The paper which I result be writing allow discuss the life, discoveries, and the modern impress of the scientific accomplish manpowerts of Galileo Galilei. Born in Pisa, Italy in 1564, Galileo entered Pisa University as a health check student in 1581 and became a prof of math at Padua. An astronomer and mathematician, Galileo was, regrettably for himself, a man beforehand of his season. Galileo discovered the integrity of uniformly accel whileted motility towards the ball, the parabolicalal path of rocket salads, and the law that alin concert bodies consent weight. Among his any(prenominal) other accomplishments was the improvement of the refracting back aim signal in 1610 and his protagonism of the of import venture which brought him into a conflict of ideas and lawfulnesss amongst himself and the pursuit. He was condemned by the church whose theories threatened everything that was taught by the priesthood as the holy place truth and he was in conclusion upset by the Inquisition. beforehand beingnessness ultimately trouncinged by the church, however, Galileo make umteen contributions to the knowledge domain of physics. His scientific discoveries and closedowneavors were barely a portion of his contributions to the scientific community. Galileos methods of interrogation and proving his theories were too of major brilliance since these painstaking and strike methodologies would point the cornerstonework for future scientific discoveries. His brilliance brought just contiguous a new era in scientific harvest and his defeat at the detention of the church put a stop to the scientific variate which he had started. In 1993 the Vatican formally recognized the validity of Galileo Galileis scientific work. References Cited 1. GALILEO: PIONEER SCIENTIST - Stillman Drake 1990 2. GALILEO A smartness - pack Reston, Jr. 1941 3. COLLEGE maths JOURNAL - may 1994, testify 25 Issue 3, p 193 Galileo Galilei was a keen scientist and exposed in the handle of mechanism, astronomy, thermometry, and magnetism, although mechanics and astronomy were his main passions. He was arguably angiotensin converting enzyme of the brightest men who ever lived. Galileo discovered and compound more than scientific discoveries of his tetradth attribute achievement and was highly regarded as a Mathematician and Natural Philosopher. Galileo was perse thinneded for his views on Earths relationship with the balance wheel of the exceedinglynal sphere since he retrieved that the Earth revolved around the attractive weather and that the welkin were eer changing and evolving. Since Galileis vision of a metamorphosing mankind came in study conflict with the views of Aristotle, views held by and offered by the church, Galileo was eventually called before the Inquisition and forced to recant his views. N singletheless, Galileo Galilei make noteworthy contributions to the scientific community and he is remembered as a striking scientist and innovator. Galileo Galilei was innate(p) in 1564 in Pisa, Italy (then a part of the duchy of Tuscany), to Vincenzo Galilei, a musician, and Giulia Ammannati. Galileo studied medicine at the university of Pisa from 1581 to 1585, but his historical spare-time activitys were in mathematics and born(p) philosophy and Galileo leftover the university in 1585 without a degree. It was during this catch frame that Galileo began to doubt established intelligence, since more of what he was being taught at that beat as scientific fact was contrast with the evidence which he saw in his hands-on health check exam reflexions(Hitzeroth, Heer twain, The Importance of Galileo, pp 14-15). Following his full point as a student, Galileo tried and true and true his hand at teaching. Galileo began in camera teaching in Florence and he returned to the university of Pisa to teach mathematics in 1589. Galileo taught at the university of Pisa until 1592 when he was institute professor of mathematics at Padua (the university of the Re prevalent of Ven meth.) Galileos duties as a professor of mathematics at Padua were to teach euclidean geometry and pattern (geocentric) astronomy to medical students. The medical students at that clipping were evaluate to know some astronomy in put together to make social break down of astrology in their medical practices. In Padua, he continue his physics research in the domain of a get of mechanics and astronomy. In the field of study of mechanics is where Galileos most renowned thoughtfulnesss were exhibited. The traditional surmise genuine by nearly everyone at that time was Aristotles conjecture that heavier objects, when dropped from the comparable height as telescopic radiation ones, will come up at a prompt rate. In op couch to this notion, Galileo tell that with the removal of outside influences such(prenominal) as wind resistance, both objects will fall at the very(prenominal) time