearl Harbor. He crashed 19 feet from where Hawila Kaleohano, a native, was standing. Unaware of the current attack on Pearl Harbor but knowing the US had bad blood with Japan, Kaleohano seized the opportunity of taking the pilots papers and pistol while the pilot was still incapacitated. In Hawaiian tradition, Nishikaichi was later treated with the upmost respect. Since his English was limited the Hawaiian natives could not understand him so they sent a Japanese born man who only exchanged a few words with Nishikaichi, seemingly disturbed the first interpreter walked away. The second interpreter, Yoshio Harada, undisturbed listened to what the pilot had to say and decided to take up arms with him. Some days later on Saturday, December 13, Harada and Nishikaichi captured Ben Kanahele and his wife, Ella Kanahele. They ordered Kanahele to find Kaleohano, keeping Ella as a hostage. Kanahele knew that Kaleohano was rowing toward Kauai, but made a charade of looking for him. He soon became concerned about Ella and returned to her. Harada told Kanahele that the pilot would kill him and everyone in the village if Kaleohano was not found. Kanahele, noticing the fatigue and discouragement of his two captors, took advantage of the brief distraction as the pilot handed the shotgun to Harada. He and his wife leapt at the pilot. Nishikaichi pulled his pistol out of his boot. Ella Kanahele grabbed his arm and brought it down. Harada pulled her off the pilot, who then shot Ben Kanahele three times: in the groin, stomach, and upper leg. Ben Kanahele then picked Nishikaichi up hurling him into a stone wall. Ella Kanahele then bashed him in the head with a rock, and Ben slit his throat with his hunting knife. Harada then turned the shotgun on himself, committing suicide. Ben Kanahele was taken to Waimea Hospital on Kaua? i to recuperate; he was awarded with the Medal for Merit and the Purple Heart, but his wife, Ella, did not receive any official recognition. The news of the attacks did not travel fast to the other islands, as technology there was very limited especially on the smaller islands. Charles Owens, living on the island of Maui during the attacks, says â€Å"I didn’t hear of the attacks immediately, I only heard of them a while after, I didn’t really know what to think. How could something so big go without us hearing about it until days after, so that was kind of messed up. †Back on Oahu, the two hour attack was straining on. Their first order of business to blow away all aircraft to eliminate the possibilities of a counter-attack. They bombed all the plans that were sitting wingtip to wing tip also bombing mess halls and killing hundreds of unsuspecting people. Some US pilots were able to get their planes off the ground but once they reached the skies they realized how outnumbered they were, still they fought for their country and fired as best they could. Since the Japanese finished bombing their intended targets of aircraft carriers; they went to their next chief target, the battleships. The eight battleships were all hit, the USS Nevada, Tennessee, California, Arizona, Oklahoma, Maryland, West Virginia, and by far the worst loss the USS Arizona. The battleship row was destroyed. The people on them were quick to react and fought hard, but the ruthless Japanese bombed the ships into oblivion. The Japanese were sending America a message, that they were the superiors and were ready to destroy America along with the rest of the world with its Axis power allies. The Japanese had also launched out five midget submarines, these could only hold a two man crew, but they were all sunk at the beginning of the battle by the US pacific fleet. At 9:45 a. m. he Japanese felt that their mission was complete. They returned back to their air craft carriers feeling pride in destroying copious amounts of people’s lives and completely taking away others. The total death count for them was 78, a death count which paled in comparison of the almost 4,000 US lives lost. The military people of Hawaii fought long and hard to save their home but little could be done since it was a surprise and they didn’t have any proper time to react. Thi s day would mark a turn in history. This day would be a day that was often thought of in war, a day that was a reminder of what the soldiers of America were fighting for. This was the day that pushed America into World War II with a fighting vengeance. A saying often used in newspapers was â€Å"Remember Pearl Harbor. Work. Fight. Sacrifice!! We’ll remember and by God, you WON’T forget! †The day following the attack, President Roosevelt addressed the congress and asked for a declaration on war against Japan and he got it, marking the day the US officially became a part of World War II. In Hawaii, on the 16th of December, Adm. Kimmel and Gen. Short were stripped of their commands and in 1942 they were found guilty of neglect of duty and held exclusively responsible for the catastrophe that was Pearl Harbor by the Roberts Commission. Later in October of 1944 Kimmel and Short were found not guilty due to a Naval Court thinking they acted appropriately to the situation with the knowledge they had received. This was later overruled by the Chief of Naval Operations, claiming if Kimmel had done aerial reconnaissance he may have found the Japanese fleet located a mere 250 miles off Hawaii. In decmeber of 1955 a Defense Department investigation reveals others share responsibility with Kimmel and Short but does not divulge the information on whom these ‘others’ are. It was not until the year 2000 that an amendment to the Defense Appropriations Act found Kimmel and Short performed to the best of their abilities in the situation that they were given and their ranking was restored. February 19, 142, executive order 9066 was signed; this was the order that called for the internment of all Japanese Americans living on the west coast during World War II. Ironically no Japanese-Americans were taken from Hawaii. It was strange to most people in Hawaii, like Bernadine and Charles, that people uninvolved were being punished. Why America would be fighting for equality and against oppression when it was so willing to oppress their own brethren? It boggled the minds of the still young Bernadine and Charles who still could not fully comprehend what the attacks had done. The internment camps were horrible, the conditions were poor, the food was rationed and below nutritional. The children in the internment camps went to school and the thought of patriotism was pushed deep into their minds. The adults could work for 5 dollars a day or were given the option of joining the army. The latter option was not popular as many no longer felt they wanted to die for their country. Internment camps were looked at as a wartime necessity. Many Americans were plagued with a fear of a second attack or the Japanese working from the inside out to destroy them. This was and would become a continual theme in American history of oppressing people because of the fear of a possibility. It wasn’t until 1988 that congress tried to financially apologize to the Japanese-Americans that were affected by the internment camps by granting them each 20,000 dollars. Thought the camps never reached the atrocities preformed in Nazi death camps in World War II, they still left a scar on American history. In whole the attacks on Pearl Harbor caused the death of 3,500 American citizens, the destruction of 18 ships (including all 8 of the fleet), and 350 destroyed aircrafts. The only thing sparred that day were the air craft carriers.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Diabetes :: essays research papers
Diabetes Diabetes mellitus is a condition in which the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood is too high because the body cannot use it properly. Glucose comes from the digestion of starchy foods such as bread, rice, and potatoes, from sugar and other sweet foods, and from the liver which makes glucose. Insulin is vital for life. It is a hormone produced by the pancreas, that helps the glucose to enter the cells where it is used as fuel by the body. The main symptoms of untreated diabetes are increased thirst, going to the loo all the time – especially at night, extreme tiredness, weight loss, genital itching or regular episodes of thrush, and blurred vision. There are two main types of diabetes. These are: †¢Ã‚     Type 1 diabetes, also known as insulin dependent diabetes †¢Ã‚     Type 2 diabetes, also known as non insulin dependent diabetes Type 1 diabetes develops if the body is unable to produce any insulin. This type of diabetes usually appears before the age of 40. It is treated by insulin injections and diet and regular exercise is recommended. Type 2 diabetes develops when the body can still make some insulin, but not enough, or when the insulin that is produced does not work properly (known as insulin resistance). This type of diabetes usually appears in people over the age of 40, though in South Asian and African-Caribbean people often appears after the age of 25. It is treated by diet and exercise alone or by diet, exercise and tablets or by diet, exercise and insulin injections. . The main aim of treatment of both types of diabetes is to achieve blood glucose and blood pressure levels as near to normal as possible. This, together with a healthy lifestyle, will help to improve wellbeing and protect against long-term damage to the eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart and major arteries. The main symptoms of diabetes are: †¢Ã‚     increased thirst †¢Ã‚     going to the loo all the time – especially at night †¢Ã‚     extreme tiredness †¢Ã‚     weight loss †¢Ã‚     genital itching or regular episodes of thrush †¢Ã‚     blurred vision. †¢Ã‚     Overworking Type 1 diabetes develops much more quickly, usually over a few weeks, and symptoms are normally very obvious. In both types of diabetes, the symptoms are quickly relieved once the diabetes is treated. Early treatment will also reduce the chances of developing serious health problems. Diabetes is a common health condition. About 1.8 million people in the UK are known to have diabetes  that’s about three in every 100 people.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Female Rebellion In Aurora Leigh and The Lady in the Looking-Glass Essa