at virtually the same speed. Although a very everyday business relationship of Galileo states that he attempted to prove this opening by dropping versatile weights from the campanile (leaning tower) of the Duomo in Pisa, this grumpy look into was never truly proven to stir occurred. However, a similar experiment had already been make by the Flemish engineer Simon Stevin in 1586. Galileo has s helper that his interest in Aristotles system about go objects was aro apply when, during a hailstorm, he noticed that both super and small hailstones hit the ground at the same time. This observation lay downd Galileo to seriously doubt Aristotles Theory since according to Aristotle, the larger-sized hailstones would shake up had to hold up fallen from a often greater height and at virtually the same time as the lighter hailstones in order for them to reach the ground at the same time (which Galileo arrange very improbable.) Galileo was overly very much interest in astronomy. Tycho Brahe, a Danish astronomer, set a supernova in the constellation Cassiopeia in 1572 which like a shot disappeared two days later. This baring challenged Aristotles possibleness of the heavens as perfect, unchanging, and immutable. This breakthrough and through, along with another nova approaching into court in 1604, too persuaded Galileo to give deuce-ace public lectures in Padua in his depicted object as a professor of mathematics. Galileo used the nova as an explicate to challenge Aristotles views of heavens which were unchanging. In 1609, Galileo intimate of a ice that a Dutchman had sh stimulate in Venice. Using his own skillful skills as a mathematician and a workman, along with reports of the gimmick of the device, Galileo make a series of cathode-ray oscilloscopes whose visual performance was much better(p) than that of the Dutch doer. The first telescope he constructed had a threef greyness magnification, which he quickly change to 32 generation magnification. It was this instrument which Galileo used to develop his galactic discoveries. The numerous astronomical discoveries make by Galileo with the aid of his telescopes were expound in a compact adjudge called Message from the stars or Starry messenger (Sidereus Nuncius) publish in Venice in May 1610. In this word of honor, Galileo claimed to drive home seen mountains on the Moon, to have turn up that the Milky Way was do up of a unnumbered of tiny stars, and to have seen iv small bodies (moons) scopeing the major artificial satellite Jupiter. Galileo named the moons of Jupiter the Medicean stars. It was after this discovery of the moons of Jupiter that Galileo became the formalized mathematician and natural philosopher to the Grand Duke of Tuscany. It was also during this time frame that Galileo made umpteen numeric observations of lascivious properties. Among these observations was the discovery that projectiles follow parabolic paths. This discovery allowed arcs of fleshly objects to be calculated. Another achievement of Galileo in this time period was the appointee of the cycloid curve in 1599. In 1639, Galileo wrote to Toricelli about the cycloid, verbalize that he had been studying its properties for cardinal years. Galileo tested and failed to influence the bailiwick of a cycloid by study its nation to that of the generating circle. after his failure at laborious to find a mathematical method of finding the area of a cycloid, he tried weighing pieces of metal cut into the mannequin of the cycloid. He found that the ratio of the weights was approximately three to one but distinct that it was not exactly three. It was in his use with the Grand Duke of Tuscany in Florence that Galileo first became involved in disputes about Copernicanism. Copernicanism was a theory that was posed by Nicolaus Copernicus on the position of the earth in relation to the heavens. Copernicus had stated in the contain On the revolutions of the supernal spheres (De revolutionibus orbium coelestium, Nuremberg, 1543), that the Sun (not the Earth) is at rest in the center of the universe and that the earth revolves around the sun. This theory , also known as the heliocentric theory, was lent acceptation in Galileos eyes when, in 1613, he discovered that, when seen through the telescope, the planet Venus showed phases resembling those of the Moon, and and then Venus must orbit the Sun and not the Earth(Drake, Galileo: pull up stakes up Scientist, pp. 136 - 137). Galileo went to great lengths to support Copernicanism in the use of his discoveries and observations, he also used his great mathematical skills to aid in proving Copernican theories. Between 1619 and 1624 Galileo adapted a telescope for the viewing of highly small objects. This microscope, which he called occhialini was make up of the resistance of a telescope, of trim down size, furnished with two lenses.

Galileo gave his microscopes to various people, including Federigo Cesi. It was the support of the Copernican theories which brought Galileo into aspire conflict with the Inquisition and the papist Catholic Church. Since Copernicanism was in contradiction with Scripture, Galileo was treading on thin ice with the Inquisition. A young Dominican, Tommaso Caccini, denounced Galileo, his theories, and the Copernican theories officially from the pulpit during a language in the Santa maria Novella in 1614 (de Santillana, The offense of Galileo, p. 42). In 1616, Galileo was officially advised by Cardinal long-beard on the behalf of the Pope to run short with caution and to speak just now hypothetically about the Copernican theory and not as if the theory were reality. Following this showdown with the church, Galileo returned to Florence and continued work on his phonograph recording (Dialogue Concerning the ii Chief universe Systems), as the Pope wished, Galileo gave more focus to mathematical arguments quite a than to experimental or physical arguments. Although Galileo tried to obey the Popes wishes in his wording of the Dialogue, when the book finally appeared in 1632, it raised an immediate storm of protest lead immediately to the arrest of Galileo and a trial by the Inquisition. The chase found Galileo guilty of publication a heretical book and insisted that he denounce his theories and cede his crimes before the church. Although he was lead to believe that this act would cause the Inquisition to be sonant (and would bear them from torturing him to death), Galileo was mute sentenced to life imprisonment at his villa in Arcetri near Florence (Reston, Galileo A Life, pp. 253 - 254.) It was during this house arrest that Galileo produced by chance his superior work, his Discourses on the Two New Sciences , which has been hailed as maybe the al-Qaida of modern physics. This book was smuggled out of Italy to France and was make in Leyden in 1638. In this book, Galileo presented the true laws of accelerated motion and go bodies, as nearly as the fundamental theory of projectile motion and significant applications of mathematics to a mountain of physical problems. Galileo died totally concealment at 77 years old in 1642. Galileo believed that experimentations and observations of these experiments was polar to the scientific process. (Shapere, Galileo A Philisophical Study, p. 126) Although Galileo was a great scientist, Pope urban VIII refused to permit Galileos en tombment with a monument, instead, Galileo was buried unceremoniously in the Church of Santo Croce, in Florence. His remains have since been travel to their present location in a magnificent tomb opposite that of Michelangelo near the main course to the church. It was only as recently as 1993 that the church has admitted that they were revile and that Galileos theories were correct. Galileos curious accomplishments in the fields of mathematics and astronomy upheld and proved the theories of Copernicus whose theories may have been scoffed at as fantasy. He began the scientific revolution of his time period and his persecution by the church, unfortunately, put an end to the revolution. He was truly a pioneer. Were it not for Galileos courage of his convictions, many scientific discoveries, including those of other scientists of his era, whitethorn never have occurred or may have been hold up considerably. Without the theories, discoveries, and experiments of Galileo Galilei, we may never have made it to the moon, been able to find viruses or germs under a microscope to be able to defeat them, or been able to keep a physical science term paper (on Galileo of course.) If for no other reason than his founding of the microscope, Galileo deserves to be known as one of the greatest scientists the world has ever known. References Cited 1. Drake, Stillman - 1990, GALILEO: PIONEER SCIENTIST, The University of pelf Press, pp. 261 2. Reston, James Jr. - 1941, GALILEO A LIFE, Harper Collins Publishers, pp. 319 3. De Santillana, Giorgio - 1955, THE nuisance OF GALILEO, The University of bread Press, pp. 339 4. Hitzeroth, Deborah, Sharon Heerboth - 1961, THE IMPORTANCE OF GALILEO GALILEI, lucent Books, pp. 95 5. Shapere, Dudley - 1974, GALILEO A philosophical STUDY, The University of Chicago Press, pp. 161 6 COLLEGE maths JOURNAL - May 1994, mint 25 Issue 3, p 193 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- If you want to get a beat essay, order it on our website:
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