Female Rebellion In Aurora Leigh and The Lady in the Looking-Glass     Women of both the ages of Victorian and early Modernism were restricted from education at universities or the financial independence of professionalism. In both ages, women writers often rebelled against perceived female expectations as a result of their oppression. To lead a solitary life as a subservient wife and mother was not satisfactory for writers like Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Virginia Woolf. One of the most popular female poets of the Victorian era, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, illustrated "a woman's struggle to achieve artistic and economical independence in modern society" (Longman P.1858). Many Victorian critics were shocked by Barrett Browning's female rebellion, which was rare for the era. With her autobiographical epic poem, Aurora Leigh provoked critics who were "scandalized by its radical revision of Victorian ideals of femininity" (P.1859). In the age of Modernism, women were finally given the some rights to a higher education and p rofessionalism i n 1928 (p.2175). However, female poets of early Modernism, such as Virginia Woolf, were raised in the Victorian age. Rebellion toward "Victorian sexual norms and gender roles" (P.2175) are reflected in Woolf's modern literary piece, such as The Lady in the Looking-Glass: A Reflection. Also echoed in the piece, is how Woolf "never lost the keen sense of anguish nor the self-doubt occasioned by the closed doors of the academy to women" (P.2445).       Both of the female protagonists, Aurora of Aurora Leigh and Isabella of The Lady in the Looking Glass: A Reflection, represent the rebellion and self-doubt of their female writers. Aurora rebels against the Vi... ...r letters, they were all bills" (P.2456). The rebellion ultimately led to emptiness, as Isabella chose not to have relations to preserve her freedom.       Both Aurora Leigh and The Lady in the Looking Glass: A Reflection help define female rebellion from Victorian and Modernism eras. The portrayal of the nature of the rebellion differs between the eras. The Victorian protagonist was more innocent in her struggle to gain independence. When that independence was achieved, it was like discovering a new religion. On the other hand, the Protagonists if the modernism era no longer were innocent in her rebellion. Forced to live a solitary life to seal her independence, she was hardened by the memories of the Victorian ideals for women.  Longman. The Longman Anthology of British Literature, vol. B. Damrosch, D. NY, LA: Addison Wesley Longman.
Friday, October 11, 2019
The History of Semantics
You are just going to encounter a piece of prose as you browse through the next few lines. Yes, prose is any written matter that is expressed in ordinary language as opposed to poetry that uses rhymes, meters, and imagery to convey ideas and emotions. Derived from the Latin word ‘prosa’, prose literally transforms into ‘straight-forward’. Hence, you would always find prose articles to be descriptive, narrative, or explanatory. Any spoken and writing language that is expressed in a sentence without any regular rhythmic pattern is termed as prose.Say, for instance, any article that you find in a magazine is a prose narrative. Further, the latest science fiction you read is a prose. In fact, prose can be a novel, essay, short story, drama, fable, fiction, folk tale, legend, biography, hagiography, literature, myth, saga, theme, or tragedy. Learn about some of these kinds of prose writing in detail by navigating through the following lines. Different Types Of Prose Writing Short Story A prose narrative limited to a certain word limit is defined as a short story. It generally includes descriptions, dialogues, and commentaries.However, one characteristic that distinguishes a short story from the other kinds of prose is the concentration on a compact narrative with detailed character drawing. In general, short stories are believed to have existed decades back, even before the art of writing was known to man. The oldest recorded example of a short story is considered to be the Egyptian tale of â€Å"The Two Brothers†dated around 3200 BC. Novel Similar to a short story, a novel includes uncertain information since it centers on different types and possibilities.However, the length of a novel is highly undecided due to the numerous characters and situations included in it. In short, a novel is a comprehensive narrative on a large scale, in particular. Just like short stories, novels, too, have known to exist ever since literature came into existence. Amongst all the prose kinds, the novel dominates the industry, both in terms of quality and quantity. However, considering its quantity, its only rival is the magazine short story. Prose is a form of language which applies ordinary grammatical structure and natural flow of speech rather than rhythmic structure (as in traditional poetry).While there are critical debates on the construction of prose, its simplicity and loosely defined structure has led to its adoption for the majority of spoken dialogue, factual discourse as well as topical and fictional writing. It is commonly used, for example, in literature, newspapers, magazines, encyclopedias, broadcasting, film, history, philosophy, law and many other forms of communication. A novella is a written, fictional, prose narrative normally longer than a short story but shorter than a novel. The English word â€Å"novella†derives from the Italian word â€Å"novella†, feminine of â€Å"novello†, wh ich means â€Å"new†. 1] The novella is a common literary genre in several European languages. A novella generally features fewer conflicts than a novel, yet more complicated ones than a short story. The conflicts also have more time to develop than in short stories. They have endings that are located at the brink of change. Unlike novels, they are usually not divided into chapters, and are often intended to be read at a single sitting, as the short story, although white space is often used to divide the sections. They maintain, therefore, a single effect
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